Saturday, April 30, 2005

~My First (or Second) Saturday Six~

                                       ~Saturday Six~

Miss Barbie turned me on to this... But I know plenty of people in J-Land do this... Go to Patrick's Place to check it out!

1. What do you tend to focus on the most?
   A.  The past.
   B.  The present.
   C.  The future as you think it will be.
   D.  The future as you are afraid it will be.

*The Present... There is too much going on now to think about the past or worry about the future... Gotta live today for today :D

2. Name three famous people (living or dead) whoseblogs you would like to be able to read.

*The First Lady, Anne Rice and Cleopatra... interesting, I know... lol...

3. How long have you lived in your current residence?  How much longer do you intend to live in the same place?

*We've lived here for two years this April.  If my husband has anything to do with it, we'll be buying a new house sooner than later (see previous entry!)

4. Take the pointless quiz
:  What color is your heart?

*Pink!! How fitting... 

5. How many of AOL's journalers have you met in person?  How many have you spoken with by telephone?

*None... But I'm working on it...

6. RAPID FIRE Question #2:  Who or what is the most annoying:
   a) Politician
   b) Late Night Talk Show Host
   c) Color
   d) Habit
   e) Female Celebrity
   f) Male Celebrity
   g) Television Show
   h) Commercial
   i) Fashion Statement
   j) Word

*A). Arnold B). Letterman C). Brown D). Bitting nails (and I do it!!)
 E). Britney Spears F). Arnold.. lol.. G). Can't think of one!
 H). Bud lite ones I). Punk J). It's a phrase, "that's hot"

Thanks... This was fun... I think I might be having to do this again :)


Anonymous said...

So Happy to be of service *wink* It's my Saturday morning vice!

(I was gunna say Awnulled but his wife is the one who wears the political pants in the family, go figure, LOL)

Happy Happy House Hunting! Weee....

Kiss the babes. Love ya Chicken!

Barbie @~>~~~

Anonymous said...

that's hot and Paris Hilton who says it alot is endlessly annoying!  LOL


Anonymous said...

I need to do this too!


Anonymous said...

Great answers!! And yeah, Brittney gets on my nerves too..LO..AND ARNOLD>.HAHA Seems like your hubby likes to do all the big spending in your house, huh?...LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Great answers!
I don't ever do saturday six anymore, but I really should!

Anonymous said...

These are great!  I'm too lazy to do them  Go figure.
