Tuesday, October 25, 2005

~Halloween Candy Will Be the Death of Me~

Did you know how dangerous it is to have "Good" Halloween candy in your house before Halloween???

Oh it is.  Let me tell you.

We started off with two bags of candy.  One with "Good" chocolate candy and the other with a mixture of sweet candy like Skittles and Lolipops.  Well, because we broke into the "good" candy, my mom decided that she'd get another bag to replace what we had eaten.

A few days later... Another bag was bought to replace what more we had eaten!!  Can you guess what was one of the things I bought at Target was yesterday???

Yep.  Another Big Bag of "Good" Chocolate Candy!!

This one has Almond Joys and Mounds... Peanut Butter Cups and Whoopers... Oh my.

Halloween Candy will be the Death of Me :)


So yesterday was Rowan's gymnastics Halloween celebration... I am sure that you notice that there aren't any pictures here... So, can you guess what I forgot??

Yep, that is right... The camera :X

But I did pick up a disposable camera at Target :)  Good Mommy!!  So, now I have to use the rest of the exposures and get them developed- something I haven't done in FOREVER- before I can share them with you all.

Hey!  At least I got some picture though :D


I'm struggling with a Monster Headache right now.  I don't know what is up, but I've had a headache on and off since Saturday night.  I'm not going to complain too much, because I know there are other people out there that suffer from headaches much worse than mine (((Lisa))).  But no matter how much caffine I have or how many Advil I take... It is still there.

I think it is from my lack of sleep.

Oh well.

Zach is still not sleeping all night.  I don't know what happened.  For a while he was going from about 10pm-5am or so... Then it was waking up around 3 or 4am for a bottle and sleeping until 730.

We don't get it.  I'm not sure if it is him not feeling good for one reason or another.  It does look like he might be getting another tooth or if it is him having gas pains in his belly...

Because let me tell you.  Zach is a Champion Farter!!  That boy can clear a room... And he is only 8 months old :D

Anyone have any ideas on how to get his cute little butt to sleep all night long???

I'd love some suggestions...




Tonight Rowan has dance class.  I'm sure nothing much will get done this evening because it is their Halloween Celebration too.  Oh well.  As long as Rowan is having fun right?? :)

After Ro's dance class, I think I'm going to run to my friend Amy's house and pick up the pumpkins that she got for us.

See, Amy lives in the country and the field down from her house had been long picked over from their harvest of Pumpkins and they know the owner of the field.  Well, I guess he doesn't mind them coming into the field and picking the remaining pumpkins before they get disced over... So, that is how we are getting 5 big and nice pumpkins :)

Derek had planned on carving the pumpkins tomorrow with Rowan... But that won't be happening.

He was ordered to work for some special task force.  Oh well.  The OT will be good for our bank account :)  And the more that he works and does those special things, the better he looks to other people...

The better he looks to other people... The faster he'll climb up the ladder there at the PD.  And that is always good...


Well, I've got to get my butt into gear.  I'm here by myself right now... I need to get payroll done and then my other paper work.  So much fun :)


Have a great Tuesday my Friends...

~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

Halloween candy can be very dangerous :) thankfully I have not given in to the temptation yet! (notice I said yet)
I hope that Zach feels better soon (as for I have no suggestions, considering I have no children, I'm way too young for that)! Then maybe once he gets to sleeping better you can start catching up on your sleep as well! :)


Anonymous said...

Jenn - regarding Zach's sleeping, I suggest you read Dr. Mark Weissbluth's book healthy sleep habits happy child.  My first was an awful sleeper, but I followed Weissbluth's suggestions with the second and have seen wondrous things.  E-mail or IM me for more info if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

maybe give him some cereal before bed.

Anonymous said...

haha loved that title!!!  jenn put the bag down, haha...oh well halloween only comes once a year right???
enjoy pickle!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if Halloween candy is going to be the death of you, then we can make it a dual funeral. I have to remember not to buy it until October 30th next year...might actually have some left for the Trick or Treaters...


Anonymous said...

I won't buyt it until Friday, and there still might not be any left on Monday!

I have withdrew from eating Reese Cups for over 5 months, I can't give in now and spoil it!

Pickles got pictures, blah blah blah, stop teasing.  Just do what you gotta do and do it!

Funny thing about headaches and caffeine...it doesn't work!  My G-Pop just had a massage therapist come out to the house the other day.  Where am I going with this?  Shut up and keep reading.  All it took was hearing my mom say massage and I flew up those stairs.  I sat down and this chick put her hands on my head and right away said, "Do you suffer from headaches?"  Yes. "Do you drink lots of caffeine?" Yes.  "That's making it worse."  You most likely are suffering from slight dehydration.  Headaches up front are caused by that, among other things."  She then went on to say, "Do you feel the heat on your head?" I said yeah.  "Boy, you have a lot of energy up in here."  I said, try living in there, it's exhausting!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the life of a wife with a hubby on the police force huh?  Must be so hard.  And, don't think  you can't complain about a headache because of my headaches!  Girl, you complain away!!!!!!!!!!  Sounds like you have a sleep deprivation headache.  I used to hate those when the kids were babies.  I can't give you any advice about how to get Zach to sleep better.  Babies change their minds constantly and you just get used to one routine and they switch it up on you.  But, after a few years, they are fine, you just have to tough it out another 1 1/2 years.  LOL!  I bought Halloween candy two weeks ago and haven't even touched it.  Aren't you proud of me?  Well, don't be, I also bought those Lil' Debbie Peanut Butter cookie things and I have been eating a package of those every single night.  YIKES!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I haven't even bought any Halloween candy yet... well, we say it's for Halloween but then we keep eating it.  I guess I'll have to really hide some in this house somewhere.  In fact eating the M n M's while in your entry-LoL!  I just love the peanut ones.  Sorry to hear about lack of sleep and monster headache!!  Funny about Zach clearing out rooms!  Does he eat any cereal before bed?  That used to do the trick everytime for my little ones... a nice warm bath, some rocking and a tummy full of cereal and a bottle.  Worked every time.  OT for Derek- yay!!  I wish we could get some more.  Things are tight lately and it has me bummed out.  Sigh.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Oh...you and I are just soooo alike.  I swear, Doug and I could eat a whole bag of those little candies in about 12 hours.  LOL  They're so addicting!  And because they're so small, you don't feel like a pig.  I think that makes them even more dangerous.  =)

Do you think the headache could be caused by all the chocolate caffiene???  <grin>

Hope you're feeling better.  (I'm sure you probably are by now...I'm so far behind on my journal reading.  Sorry!)


Anonymous said...

You and your candy! lol
I love halloween candy too, but I refuse to have it in my house, thats why its all @ Autumn's mom's house where we will be handing it out!

Anonymous said...

I love peanut butter cups...lol  I keep raiding Casey's candy...yummy!!

I have no suggestions on how to get Zach to sleep through the night.  Are you breast feeding?  If so, maybe give him a bottle of formula at night.  


Anonymous said...

I think the subject line says it all. Thats pretty much how I felt.