Wednesday, October 19, 2005

~WTH is Up With AOHell??~

Watch out world... Pickle is PMSing... and EVERYTHING is seems to be Pissing her Off!!


First of all.  WTH is up with AOHell and the mail situation?  I signed on this morning to find an EMPTY inbox.  My inbox is NEVER empty. Never.

Then all of the sudden I get this Pop-Up from AOL saying that they are unable to list mail right now and to try back in a few minutes.


So, I IM'ed Barbie and asked her... She said she was having mail problems too.  So was my Dad.  Good to know it wasn't just me.

I signed off AOHell hoping that it would be "back to normal" when I resigned on... Ah, no.  Still no mail!



I waited a good 10 minutes and then FINALLY my mail loaded.

WTF AOL?  Are your PAYING customers being put to the bottom of your list now??  Its not like this is the only problem too.  How about the comment alerts that we aren't getting still or the other things???


UGH.  Freakin' frustrating I tell you!


Another thing that tanned my hide this morning...

I was on my way to work and I see these flashing emergency lights coming towards me.  No big deal right?  Its just a Fire Truck.

You move over to the right side and let them go on their business.

Well, I guess someone didn't feel that they had to move over and this a-hole just keeps going down the road at a pretty good speed too!

UGH.  Now, I don't know why, but that just Pissed me off!!

I guess because everyone else moves over because you are supposed to.  And I know that if that fire truck or ambulance had been for that person who just kept on goinghadn't made it to them in a good time, they probably would have been pissed off.  They probably would have blammed it on the people who didn't get out of the trucks way...

Just like they had.

Maybe I'm being silly... But it bothers me when people do shite like that!!!

You wanna know what else bothers me??


People who SLAM on their brakes when they see a cop or Highway Patrol pulled over on the side of the road WITH another car... Like this cop is going to stop what he is doing with that person he has pulled over to come after their ass... Slamming on the brakes is only going to cause more problems!!  UGH!!!


Okay... So... I'm done ranting and raving now :)

Aren't ya glad???


Rowan's dance class went suprisingly well last night.  I was actually pleased to see them dancing.  They were learning a dance for their Christmas recital and pretty much used all the time of the class learning it.

I was a happy costumer last night :)


Oh yes.  My house is being painted.  And let me tell you, paint does wonders to your home!!  It looks great... I can't wait to take finished pictures and share with you all.

But until they are done... my house is in shambles.  Messy Messy.  Things everywhere :X  Oh well.  They should be done by tomorrow afternoon so I'll spend some good time of Friday putting lots of stuff away!!

Fun stuff I tell ya...


I'm off to enjoy my Fruit-n-Yogurt Parfait from McDonald's now... Have a Great Hump Day all :)



Anonymous said...

ohhhhh all those things irritate single one of them....glad dance is going better... :)  We want some pictures!


Anonymous said...

You pay for AOL????  Um, try calling them up and telling them to cancel your account, see how fast they kiss your pmsing azz and throw 3 months free at ya.  Works every time for me.

I'm with you on the people slwoing down because of cops...or how bout when they drive slow because they have a cop in their lane, like HELLO PEOPLE, cops don't ride around with their freakin radar on, he'll never be able to prove how fast you are really going!  UGH!

Ciara didn't got to dance(acro).  Daddy decided to have her do homework BEFORE class instead of after as usual, and it sent her into a tizzy, and that's when all this crap with the ADD finally hit me.  I said to her, I'm sorry, but DADDY said you can't go to acro because you didn't do your homework.  Wrong move.  He took away one of three things left in this world she cares about.  I have got to talk to this hubby of mine and set him straight....he forgot who wears the pants in this house and if he don't like it, well, he can go get himself a damn job...friggin loser.

You know, I'm very familiar with fast food and policies(I'm a real winner), I wouldn't eat anything that has a paper stamped date, they peel them off all the time and add fresher dates MUUAHHHAAAA!!!

Oh yes, I'm pmsing too.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear im not pms, but understand your rantings,poor hubby lol lol lol.......
             katie x

Anonymous said...

yeah they bug me too just reading about them reirritated me, haha
hope they get done soon so we can see pictures!
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Now Now...why would you expect your Internet Provider to offer email service as well? I love AOL, where else do you get so much excitement for your buck?

Imagine if the Fire Department ran their business this way? Yeesh...

I love it. Pickle-Jenn has a little mean streak going today!


Anonymous said...

I think all of the people who work at AOL (except the ones in INDIA!) are at that conference that the Journals Editor keeps blogging about.  It doesn't really matter though if they are there or not, our service still SUCKS!  No wonder people leave and go elsewhere.  You would think they would get a clue.  I still do not get my comment alerts and have to go in manually to see if anyone left me one.  It's making my site meter go doing this though.  I love the McDonalds salad with those glazed walnuts!  YUMMY!  I could just eat the walnuts and be happy!  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I call a cop on the highway~ A pace car ;)

Everyone slows down and follows the cop.... can't pass them either... lol!

We had our house painted last year.  It does do wonders... when its finished :)

I'm still only getting half of my comment alerts and I pay, too.  I'm too chicken to try to cancel my account.  I figured with as much drama as I cause for AOL, they would accept my cancellation!

So glad Ro's dance class is getting it together!  Heck~I was even getting mad!

The guy who didn't move over for the firetruck, probably had his system booming and didn't hear.  Most people I see on the road never use their mirrors!  No wonder I drive like a bat out of hell~they freak me out not paying attention.  Don't get me started on drivers and cell phones!  Wish my state would pass a law against it!

Hope tomorrow is better!


Anonymous said...

Nearly everything about other drivers bugs me...I swear I think I'm the only safe driver on the road.  <grin>  

I can't wait to see pictures of your house!


Anonymous said...

I get irritated driving all the time, and forget to edit my language.  The kids bust me muttering bad things under my breath every day!
Or they decide to watch my every move, and report to their father, "Hey, Mommy ran a light today" --Hey, it was yellow, and I was past the point of no return-- Snitches!!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where you are hun. Was there a few days ago myself. My suggestion...Chocolate...lots of it. hehehehe

In the vein of people not pulling over for emergency vehicles, it ticks me off when people don't pull over a funeral line. People will just drive right along side them or worse...cut into the middle of the line. RUDE!

So glad to hear Rowan's dance class went better and can't wait to see pics of your house. I sooo need mine painted.

Hope things get better.


Anonymous said...

I had major mail issues too yesterday. It was to the point that I actually reinstalled AOL and it seems to have fixed it. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

That is why I only use AIM, because paying for AOL is not worth it! Plus it tends to mess up your computer! As it did mine a few years ago, and when that happened, I terminated my AOL! I will NEVER again have AOL! I'll use AIM, but that's it!

I totally agree with you on the iddoit that decided not to pull over, but what he did, he will get paid for though! God will punish him!


Anonymous said...

Thankfully that must have happened during the middle of the night for me in Germany! AOL really does suck most of the time, they have a few perks, but even them really are not worth the price we pay, even when doing Opinion Place and saving a few bucks.

The whole not getting over for Emergency vehicles has always been a HUGE pet peave. When we first got married we lived in Kansas, and had a friend from California. He was ridiing with us and an ambulance came up behind us, so Chad pulled over. He asked Chad why he did that...I looked at him and asked him if he was just stupid or what! LOL I told him, for 1 it's the law and 2. they're an EMERGENCY vehicle, trying to get either to a person who needs them or to the hospital. I told him "what if they were going to help your family, and you were the one who didn't get over and your daughter died or your house burned down, because you couldn't get over for 30 seconds. OF course he had never thought of it that way and swore Califonia didn't have a law for people to move to the side of the road. I don't know if they do or not, but it shouldn't matter! UGH! In Germany it's a law and you can lose your license if you don't! It's a great law I think, if you can't have the common sense to get over, you shouldn't be driving on the roads!


Anonymous said...

AOL wouldnt let me post a comment earlier. Said "Journals not responding, try later" Whatever. aol sucks anymore!

Also, I hate driving altogether! Guess its force of habit for some weird reason to see a cop and automatically slow down. I think maybe people think, "Uh oh! The cop that has someone pulled over will radio his cop buddy up the road and HE"LL pull me over!" LOL

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh about the one where people slam on their brakes when they see a patrolman on the side of the road with someone pulled over.  I dealt with this shit for 1500 miles, from S.C. to Nebraska....aggravating!!
