Friday, February 4, 2005

~Friday, February 4th~


Well, so far, today has been a pretty non-productive day.  I haven't done anything, besides fold a load of laundry, actually start another load and then do a load of dishes.  But hey, I was up at 9am and showered by noon... Those are enough of an accomplishments in themselves... I should be proud :D

Rowan and I did get up and out of the house for a little while.  The Hubby was taking a nap before work, so I decided to get out of the house for a little bit to keep it quiet for him, and went to my parents.  They were getting ready to leave for the weekend to go to Redding for another hockey tourney for my brother... So, I thought we'd see them off.

At my parents, Rowan decided that she wanted to go ride her bike and her tricycle... Then she ended up going on a 'ride' around the block with my dad, her Grandpa-pa.  Hopefully, with all that energy blown doing that and being up since 9am, I can get her to lay down here in a few minutes... Because I can sure use a nap too!

It is just her and I once again for the evening.  I'm thinking tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner... One, because they are easy and two, because it actually sounds pretty yummy.  LOL.  It doesn't take a lot to please a three year old... Hell, it doesn't take a lot to please me sometimes... Haha!  So, that is the plan for us tonight.

I was planning on going to Target today.  I need some household stuff... Ya know, the stuff you need daily, like toilet paper, paper towels, and laundry soap... Basically all the stuff they charge you an arm and a leg for!!  I don't really feel like going now... I think I still have a little bit of a cold.  That or what allergies I do have, are acting up.  Foggy head and sniffly nose... No fun with that.  So, I am hoping that I can get my big pregnant butt up tomorrow and go and get some of that stuff I need.

Plus, I was hoping while I was at Target, I'd pick up some stuff that I need for the baby... Stuff that I haven't received yet as gifts, that is.  I need all the necessities... You know, like the diapers, the burping clothes, the wipes, the bottles for when I pump, the breast pads (woo hoo!!) and the diaper bag... Stuff like that!  I know I shouldn't go and buy a lot of the other stuff that I want... Like a play center and a few other baby toy/activity things, because I'm sure those are easier gifts to give then breast pads and breastmilk containers  :D  Haha.  So, maybe I'll pick some of those things up tomorrow... Who knows.  I'll play it by ear.

So, the Hubby works another 9 days before he is off on vacation... Or Family Leave as he likes to call it.  I know he can't wait... He (like other guys at the office) are being worn to the bone... No wonder half of them are sick with colds and tired beyond belief.  I just don't know what I'll do with him while he is off for 6 whole weeks!!!  Aaahhhh... It will be nice in the begining because I'll need his help and need him to drive me places, but after a few weeks, I'm worried we'll want to kill each other!  Oh well, we'll just have to see how it goes... At least I know I'll have a clean house and probably have a home made dinner most nights :D  Hehe... The wonders of having a husband that loves to cook...

Hmm, well, I'm pretty much worn out right now and have nothing really to say... lol.  Go figure... This girl is tired, so I think I'm going to go grab the kiddo and make her lay down with her Mama.

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a joyous weekend!!


*tag provided by the Tag Lounge*





Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice & quiet evening. (i need one of those! lol)Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love that your hubby gets to take a Family leave with you. Let the countdown to Zachary begin...
Have fun at Target, but beware in the card dept. ;)

Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I love that your hubby gets to take a Family leave with you. Let the countdown to Zachary begin...
Have fun at Target, but beware in the card dept. ;)

Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

We had grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner tonight too!  It's so cold here in Florida today and it just sounded great!!  Have fun shopping!!

Anonymous said...

YUMMY!  Grilled cheese and tomato soup!  I love tuna on rye toast with tomato soup, that's my fav meal, but I don't make it much because NO ONE in this house eats tuna or tomato soup!  Bummer!  I was at Target 3 days in a row and I am so sick of seeing that white and red logo I want to scream!  LOL!  I buy all my cleaning supplies at the Dollar Store (floor cleaner, antibacterial sprays for kitchen, windex, etc.), but I will NOT buy toilet paper there.  For that, I HAVE to splurge and buy Cha-Cha-Cha-Charmin (have to say it like that because that's the only way the kids do) per my children's request.  Hey, anything to please them right!?  Hope you are resting up woman, the time is coming!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...


I love you So So Much!

@~Aunt Barbie~>~~~

Anonymous said...

I hope that you got your nap!
Target shopping is always fun!

Anonymous said...

I love Target!!  I wish we had one in our town.  I hope you and Rowan got a good nap in!!
