Saturday, October 8, 2005

~I'm Done~


There went the timer.

I'm officially done.

This goose is cooked, let me tell you.

I even had about an hour nap on the couch today but I could so go to sleep right now.

I guess all the stress and the lack of sleep from the last few days is really kicking me in the arse.

Oh well.  I guess that all comes with being a Mommy, right?


So no more complaining, okay?

Well, shite, maybe some later down the road, but no more today :D

Today was actually good.

My nieces were on their best behaviors and we had a good time.  We spent a good hour outside playing and just enjoying the lovely weather.

Then once Miss Rowan started to misbehave- yes, she gets awful when she is tired- she went to take a nap.

That is when the rest of us crashed out on the couches!

Ah, bliss I tell you.

The bliss lasted a good hour until my damn dogs decided that they'd bark to the door bell ringing... the door bell that was ringing ON THE TV!!!!  Ugh, Crazy Mutts I tell you!!

After a while, we all loaded up into the car and I had to take my oldest niece to her Youth Football game, where she is a cheerleader.  The silly thing wanted me to take her at 5pm when she didn't have to be there until 715!!  She has found that she likes boys :)  She is too cute... Much older than her 13 years, I swear.

Once we dropped her off, the kiddos (Rowan, Zach and my other niece Jess) went to Target...

Goodness, do I love that place.

I didn't have to get anything, but I wanted to waste some time and obviously some money... lol... So we went.

We ended up walking out with a Giant Jack-o-Lantern, a bag of Candy Corn and Peanut Butter M & M's, a book for my niece and one for me (Janet Evanovich's "One for the Money") , a movie for Ro ("Alice in Wonderland") and a movie for Derek and me ("Family Guy"), three pairs of slippers- two for me ($5.99 each what a steal!!) and one for Rowan, and then two puzzles for my puzzle loving daughter!!

Am I crazy or what?  I didn't need anything in Target and I came out with all of that!!!

Shopping at Target always makes me feel better though... I walk out with a smile each and every time!!

haha, I'm such a goof.

Dinner was El Pollo Loco for me and McDonalds for the girls.  I really enjoy their salads from there.  Very tasty and pretty healthy.

Derek should be home soon.

He had to go to a Stanislaus County Wide SWAT dinner.  He wasn't too keen on going, but because the Sgt had bought tickets and pretty much told him he was going, he went.

Thankfully he didn't want me to go... Those things are so boring and the wives of the other guys from the other SWAT teams are so weird.  Two years ago we went to a dinner and the wives from another SWAT team were calling themselves and each other "SWAT Bitches".  Um, yeah.  Weird huh?

Hey, I'm VERY VERY proud to be the wife of a police officer... But I will NEVER refer to myself as a SWAT Bitch.  Come on now... 

SO anyways, he should be home soon.  And it will be nice having him here.

Tonight I hope to get Zach to sleep in his crib.  He is doing so much better that I want to get him back in there before he gets too used to being in our bed.

Derek has a hard time sleeping when he is in there... He feels like he is going to squish him.  And truthfully, I'm afraid he will too :)  Derek sleeps like a rock and sleeps all over the bed... Shoot, half the time he sleeps on me and doesn't realize it!

Zach still doesn't have too much of an urge for food.  He has had maybe a total of 3 bottles today... When he usually has one every 4-5 hours.  But he did have some Apple Sweet Potato mixed with Oatmeal at lunch... So, I guess he is okay.  He has had plenty of Poopy Diapers (ewww!) and pee diapers... So I know he is getting plenty of fluids.

I just can't wait until he is 100% back to normal... I'd say we are a good 80-85%... But 100% is just around the corner, I know it!!

Well, I think I am going to go watch "Alice in Wonderland" with Rowan, even though I'm not too hot on the movie.  There is just something weird about it :)

Plus, I'm sure you all are tired of hearing me ramble on!!

Have a great evening and see you all soon...

~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

You sound like matter how little money I have, I always ended up spending a crap-load in Target.  Thankfully, I even had a Target credit card.  LOL  

What is it about Target????


Anonymous said...

I love Target! Did you see all the breast cancer awareness stuff they have ... I looked online and tend to go in there sometime next week and pick up some things!
Plus, Lady footlocker has the cutest shirt and sweater that i'm totallt getting, and footlocker has cool wristbands! I'm so excited!
Okay, so anyways! you always have such a busy schedule that I always read and I'm like .... sheesh how does she do it ... I feel like when i'm reading it that I actually did it and by the end of the entry I'm exhausted!
Good luck with Zach tonight! Hopefully he'll sleep well and in his crib .... he he :)


Anonymous said...

glad to hear Zach is turning a corner.
I LOL'd about the whole SWAT Bitch thing.....we recently went to a b-day party for a friend who is Manteca PD. We were the only non-cops and non cop spouses there.....and it showed. They did like my joking question asking if they were all there who was watching the city.
Keep getting better Zach!
Get some rest, jenn.

Anonymous said...

Dear Swat Bitch,

ONLY KIDDING.  What are those women, crazy???  Their husbands put their lives on the line everyday and that's the best they could come up with?

I LOVE Target.  I spend way, way too much money there.  It is addicting.  Just keep putting things in the cart.  NOT GOOD.  (LOL)

Hope your little guy is back to 100% real soon!


Anonymous said...

I love Target too.  You deserve a shopping break.  U get some rest and give Zach a big hug from all of us.

Anonymous said...

Love shopping and naps.  Two of the best things in life!!  Glad Zach is getting back to normal!!  Yay!!  Hope you have a great weekend.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good day... Now go get some rest!

Anonymous said...

glad things went good, sounds like you had fun :)  those janet evanovich books are GOOD.  I refuse to buy em in hardcover, tho, so I always wait until they come out in paperback.  And No ripping on alice in wonderland!  I love that movie, even if it is a lil weird.  Glad Zach's doing better.  new entry in my blog, in case alerts are wonky.  Have a fun and RELAXING sunday, if you can!  hugz, Liz

Anonymous said...

Bethany used to watch Alice in Wonderland 10 times a day and I HATED it!  I didn't like the movie when I was younger and I still don't.  It is weird and it's a mean movie actually.  I am happy to hear that you survived the day of the million kids.  LOL!  Glad Zachy is feeling better, can't wait until he is TOTALLY well.  I love Target too by the way, it's a much better store than Walmart, but it's a little more expensive so I don't get to shop there as much as I would want to.
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I loveeeeee Target....glad u had a good weekend...

Anonymous said...

Target rocks!!  I can't wait until we move and I don't have to drive an hour just to go to Target.  


Anonymous said...

Yeah I always thought that movie was a little weird too...loved it as a child though...someone told me it was about an acid trip...who knows, probably just some insane thought by someone actually on drugs, lol....Oh I LOVE LOVE target too!!!  I'll have to try those salads though we didnt have el pollo locos in indiana...I've seen them though so i'll have to go! well ttyl hun!  
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Target just had that special something. It makes me sooooooo happy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heck yeah, shopping makes us all happier! LOL I could spend so much money at Target especially! Omg!

Do you like the family guy movie? I havent heard much about it but we cant keep it on the shelf at work. I'm a fan of the tv series so Il'l definately check the movie out!
ps Do you realize how much you talk about poop in here? LOL Not complaining I just think its funny :)