Friday, June 25, 2004


Today was a very nice Friday!  We got to sleep in... Not as late as we usually do, or like... Because we were woken up by the 'grass man' cutting our grass and remembered we had to give him money.  But we still got to sleep in.

We decided to go and check out some Mohawk flooring at the local floor covering store!  We are tired of our carpet.  Between a kid and a dog and 2 cats... Not to mention us... We've worn it out!  So, we found something we liked and they came and took measurements to give us a quote... Hopefully it is something we can afford!  I think it would add so much to our house!

Then it was off to Target!  Man, do we love that store!  We never seem to get out of there under $100!!  So, today we bought a baby shower gift, 3 beach towels (on clearance for $6 each), 2 DVD's, 2 beautiful oil lamps (the kind for outside, like a tiki tourch, for $11 each) and some other bunk!  Man... Man... Man... We love to shop :)

My mom and I got our hair done today... I love going together... It gives us some girl time and gives me time away from the Princess.  God knows I love that child, but everyone needs a break.  So, the Grandpa got to watch his girl... Daddy had to go do Gang Detail so it was Grandpa's day to watch the Robonator.  She sure loves her "BUBBA" (thats how Grandpa comes out).

YaYa and Bubba came over for BBQ'ed hamburgers and some swimming.  YaYa also brought over some dresses that my grandmother, Rowan's great-grandmother (Te-Te) bought her... As you can see from the pics, she loved them!

Oh, yeah... Did ya catch the Princess on the potty?  I just had to put those on here.  They are too cute!  It shows so much of her personality... And how clever she is!

Well, I'm going to go watch 50 First Dates and then head off to bed.  I hope all have a wonderful, fun filled weekend.  TTFN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL... Forget the trash can!  Look at that cutie on the potty!! Tehehe.. she really looks like she's "reading"... too funny!  LOL