Monday, June 28, 2004

Sunday Sunday....

Well I guess this weekend was pretty uneventful all around.  We didn't do much on any particular day... Mostly swimming and hanging about outside.  I guess it was a lazy weekend.

We spent yesterday just hanging around.  Had lunch from a little mexican shop in our town and then went outside and watched the mutts play.  Honey had to go back to work, so he had to get all of his stuff ready... So yesterday was blah.

Robo and I did go to my parents house for dinner though.  That was nice.  We had a roast that my mom put on the BBQ and some baked potatoes.  And don't forget the veggies!  We had plenty of those... Yum Yum.  And of course the Princess had her "Mickey's" after dinner.  "Mickey's" are fruit snacks that she just adores...

I do get to go and have a little bit of me time after work today.  I have to go and get my nails done... Its way passed the time to get them filled!  So, an hour to myself is a nice treat... Especially with not having to worry about what the Princess is getting into.

Well... This was short but sweet... I've gotta go get working on Payroll.  And my nieces are at work today! Just love those girls to death... Hope all have a wonderful week... TTFN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BBQ... Mmmmmm....