Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Well I did it!

Well I did it ya'll... I did it.

I finally figured it was time to 'take back my body' and do something about not feeling great and not enjoying the way I look ::sigh::

So... I joined Curves today.  My friend has a membership there and has been begging me to join too.  Well, I did it.  I went today and signed up.  Not only do you have to fill out paper work, but you have to get weighed (BOO! no one likes that) and measured.  They even calculate your body fat mass! Ugh. Could it get anymore depressing?  Nah, it wasn't that bad... After all that I did my first 30 min work out!  It was fun and hard work, but I'm glad I did it.

I'm also going back to Weight Watchers starting next Tuesday (hey! there IS a holiday coming up) so hopefully with both WW and Curves, I'll start losing some weight and start feeling better about myself.  The first time I did WW I lost a total of 25lbs.  But then I stopped going because I got tired of counting points and not enjoying the goodies... Oh well... Thats what you use the flex points for I guess ;)

So, I am turning over a new leaf!  No more of not liking the way I look... I'm going to make myself better... Besides, if the hubby and I do want to have another bambino anytime soon, its better not to weigh as much as I do now and get preggo.


The Robonator and I are home alone tonight.  Hubby is working so it is just us.  We've had our dinner (left over chicken sandwiches and brocolli) and now we are going to watch all the TV shows that I have DVR'ed the last few nights... Or maybe go enjoy the spa... Definetly will have to put the Princess' vest on right when we walk out the door. Lol.

Hope all have a wonderful evening and then a wonderful Thursday... TTFN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, no... getting weighed and measured shouldn't be depressing. It's empowering.  You're taking charge. And in order to take charge, you have to know what you're up against.  You'll be glad you did when you go for another weigh and measure and find what you've accomplished!!  So smile!  You're on your way to better health!!  :D

[P.S. I know this just sounds like skinny girl yackety-yack, but I actually lost an inspiring amount of weight 3 years ago.  So I speak from experience!  :D]