Thursday, October 13, 2005

~Finally Had Something Pop into My Head~

I came here twice this morning to the Pickle Journal to make an entry and once I started to type, my mind went blank.

Shit, as I sit here, I feel my brain leaking...


Yesterday didn't get any better for me.  In fact, I'm still in a funk and really can't put my finger on it.

I guess that is just me and my 'dark moods'.

I came home in just enough time to pee and then head back out to take the Tahoe to the dealership for a oil and filter change.  When I jumped in and turned it on, I found that it was on E, well shoot, far past E actually.

So, I had to run to the gas station and I put in about $25 and only got half a tank!  Ugh, piss me off.

Then my mom and I ran over to the dealership, dropped off the Tahoe and then headed off to our nail place.

The chair that I got stuck in for my pedi was broken.  I didn't get a "massage" the whole time I was getting my toes done.  So I just stuck my nose in a magazine and pretended the chair was working its magical fingers on my back :)

After our nail appointment, I returned home to a grumpy husband.

I swear, when he is home with the children, his life ends.

He can't do anything for himself.  He complained that Zach cried the whole time I was gone and that he hadn't been able to get anything done either.  Hmm, funny thing is is that he was able to get dinner on the stove, the house was semi-cleaned and he put up two different Halloween decorations outside.

Yet, he hadn't showered... Eww...

So, his grumpy-ass mood put me further into my dark mood and that is where I was until I went to bed last night.

I was actually thankful when he left at 9pm to go work out.  I didn't have to deal with his grumpy-ass anymore. >(



Enough about me bitching about my wonderful husband ;)

Guess how many days until Christmas!

72 days... Can you believe it?


Damn, finding that out didn't make my mood any brighter.  What IS my problem??

I guess I just need to find some Me time.  Maybe after the babies go down tonight I'll put my fat ass into a bath and read my Janet Evanovich book that I haven't really broken into.

Yep. That sounds good to me...

And thank god today is my Friday!

My day tomorrow should be pretty good too.  Rowan has school in the morning, so that means Zach and I will have some quiet time together.

Then in the afternoon I am taking the kids to go get their Fall/Halloween pictures taken.  They'll be taking some in their costumes and other in Jeans with Old Navy Halloween shirts that my friend gave them.  I hope they turn out cute...


Dodeedoo... my mind is failing me, I swear.

I know I had something else I wanted to mention...

Hmm, hmm...


Saturday (if the weather holds out) the kids and I will be going to watch my niece cheerlead.  Its a game that is in the early afternoon and pretty close to home.  So, I think getting us all out of the house and into the nice fresh air will be good!  I just hope it doesn't rain while we are there.


Work is pretty steady right now, so I should go get my ass back to it.

Damn, have I used that word a lot in this entry.  Just know, you are lucky this is a Public Journal because I'd be cussing up a storm if I could :)

Have a great Thursday.
~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

Hubby needs to give you a break to take some time for you.
sure they don't like it, but it is only fair.  Poor little zach, he knows daddy is mad!
Babies can sense tension. probley why he was crying.  My husband use to get so mad when he had to pick up kids, and he could not go to the ball field. men are funny like that.
Hope your day gets better.

Anonymous said...

Still in the funk huh? Must be something in that air of ours! No massage while getting your toes done ... that sucks! Sorry you had to come home to a grumpy husband! Christmas right around the corner ... yeah ... giving out presents, I can't wait! And that means my birthday, too! i can't wait to see their pictures when you get them! :)


Anonymous said...

haha maybe you should make a private journal to let out all your anger in...i know I could use one right now....i swear i'd run out of words to say and have to make up some! haha!!!  Hope you have a good relax in the tub...I've been trying to do that a lot lately because tony is still on paternal leave...i cannot seem to relax though because like your husband mine complains a lot too and doesnt like crying kids...haha...oh well ttyl hun
<3, em

Anonymous said...

I feel so bla too these days.  I mean really bla.  It's been bad.  Of course part of it is my cholesterol being out of whack (finally on medicine to help that) and my body being just plain tired.  Part of it is my goofy clients.  Part of it is my goofy industry and the workers that help me.  I will get through this.  I keep telling myself I will.  Yikes.  I hope.  Hope a good book and maybe a cup of hot tea will solve my problems too.  And it is nice when husbands aren't so grumpy but mine has been too lately.  Ugh.  Ok, then, sounds like you and I are batting about a thousand for happiness entries lately.  Lol!!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

sorry for the funk.  I feel ya.  but dude, this is the most I think I've ever heard you cuss in an entry or an e-mail, for that matter, and seriously, i'd tell ya to swear away, so i don't feel so sailor-like when I do it, but like ya said, public journal, and some moron might come along and "get offended".  Hello! then DON'T READ, I say, but no one listens to me. ;)  anyboobs, hope ya feel better soon.  Hugs, liz

Anonymous said...

I recently posted an entry in my journal about cussing. It makes me feel better to let it fly once in a while. It's like some kind of stress reliever or something. :0)
Maybe that will make your "dark mood" go away. Just a thought. LOL

Have a good weekend, since yours is started by now.

Anonymous said... sure as hell can cuss woman..I thought I was the only one with the (censored word here) potty mouth here in too am afraid of offending the censors and others so I keep my journal clean..although I know that I would feel a lot better if I could just let it rip...
as for the dark mood, well it must be something in the air..cuz all I want to do is sleep or snap at'll pass soon..and we'll be ho ho hoing...
love ya..

Anonymous said...

Men are funny in that they just can't handle  All my friends complain of this exact same thing.  John has NEVER complained about that kind of thing, but don't expect him to make dinner.  NO WAY!  He'll scrub a toilet or anything else, but no cooking for him.  Doesn't matter...he's still a pain in my ass.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you toots!


Anonymous said...

I filled up my truck the other took 42 smackeroos...UGH!!! Gas prices suck
I cuss like a reading this was mild for me....hehehe...
Hope u have a good weekend...and get to rest and relax...hopefully the funk will go somewhere else....

Anonymous said...

LOL ~ you sound like me.  Doug scolds me all the time because of my language.  I confess though...I sometimes need scolded.  I try to keep my journal clean because all my family reads it.   <grin>  

Ah...a bath and a good book.  Sounds divine.  And you can't go wrong with Janet Evanovich.  I just love her books.  Which one are you reading?  

It's almost the weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I think this is the first time I have "heard" you swear!  LOL!  I have many days like this one and some days I cannot WAIT for my hubby to get back to work!  Hopefully your mood improved by now.  :)
Hugs and love,