Tuesday, October 11, 2005

~Oops, I did it Again~

I don't have much time this morning.

It is a busy busy day at work this morning.  Just two of us in the office today, doing the work of 4.

So, I wanted to take a mini-break and stop in and say hello.

About the title.

I let Zachary sleep in bed again with us last night.

I couldn't help it... And really, I like sleeping with my babies so I didn't mind.  I just was so worn out yesterday that when he got up and fussed and didn't want to go back to sleep in his bed, that I took him to bed.

The only thing is, is that when he sleeps in bed I get a little worried that he might fall off of the bed or will get squished.  So, what I do is basically sleep with my arm under his neck and around him.  Cradle him of sorts.

Well, my shoulders are so jacked up from swimming and water polo that I wake up in extreme pain!  They either "yell" at me or they fall asleep and then "yell" at me after.  Can you say Ouch?

So, Oops I did it again.  I let my little baby boy sleep with me :)

Oh well...

Rowan's gymnastics went really well last night.  My Dad and I both went... So you know she was showing off a little bit.  She loves that class... And I can't believe how much she is excelling.  I look at the "big girls" and hope that she'll enjoy it so much that she'll want to continue and be able to do the things that those girls are doing.  Oh, they amaze me!

Tonight is dance.  Woo Hoo.  She knows it too.  Its funny, we'll go to gym and she'll say something to the fact that she is going "to gym tonight and then dance tomorrow".  Funny stuff she is! 

I just hope they do some more stuff in class today.  I hate to see Rowan looking bored out there... I swear I'm afraid that she'll just come out and say to one of the kids not behaving "Come on.  Get with it!!"

Speaking of Rowan and coming out and doing something...

I was on my way home from work yesterday when I got a call from Derek.  I just barely answer the phone and he informs me that "your daughter gave me a bloody nose".  I was shocked!  Come to find out, he was teaching her one of those UFC moves where the person grabs the other person behind their head and then proceeds to shove the head into their knee.  Well, I guess she was able to do it before he could block her and she got him good enough to make his nose bleed.

I told him that is what he gets for teaching her those things :)  But really, I don't mind that she is learning this stuff... For self-protection and all... But I just don't want her to haul off and beat up some kid later down the road in school because they pissed her off.  I guess we'll just have to keep instilling in her that it is only for protection and for playing with Daddy!

And that ladies and gentlemen is all I've got!!!

Hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Tuesday... Mine is going to be (as if it isn't already!!) pretty darn busy!!



Anonymous said...

Well, there's noting wrong with bringing him to bed with you from time to time, he's young enough that you can make sure he doesn't get to attached to the idea.

Dude, tell hubby to keep a camera ready at all times, I would have loved to have seen that bloody nose...would have given me a good laugh!  Hey, I'll just go give Bill one...I'm in one of those moods.

Anonymous said...


Holy Crap! *wink* way to teach your daughter, Derek!! WooHoo!!! -no worries if she ever gets out of hard with it, Baby Girl (the idea is very slim), you're off the hook. "I'm sorry, my daddy taught me that." LOL

Have a great day, Sweet Thing. And, remember to take time for you,k? (and the camera to dance!)


Barbie @>---------

Anonymous said...

Hee-hee on Rowan giving Daddy a bloody nose!  That will teach him!  LOL!  As you know I find NOTHING wrong with your little one sleeping in bed with you.  It helps you to get sleep and he is probably the most peaceful he has ever been knowing that his Momma is right there with him.  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

oh yeah u watch ufc too i love it!!!!!go rowan

Anonymous said...

AWWE..Glad little Zach got to stay in bed with you.we wouldn't want him to feel left out would we..and he has been so sick..

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful day....I love hearing about rowans classes...i wish my mom would have signed me up for them when i was yonger...I hope olivia will want to do them when she gets older...i love watching them!
well ttyl !

Anonymous said...

LOL at Ro giving Daddy a bloody nose!  Guess he is doing a great job teaching, or she's doing a great job learning ;)

Oh... and I'm only laughing at the picture of that in my head, not that happened :)

I hope she does light into the kids who aren't following the dance teacher!  She'd do what I've wanted to do, for awhile now ;)  I'll just live vicariously through Ms. Rowan!

Besides, I can see her as a leader and not a follower :)

Have fun at work...


Anonymous said...

how funny...she will be awesome with self defense classes since Daddy is teaching her what he knows and she is a little dancer and gymnast already so she is flexible...
have a great busy day....
oh yeah and all three of my babies have slept with me in my bed...Jonathon not as often but the other two every night..and  their sleeping position was almost always on their tummies on my chest...I was afraid of them being in their own bed because of crib death..I'm  a worry wart..but Kellie never left our bed till she was 5 and Lord have mercy did we encounter nightly battles then...

Anonymous said...

LOL ~ good for Rowen.  It's important she know how to protect herself.  Maybe she can give Autumn some lessons later on??  <grin>

As for Zach sleeping with you....as long as you and the hubby don't mind, it's all good.  I must say though...I am thankful both of my babies prefer sleeping in their own beds.  =)


Anonymous said...

That's it you are gounded! he he :) j/k!
You know what's best for you and him and if that is what was best at the time, then oh well! All that matters is nothing bad came from it! You still have plenty of time to teach him where his bed is! Rowan is too cute! It is good that she knows these thing though for like you said, protection reasons, but not because someone made her mad! .... oh and for daddy too, since her taught her it he he :)


Anonymous said...

Hope your day is not half as bad as you think it will be.

As for Rowan, she sounds like a handful. That'll teach daddy to not be faster than his daughter wont it? hehehehe


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you stay pretty busy!  I'm excited for your daughter being involved in all of those activites.  She will have many opportunities to exell.  

Anonymous said...

I say enjoy your babies sleeping with you because eventually they won't want to.  You won't be cool enough :(

LMAO at Rowan giving Derek a bloody nose.  That'll teach him...lol
