Sunday, February 6, 2005

~Super Bowl Sunday~


Are you ready for some football???  Eh, me neither... LOL.  Just kidding.  I actually enjoy football a lot, but it just doesn't seem like it should be Super Bowl Sunday or something...

I do have some stake in a pool from work... Hopefully, with some luck, I'll pull of a quarter or two... That would be some nice extra change... Wish me luck!!

Luckily for me, the Hubby changed his mind about having people come over today.  I don't know if it is the fact that he has had only 2.5 hours of sleep or what, but he said no one is coming over... Oh well.  Too-bad, so sad :D  I guess he didn't want to entertain company as a cranky grouch!  Haha.  But, I am still off to the grocery store in a little while to pick up stuff for our snacks and dinners for the next couple of days- hopefully I make it there before the crowd gets there!

He has requested hot wings and artichoke dip... Hmm, sounds pretty good... and very football-ish.  I'm thinking we are going to make homemade pizza's for dinner though.  Those are always good!

So much for Rowan getting the hint that we didn't have to wake up at 745/8am every morning.  I swear, 8 am hit and she was wide awake, asking to go to the frontroom to watch her shows.  Instead, I told her to turn the TV on in my room and watch them there... That way I could sneak in some more sleep.  Heck, 45mins helps :D  Hehe.

But as soon as JoJo was over, she was wanting "num-nums" and wanting to go to the frontroom... So we went.  I even made us pancakes... That she is neglecting to eat right now... Argh!  She is the one who wanted them too!!  LOL.  Silly girl...

I guess I should be getting ready to go.  Its almost 10am and I really don't want to get stuck with all the crowds at the grocery store.  I'm very non-people lately... Haha.  Especially ones that will stand right next to you as you are writting out a check or entering your pin number into the machine at the counter!  What is with those people???  Sorry, just venting!!

I still have plenty of laundry to clean and fold... Whoopie!  Hmm, maybe I'll give my parents a call and see what they are doing this afternoon.  I'm sure Miss Rowan would love to see her Grandpa-pa and YaYa.

Hope you all have a wonderful Super Bowl Sunday...


*tag lounge tag*


Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm not ready for football  I could really care less :)

Hope you can beat the crowds at the store!  I just sent hubby so that I didn't have to deal with anybody...heehee


Anonymous said...

I wish I had gotten up earlier.  Here it is in the afternoon and I haven't even gotten my but to the store.  These late weekend nights are killing me but it's the only way I get a break from my precious wee little chickadees.  They want to stay up late too because they have a long school day here in the south and don't get much playtime during the week.  Well have a great day with your family and hope we don't get run over at the store by the crowds looking for snack food for the game.

Anonymous said...

So you are going to have a peaceful superbowl sunday anyways! I hate people that get in my space at stores too, I just want to scream at them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
I with you, it doesn't feel like it should be Superbowl Sunday yet. Although, we are divulging ourselves in tons of snacks, we are having a pretty lazy day as well. Sometimes it's nice to have a little party with just the hubby and toddler. Well, Lea's sister gets in later this evening, so off I go to get the guest bathroom clean.
Have a good day!!!
Much Love,