Tuesday, February 15, 2005

~It's Tuesday Already~


Oh I would so love to go soak in the tub right now... Heck, I wish I could go soak in my hot tub, but that isn't the best thing to do while being preggo.  So, I'm guessing that a soak in the bath will be something I do later tonight... hehe.

I'm so achy and feeling old right now.  I swear, I must look like a 70 year old woman when I try to get out of bed.  The cramps in my hips are getting worse and worse, so the mornings are getting harder and harder.

This morning I was up at 730am to get ready for my doctors appointment.  It was really hard to because I slept pretty bad last night.  I swear, my mind was racing with things that needed to be done and stuff I want to get done, so bad that I wasn't sleeping.  And then when I finally went to sleep, I was waking up every few hours to use the potty!  I'm complaining, I know... I'll stop now :)

So, my doctors appointment went pretty well today.  Because I'm 37 weeks along, they made me get 'checked'.  YUCKY.  Well, it was for no good too, because I'm not even close to going into labor he said!  LOL.  I guess that says something... But other than that, my blood pressure was great (120/74) and my weight is a little more than I wish it would be, but I only have 6 more days...

Then I had to fill out paper work and sign my name on the dotted line to consent for the c-section on the 22nd.  That is the last time that I have a scheduled appointment at the doctors office until after the baby is born... I do have a pre-op appointment at the hospital on the 21st, but I won't be seeing the doctor again until the morning of the c-section!  Goodness gracious!  How time flies...

The Hubby and I were supposed to go shopping today as his Valentine's gift.  I really don't think that will be happening today.  He didn't get home from work until 420 this morning and then was up again at 615am to go to dog training.  So needless to say, he will be in a pretty cranky mood until he gets a nap!

Maybe tomorrow will be better... Who knows.  Plus the weather is so icky here, I'm really not in the mood to be going out in the rain.  I do have some house work that can be done, so maybe after a family nap this afternoon, we'll do that... Cleaning house is a whole lot easier when there is more than one person doing it.

Oh yes.  I think Miss Rowan has allergies... Bummer deal.  The almond blossoms have started to bloom and she is getting stuffy and had a little cough last night as she was trying to sleep.  I hope they aren't too bad if she does have them, because living where we live, she'll be miserable (sp?). 

And yes, we did make her gymnastics class last night.  She did okay... Last night she was kinda in the 'Monkey See, Monkey Do' attitude... So seeing the other two girls in that class go wild didn't help her.  I had to give her the "LOOK" last night a few times to straighten her out!

Well, the hubby is home... Gotta go.  Have a great day.


tag lounge tag





Anonymous said...

Take it easy Kiddo.

Enjoy every minute of everyday as a family of three pickles. soon, you will almost be a jar :o WooHoo!

Love you Baby, @~barbie>~~

Oh Ya, vaporize the little Miss. It will work wonders, I promise *wink*

Anonymous said...

Hey, you just be lucky that "the look" still works for you!! HAHA..Leslie out grew that LONG ago!! HAHA

I'm sure your mind IS going a mile a minute on this last week of having only 1 child in the house!! And hopefully hubby gets rested enough ao you can go do the shopping thing. That's much needed couple time you guys need before the new addition!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
Can you believe this time next week, baby Zachary will be here? I can't wait. Poor D has to work so much, he definitely needs a break. I will try to get your gift to you soon, I am so slow at sending stuff off these days. I'll call you this weekend so we can chat before the babies are here :)
I'm getting so excited!!
Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to hear you are getting somewhat close to the big day.. I bet you cant wait for them to take the baby out.. so you can have a good nights rest! Dont worry about complaining a bit everyone is entitled.. especially preggos like you are.. :) I have days when I feel like I'm 70 yrs old and Im not even pregnant.. I cant imagine how old I'll feel one day when I am! ha ha ha! :) Miss M

Anonymous said...

glad everything is going well....can't wait till he is finally here woowhooo...lol oh yeah...and ya gotta love  "the look"...hehe....at least it worked...Hugss~Terri~

Anonymous said...

I remember feeling all those things when I was pregnant, especially with my last baby who was my biggest (6 whole pounds!  YIKES!  LOL!).  The hip joints do tend to get all achy and you just can't get comfy!  You're in the final stretch though, it's almost time, so hang in there sweety!!!  When you bring Rowan to her next pediatrician appointment ask them about putting her on Singulair.  It's a chewable tablet for allergies and it has helped Emma INCREDIBLY this year with her allergies!  Last year because she has asthma AND allergies I think we were already in the hospital with her 3 times!  And, Rowan isn't too young to start taking it, so at least talk to the doc about it so your little princess won't be suffering.  I fixed my alerts so hopefully I will be getting yours every day now!  At least until AOL screws it up again!  Ugghhh!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Yes, how time flies......Wow...only one more appointment!  Crazy!

I hope Rowan doesn't have allergies.  When we moved here I thought Casey would never make it.  I have never lived anywhere where you could actually see pollen.  Everything turns yellow here because it's covere with pollen.  ANything that Casey plays on makes her break out in hives because it has pollen on it...YUCK!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope that you feel better! I don't know how you feel since I have never been pregnant, but I feel for ya!
I hope that ya'll can go shopping soon!

Anonymous said...

You know what? Yours is just an absolute pleasure to read. I like hearing about an occasional GOOD day now and then!

Hope you got in your "soak".

Counting down the days, ticktockticktock...
