Princess Rowan is going to go see her first movie today... Its kinda bitter-sweet for me though.... Daddy is the one taking her. I'm at work and they'll be watching "Spider Man 2"!! How cute is that?
This will be Rowan's first trip to the movies... We had ment to take her to see "Shrek 2" with her cousins... But we never got around to it... So, she is off to the movies for the first time with her Daddy...
Honey called it a "Daddy-Daughter Date". I think it is too sweet. She always watches "Spider Man" with him... So it is pretty fitting that she goes and sees the second part to the movie with him. She even knows that it is "Spidy Man"... As she calls it. LOL... My kid is a crack up.
Oh well... There will be many more movies that we will all enjoy together as a family!! Still a tid-bit jealous... But I'm glad they are doing fun stuff on his days off. Its not all the time that a Daddy can spend the day with his baby girl... <3
Today is a pretty good day... I've been at work since 7:30 this morning... Normal is 8am... But I left the house early enough (didn't have to take the Princess to YaYa's) and I guess I got here a little early... Which means, I'll be leaving a little bit early too :)
Definetly going to go work out today... Planned on it yesterday... Something came up on my friend's side... Something about a Plumber (can't be good)... Lol. Need to get working out though... Count down to Friday is only 4 days!!!
Well, I have to finish my stack of payables... Yippee for me!! Guess I'll write more later... I'll share how Miss Rowan like the movies (or not??)... TTFN
Well, Hubby and the PreTeen are going to see Spidey 2 sometime this weekend. I'm going to enjoy time off and stay home. Never was really into Spiderman, but I have some chick flicks I'd love to see instead! Thanks for visiting the journal of MySouthernHome recently. Have a good rest of the week.
My Miss Particular loves Spiderman! She has a doll and a poster. Goes real good with Dora the Explorer. lol
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