Saturday, February 19, 2005

~Where Oh Where Has Jennifer Been?~

hellokittygirlandboy.jpgOh where oh where has Jennifer been?  Well, the question is, where hasn't Jennifer been lately??  LOL.  The last few days have been mighty busy here... And if truthfully, if I wasn't doing something productive, I was seriously just enjoying my time on the couch!  LOL.

So, Thursday wasn't a very busy day.  We actually got a pretty late start.  Rowan and I were up around 8am, but didn't accomplish much around the house if anything at all.  I had DVR'd "Mona Lisa Smile" the other day and I watched that.  After our family nap in the afternoon- the Hubby had worked the night before- we all got up and got dressed.

At 5pm... See!  I told you we got a late start!!... We dropped Rowan off at my parents house so they could watch her so we could go do the Valentine's Day shopping that I had promised the Hubby.  So, we were off to the mall!  Let me tell you something, we haven't done shopping for him in a while, so he was pretty happy.

But, he did have a suprise for me in store too!  Once we did go to the mall, he stopped by the jewelry store that we always buy our stuff from to 'pick something up'... He had gotten me a suprise... He had originally intended to give me this suprise the day after Zach was born, but because he felt he was in 'the dog house' for all the work he had been doing, he wanted to give me the suprise then!

Oh, let me tell you something... This boy sure knows what I love...

He had purchased me a Mother's Ring.  Yep!  I have a Mother's Ring!!  It is beautiful too.  There are three birth stones set in it... One representing me (in the middle), and stones representing Rowan and Zachary on the sides.  It is gorgeous... I'm really glad he gave it to me before I was in the hospital, because now I'm able to enjoy it more!!  It would have been such a lovely suprise to get it in the hospital, don't get me wrong... But now I'm able to wear it for a few more days!!

So, he perked my spirits up big time giving me that... And he is a smart little cookie too, because he knew if I had gotten something NICE like that, I would be "willing to spend more" on him... lol.  What a rotten bugger...

Well, we did go and spend some dough on him.  It had been a while since we went shopping for him (we actually couldn't remember the last time we went shopping together like that!!)... So, he got plenty of goodies, let me tell you.  He was very impressed with how I just let him go...

He ended up getting 3 pairs of jeans, a few shirts, a pair of new boots and a new Fossil watch.  Let me tell you... He looks mighty cute in them too :)

After we were doing shopping, we decided to go to dinner.  There is a new place around here called "The Elephant Bar" and we decided to try that out.  He had been to one in Sacramento before, but I had never been... It is a really neat place with some really good food too.  As we were sitting there, enjoying our food and chatting, we both tried to remember when was the last time it was just him and I at a resturant... We really couldn't remember that either!!  I guess we'll be needing to go on some date-dates in the future...

Thank goodness I have such great parents that are willing and waiting to watch the kiddos for us... :::Love You Guys:::

We really enjoyed ourselves on Thursday... But we did miss the Survior premire!  We forgot to DVR it... And now we are kicking ourselves in the booties!  I just hope they have a repeat of it like they usually do... Guess I'm going to have to keep an eye out for that...

Hmm... Okay... What else...

Oh yes.  Friday morning I had my pre-op interview/appointment at the hospital that I'll be having Zachary in.  My mom went with me, because the Hubby had dog training, and I always like to have a second pair of ears gathering information!  Well, they informed me that I'll be checking into the hospital Tuesday morning at 1045am and the surgery is scheduled for 1220pm.  Woo Hoo!!  It is coming sooo quickly now...

Well, after my interview with the charge nurse there... I had to go to the lab and give blood.  Always a fun fun thing to do.  Well, the dude that was taking my blood forgot he had to take a vial for the blood blank and I almost left with out it having been done!  So, in the end, I had to be stuck in both arms (yeah, really pretty!!) and now I'm wearing a blood bank wrist band until Tuesday!  He told me that I CAN'T LOOSE THE WRIST BAND or I'd be screwed... Basically, if it falls off, I better be finding a way to put it back on!  lol... Let me tell you though, it is getting kinda annoying already and I have a few more days of wearing it to go!!!!

After we left the hospital, my mom and I went and got some frozen yogurt again... Hehe... I'm sooo bad... But I only have a few more days left to 'blame it on being pregnant'... Hehe. 

We ended up having my parents for dinner last night too.  We didn't make Baked Potato Soup the other night, so that is what we had last night... Along with Chicken and Green Beans.  It is nice to have my mom and dad over... To treat them to dinner, because it always seems that I'm having dinner at their house :)  Hehe... So, of course Miss Rowan enjoyed having her Grandpa-pa and YaYa over!  I did buy an apple pie for dessert and sent some home with them too...  But of course, I've already enjoyed a few pieces... lol... See, I told you I was being bad!!

My friend Amy (Auntie Amy to Ro) came over to visit last night.  I haven't seen her in a while.  She has started her Student Teaching as the last part of her college schooling... So, she has been pretty busy. 

I did also get a phone call from my friend Jolene in Washington... See, we went to school together, then she got married to her Navy man and lives up there.  Well, she has a son that is about 6mons older than Rowan and is now pregnant with her second son.  But the kicker is, we are at the same stage in pregnancy and she is in fact having her baby the day after Zachary comes!!  It has been sooo awesome to have somone to talk to everyday (via IM) about the aches and pains... The nervousness... The excitment... So, we heard from her last night.  It was great to actually talk to her, because most of the talking we do is via the computer!  I'll definetly be calling her after her little man is born to see how she is doing...

Lets see... What else can I ramble on about??  It seems like I've been away forever... Oh yes... I'm waaaayyyy behind on journals, so if you don't see a comment in your journal and I'm a regular commenter, I'm sorry.  I'll try to catch up, but these last few days are going to be very busy here at "The Pickle Jar" as Barbie likes to call it ;)

Oh!  I'm going to have my mom post an entry probably on Tuesday night or Wednesday sharing information and pictures about Zachary.  I just hope I can explain how to put the pictures in (Via AOL... much easier, I'd think) with out confusing her too much... So, keep an eye out for that!

Tonight and tomorrow night are the Hubby's last two days at work for about 6 weeks.  He will continue to do dog and SWAT training, but nothing else!  Except for being at home and taking care of me and his kiddos :)  He seems really excited about that... I just hope we don't kill each other being in such close conditions for so long... lol.

I'm going to go finish cleaning Rowan's room today/tomorrow... I was doing that the other day, but standing and bending got to me.  So, that is my main goal for this weekend.  Then on Monday, the Hubby will be off, and we'll be cleaning our room from top to bottom and anything else in the house that needs a last minute cleaning before Tuesday... Doesn't that just sound like a bunch of fun!?!?  Nah, it doesn't to me either... Oh well, its gotta be done.

Well, I think I've truly rambled on and on much about nothing... lol.  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 


*tag lounge tag*




Anonymous said...

OMG!! I've got major goosebumps!!!

Baby Girl, I couldn't be more happy if I were twins!! ...oops I am a twin, hehehe, okay, triplets -but then I'd need a pickle jar of my own LOL!!

I Love you guys all the way to the moon and back, and even more with every minute that passes. I'm Blessed, You're Blessed...

((((((GOD SPEED)))))


@~aunt barbie>~~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a sweet hubby you have...i bet the ring is beautiful..girl are u ever gonna slow down..?...where do u get all this energy...hehe  Not long at all now....i cannot wait to see the pics of lil' of luck...Hugss..~Terri~

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some nice eventful days..I actually thought about this morning and was worried you might have gone into labor!! Glad you checked in or I might have had to email you!!

Huuby got some goodies, you guys had a nice dinner (thanks mom and dad!!) and everything is prepped and ready to go for the new one!! Oh, I am SO happy for you!! And the ring sounds awesome!!....:)...WHAT a sweetie your man is!! Too awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Awww A Mother's Ring!
How sweet is that!!!  

Anonymous said...

id love to see a picture of your mothers ring...i remember when i got mine...the kids and their dad got it for me for mothers day several years ago...i think it is one of the most precious gifts i ever i know that u will love yours just as much....glad to hear that things are moving along well and u are about ready to have that bouncing baby boy!


Anonymous said... sounds like you've been super busy....I guess there was just a lot to catch up

I would love to have a mother's ring.  SInce I only have one, I would have to do hubby and I with Casey in the middle....I guess I'd have to call it a family ring.heehee

Can't wait to see pics of baby Zachary!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!  The day is almost here.  I'm so excited for you, Jen.  I wish you an easy and speedy delivery...and even more importantly, a happy, healthy baby boy.

Lots of love to you!  Let us know ASAP.

...And Then There Were Four

Anonymous said...

When you wrote Tuesday I almost freaked out because it's already Sunday, so I can't imagine what you are feeling like!!!  Because you are getting a c-section I think that would make me more nervous with an ACTUAL date that Wacky Zachy is coming instead of guessing!  I am so happy for you!!!!!!  And, thank you for having your Mom post an update and pics of the little guy!  I hope she will be able to do it, because I am just dying to know what he looks like!  :)  I am also happy that you and hubby were able to spend alone time together.  It won't come as often after you have 2 children, trust me, so this time is something you will forever cherish!  What a beautiful present with the mother's ring he bought for you!!  Your hubby is such a sweetheart!!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

you have been busy!
I cant wait for the entry by your mom!
whooty hooty!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!!

Haven't left a comment in a while (been insanely busy myself!!) but ... I just wanted to wish you the best of luck on Tuesday!!  Can't wait to see pics of Zachary when he gets here!!



Anonymous said...

Geez, I feel like I want to pitch in a little. You're making me look bad here!

In a rare, lucid moment here, I'd just like to send you my best wishes for the upcoming happy event. I can't wait to hear all is well. Everyone's happy for you and your husband out here!


Anonymous said...

HI, JENNIFER!!!  I WAS JUST CHECKING IN ON YOU, BEACAUSE I KNEW YOU WERE DUE SOON, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THIS SOON!!!  Thank goodness I came!!!  BEST OF LUCK WITH EVERYTHING and please remember that there are a lot of people here thinking of you!  LOVE!!!  (((HUGS)))


Anonymous said...

You've been busy! Its so good to hear that you had a nice Valentine's Day. That was really sweet of your hubby.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for a safe and healthy delivery for Zachary!

Anonymous said...

The time is getting so close! How exciting for you guys! I'll bet a million dollars that your hip pain is because the baby is dropping lower and your bones are spreading to get ready for birth. Tylenol and lots of stretching of the pelvic area. All you can do. :-)