Thursday, June 10, 2004

A Day of Shopping

Yesterday was a very busy and hecktic day... I hadn't been to work in 2 days and boy, did I come back to a messy desk and a bunch of stuff to do.  Plus, I came back to find out that my office workers have started a "No Cursing" rule... And whenever we do say a naughty word, we have to put a stupid quarter in a "Curse Cup".  Um, yeah, I didn't sign up for that... So, see if they could get a quarter out of me!  I know a few good things to do with a quarter instead of putting it in a "Curse Cup"...

So anyways, after a very busy day at work, I decided to meet my friend at the mall and do a little shopping.  I had to return a pair of khaki capri's that I had purchased at The Gap.  See, I had went to store and found a pair of black capri's that I really liked.  I tried them on and they fit wonderfully!  So, I figured I could grab the same size and style in a different color and they'd be fine too... Oh no!  Thats what I get for thinking.  When I got home and tried them on, they didn't fit!  Ugh!  Make me mad... So, I had to return them... Instead, I found a pair of jean chropped pants and two tank tops in very yummy colors...

Then it was off to the Vans store.  I also had to return a pair of sandals that my honey had purchased for me for Mothers Day (yeah, so, I'm a little late)... Well, I've been with the man for almost 4 years... You would think he'd know my shoe size... But no, he bought me a size 9 instead of a 10... So I traded in the 9 for a 10 in a different color and changed a pair of other flip flops in for a cute pink purse... hehe... Can't stay away from those purses!  Oh yeah.  I also bought the Princess a pair of black and pink shoes that look like mine and her aunties... She was so excited when she saw them!  It was too cute to see her go, "Ooohhh Pretty".

Then when I got home, my hubby wanted to go to Home Depot and Target.  Boy, I swear we can't get out of Target under $100.  We both figured we would have made it yesterday... But we ended up with 3 DVD's in the basket... So yeah, that killed it! 

I guess yesterday was nothing more than a "waste money day".  Oh well, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!  Nah, we really didn't spend too much money... But sometimes it just happens.

The weather is finally starting to act like Summer.  Its only going to be the mid-80's today, but by Monday it will be in the triple digits!  Oh yeah baby.  Just in time for our pool to be done.  Hopefully on Tuesday... We'll be jumping into our new pool!!  Yippee!!!

Well, its time for me to get started on working... Gotta make the mula... TTFN

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