Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Brave One!

Well, here it is!  Finally I have some day shots of our pool!  We just came in from enjoying the water... It was about 82 degrees and that was with out a cover, heating, or solar heating.  That heat comes straight from the sun and the pebble tech being dark!  Oh, it was nice.

We also spent some time in the spa... But the Princess likes the pool better.  Its so cool to see how brave she is getting!  She absolutely loves to swim now... I guess time in her YaYa and Nana's pool has done her good!  We do make her wear a vest... Gotta protect something so precious.  But she does most of the swimming on her own.  She spent most of the time in the pool today telling her YaYa and me to 'go there' (basically move away from her)!  Its crazy to see how fast they grow before your eyes!

Rowan also decided that she was going to practice her skills of jumping off the raised planter.  That is the wall you see with the waterfalls coming out!  Yes!  Can you believe that she is wanting to jump from that tall wall into the water??  Crazy!  I guess she is the No Fear Baby!

Our poor Lola-dog was having a fit the whole time we were in the pool though!  She LOVES to swim and knowing we were in the pool was killing her...

It's pretty quiet tonight.  Princess is worn out from swimming and the hubby is at work.  I was getting used to him being home... He was off for 6 whole days straight!  And for someone in his profession... Thats a miracle!  Its okay though.  He has to work tonight and then will be off until Saturday again!  Lol.  Guess I should stop complaining.  He will work Fri and Sat night though... GANG detail (scary scary)... But that means more OT... More $$ ;) Jk.... He loves his job and I respect him for that....

Well, it is time to hit the showers... Smelly chlorine can get to your head!  Oh, thanks to all the new people checking out my journal!  It means a lot to hear from ya all.  TTFN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK.. so when can I come for a visit?  LOL  I'm so jealous!!  It's beautiful!! What fun in the summertime!  :D