Wednesday, February 9, 2005

~Just A Quickie~

ButterflysandDragonflys.jpg  This entry is going to be a quickie for me today.  I am in the process of getting myself and the Princess WhyWhy up and ready to get going.  We are going to go pick up her cousin (my 9 year old niece) from school in a little bit... But I just wanted to drop in and say hello!

Oh yes, the countdown has truly begun here at my house.  The Hubby has a total of 7 days of work left (not including his days off) before he is on his family leave.  He got all his paper work filled out last night while he was down at the police station working out... And was even informed about another possible act he could apply for that would help him buy back his time that he is taking off from work.  I'm going to have to look into it, but another officer has already been approved and is getting money back from the time he took off, so, it looks good.

The countdown to Wacky Zachy (as Lisa calls him) has also really started... If all goes as plan (that includes me not going into labor anytime soon!!) he will be here in 12 days!!!  I don't count the 22nd because that is the actual day I'm going to have him... So, in 12 days, there will be a new addition!!  Woo Hoo.

As for today... We are hopefully going to be able to enjoy the semi-nice weather outside.  Rowan wants to ride her bike and blow bubbles with her cousin... And I rather not be stuck in the house for so many hours watching the Disney or some other channel!!  Hopefully my plan will work :D

Well, I have to run... Gotta head into town and deposit my check and pick some money up for McDonald's for lunch... The girls love McDonald's!!

Have a great Wednesday all...


*tag lounge tag*


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your girly dya!! WOW, that would be awesome if he could get reimbursed for the leave...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about the new baby.  I am on a countdown now to.  It is only 17 days till the wedding.  By the time you get home from the hospital it will be time for my wedding day.  I will make sure to check your journal and see if you have posted about the new baby though.  Can you tell me how to get to the "tag lounge"  Thanks Linda

Anonymous said...

awww Pickle,

everytime i come here i leave in tears; i'm just so happy for you sugar. you'll have your bundle of joy and less tummy in twelve days, woohoo you!!

I WANNA HAPPY MEAL!!! let me know what the girl's got. *gigglegiggle*

HUGS to All, Have Fun!!


Anonymous said...

Wacky cute...LOL  I bet you guys are getting sooo excited!!  I know I  Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy.

Hope you girls had a good day today :)


Anonymous said...

I hope you did get a chance to go outside yesterday and enoy your nice weather!!  Here it is raining and gross out, when it was supposed to snow!  :(  Oh well, have to go to work I guess.  Hope you have a good day today!!  The countdown is on for Wacky Zachy!!!!!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I hope that ya'll had a good time!