Saturday, October 15, 2005

~Demanding Child~

My son Zachary has learned to voice his opionion.

Very loudly that is.

He screams when he wants a bottle and will continue to get louder and louder until the bottle is put in front of his face!  This is a real bad thing when I'm up at 430 in the morning, trying to make the bottle as quickly as I can!!

He pounds his fists on his high chair tray while screeching when he wants another bite of his food.

And if he isn't full when you've run out of food in the bowl... Run quickly to the fridge to grab the rest of the food in the jar... Because if you don't, he'll scream like a maniac!!

The Portuguese in him has really started to come out, I tell ya.


Damn Derek and his heritage :)




Both of my plans that I had today didn't go through.

Derek informed me this morning that he didn't have to participate in the "fair" that they were having at the park so he didn't take Tango.

It also rained cats and dogs this morning so I wasn't about to drag myself and the kiddos out this afternoon and sit on wet, cold benches at my nieces football/cheerleading thing.


So do you know what I did instead?


I went to Target.

My Favorite Place!!


This time I got things that I really had to get.  Laundry detergant, diapers, wipes and baby food. 

Baby food that I always drop when I'm at Target.

Yep, the last time I bought baby food at Target, I broke a jar of it.

Then today I did the same thing!  Really, it wasn't my fault because they stack them so horribly, but I still felt bad just the same!


After Target, I went to the grocery store where I proceeded to spend more money and stock up on food that will only last a good week or so in our house.

More baby food (very small selection at Target) and food for dinner tonight... That didn't get made!!


Yep, we were supposed to have Taco's tonight, but that didn't happen.

Me being the blondie that I am, I didn't realize that we didn't have any refried beans at home (we usually have 2 cans or so) and when I went to start making dinner, I realized and blew off the idea of making dinner!

So Rowan and I went to "Jack in the Box" and got some unhealthy food :)

But it was oh-so-yummy.

I'll have to be really good from now on...


Well Friends, I'm going to go watch "Hocus Pocus" with Rowan.  I love that movie :)  I really need to find it on DVD!

Have a Great Saturday...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...somehow I knew you were going to say you went to Target today.  LOL  

As for a loud Zach...I can empathize.  Autumn is the EXACT SAME WAY.  She is so feisty.  Parker was so mellow...he'd sit patiently while you got his bottle and food...he'd eat slowly and enjoyed anything you put in front of him.  Autumn is the exact opposite.  I always tell Doug she looks like him, therefore she must act like him too.  <grin>  

Glad you had a great day!


Anonymous said...

Aw, now i want to go to palm springs and go to target...i love that store too!!!  sounds like you had a good night...oh and i know how zach is with the bottle thing...olivia is the same way...except i'm sure her lungs arent as developed as zachs are! lol
well ttyl hun
<3, em

Anonymous said...

That stinks that you didn't get to do what was planned! It sounded like loads of fun ... even though you still had loads of fun, so amybe it wasn't that bad!

Ummmmmmmm, Target .... I so wanna go there right now, but they're closed! I wish they were opened 24 hours and they had layaway! My friend got me a breast cancer bracelet from there the other day ... and it is SOOOOOOO cute!
Oh, and taco's sounds really good right about now!

Have a great sunday!


Anonymous said...

Boys are very demanding about their is funny he gets mad when he wants more..that boy loves to eat..Wait til he gets about 9 or 10 like mine they can really put it away!

Anonymous said...

: (

No pics, hehe.

Sorry you got rained out, Pickle. But, Ohhhhh the Target' rewards! *wink*

Uh Oh! Looks like you've got the beginnings of the difference between the boys and girls thing going on, eek! The one good thing you've got is, if he ever whines instead of yelling you can tell him he sounds like a girl. LOL. Not too funny, I know. And, you better watch out for the bottle throwing I told you about, that's next, eek!




Your ever loving,

Aunt Barbie @>-------

Anonymous said...

I loved "HOCUS POCUS"!!  That movie is one of my favs!  Do they still have baby food in jars made of glass?!?!  I thought they were doing away with that.  I used to love the baby food jars and would save them to give to the school for projects.  I am all for eating out instead of cooking!  
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

boys will be boys. sorry you were rained out. come on over for some news at the ranch and a live web cam visit to africa when you get to africa be patient and you will see some great animals with live sound

Anonymous said...

Don't know if being a boy has anything to do with it, but I can say being the baby of the family may ;)

He'll also pick things up from Rowan... so, he'll do things earlier than she did....

He's just learned that crying gets him what he wants, so it gets louder :)  If he does start throwing his bottle, don't give it back to him.  You'll make it a game if you do :)

Or maybe the boy is just starvin!  :)

Target, gotta love them.  Sorry about missing your niece's game, though....  

Have a good one, too, Jenn  :)


Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how kids use their vocals to express what they want?  Too cute!

Mmmm...tacos sound yummy!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Mr. Zach knows exactly what to do to get what he wants!
Sorry I am so behind...catching up now.