Saturday, June 26, 2004

A Nice Day to do Nothing...

Today was a wonderful day... We did absolutely nothing today... Besides from a few loads of laundry and dishes... Today was pretty uneventful!

My honey, the Princess and I spent most of the late morning and the afternoon outside.  I guess we are trying to enjoy our pool to the fullest and for as long as we can.  I'm sure Summer will be with us until late September, but we're going to use that pool as much as possible.

Even the doggies got to play today.  Including Tango... My hubby's partner, who is pictured above.  Tango is a bite and dope dog (which means he is used for apprehensions and to find drugs).  He is the sweetest dog though and knows when he is at work and when he isn't... So don't worry about the Princess with him!  He adores her!  And she loves "nango" lol.

The Robonator and I have been watching movies all afternoon.  The hubby got to go work some more Gang Detail (OT=$$)... So we (I) thought we would watch some movies we haven't seen yet.  So we watched "Somethings Gotta Give" (which I'd never seen and liked) and part of "Notting Hill" (which we have seen and I love).  Now we are watching one of our favorite shows... COPS... When ever the Princess see's it, she says, "Dada work"... Cause she knows her daddy is a "hero" (she'll tell you that if you ask her what her daddy does).

Well, its getting to be about that time... Hope all have a wonderful weekend.  I've got dinner planned with the YaYa and Grandpa tomorrow and can't wait... Rowan sure loves those two.

I'll write later... TTFN

PS... I've hit 100 on the visit-meter... Thanks guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first 100 visitors!!!! Woohoo!  [I know that sounds sarcastic coming from someone with almost 50,000 on my counter, BUT I do remember what it felt like to have my first 100 visitors.. and that friggen rocks!  LOL]  :D