Tuesday, October 4, 2005

~I Was Kicked to the Curb~

Okay, so it wasn't the curb.

It was more like the couch...

But I was kicked out!

Kicked out of what you ask?

Well, I was kicked out of my bed!!

I swear, I live with some of the biggest bed hogs in the whole wide world!  Rowan and Derek sleep exactly the same way and that means when all three of us share a bed, I get pushed- literally- to the side!

See, last night was Rowan and Daddy night... Meaning, they were spending special time together.  Watching TV, eating popcorn and wrestling.  Well, he also didn't have the heart to kick her out of our bed so she ended up sleeping with us. 

No biggie right?


I woke up at 230 literally hanging on to the edge of the bed.  I looked at my lovely husband and child sleeping sprawled out over the bed and because I didn't have the heart to push either with enough force to get them to move, I decided I'd head to the couch that is in our room.

Now, if you all remember a way back, I slept a lot on the couch when I was pregnant.  So I don't mind it.  In fact, our couch in our room is pretty damned comfy.

But last night was a little bit different.  See, because the weather has been so mild and cool here we have opened up our house (windows).  So, I was sleeping on the couch next to the windows that were open, letting in the breeze.  That wouldn't have been too bad hadn't the fan also been on- HIGH- and that the pool wouldn't have been running.


So, I was a little cold and a little distracted by the running of the spill way from our spa into our pool.  It took me a bit to fall back to sleep...

Then when I did fall asleep, guess who decided to wake up?

Mr. Zachary!!

Luckily, he just wanted a bottle.  So he got his bottle and then proceeded to poop his pants.  That poor baby.  I can't wait until he is off of his antibiotics... He has had the worst luck.  Loosie Goosie diapers at LEAST 3 times a day!  Poor thing... You know I'm slathering on the Diaper Cream too! 

But at least he went to sleep right after he was done pooping:)  Made the rest of my night much easier... And he was still asleep when I left my house at 655 this morning.  I just hope he slept in a little bit longer for my mom!

Anyways, enough about my sleepless and poopy night!

I went and got my license plates yesterday.  Thank goodness I had an appointment because the wait for non-appointments was at least an hour!!  So, if you need to go to the DMV people (CAT!! I'm talking to you!!) make an appointment!  It will save you time, I swear.  I got there at 335 and my appointment was at 350... But I walked out the door at 355!  I stood at the counter longer where I was being helped than what I had to wait to be helped.  Does that make sense?  Anyways, the lady that helped me had a hard time getting my plate and doing what she had to do to register it to our Tahoe.  She later explained to me that she had retired for 9 years and just came back 2 years ago, but that her doing my plate was the first time she did one in those 2 years back... Only my luck right??  So she literally had to have someone come over to her desk and help her out not once, not twice, but three times!

She was a very nice lady... And I really didn't mind the wait... Except that I had to PEE so bad... And the DMV bathrooms are NASTY!!

But in the end, I walked out with our plates and right when I got home, Derek put them on for me.  I would have done them on my own... But he offered! 

Rowan's gymnastics class went well again last night, once again.  She is truly mastering kart-wheels.  Its funny, because she does them better when there isn't someone (the instructor) helping her do them!  How funny is that?  Guess it just proves to me that she is more independent that I thought!

Tonight is dance class and I know she is excited.  Last night when she got to gymnastics, she wanted to go down the hallway to dance and when I told her no, she was a little bummed.  So I know she'll have fun tonight!

And guess who is going with me to watch her...

Her Daddy.

She told him that she wanted him to come watch her and he is.  Come on everybody, this is where you insert the "Awww..." :)  So lets hope she behaves well tonight... Which I know she will!!

Goodness.  I think I need another vacation.  Really.

I swear, by the middle of each week I am so worn out!

Time for a trip somewhere... That is what I say.

Now just where??

And how do I pay for it... lol.

Okay guys.

I need to get my rear in motion.

I hope each and every one of you have a fab Tuesday!!



Anonymous said...

LOL OMG! For me Since Ryan got back i wake in teh mornign to find him asleep on the couch or office..his sleep schedule is so messed up he stays up and falls asleep either watching tv or in the office on the computer..LOL

Anonymous said...

AWW I hope that Zach gets better soon! I hate hearing when babies are sick and not feeling well!
WOW! Your paltes are on already! YEAH!
AWWWW! Daddy is going to watch Rowan dance ... how exciting!
Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

My reaction to your entries is a deep sigh. Someone who can be so polite about getting kicked out of bed is ok in my book! I was usually the one being "relocated" and the family would delight in seeing me sleeping in the morning with legs hanging off the end of the couch.

Great, great advice about the "appointment" system. Almost to good to believe, isn't it?

Have a good day yourself!


Anonymous said...

I read your entries and it brings me back to the nights of no sleep and I sure in heck don't want to do that again!!!  YIKES!  I bought a huge California King Sized bed just for the reasons you said.  At least this way there is a little more room in the bed when the little ones are laying sideways.  LOL!  Can't wait to see pics of Rowan (hint, hint) doing her gymnastics and dance!  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Ours don't offer appointments... I have no idea why, but I might write that in their suggestion box :)

Have a fun dance class!


Anonymous said...

Awww, it wouldn't be Mommy-dom if you didn't get kicked out of bed once in a while...or kicked in the shins...or woke up with a knee in the kidneys--
My bed feels like a mosh pit sometimes, with all the flying elbows and knees, and then there's the cats....
I feel your pain.  And know your sleepiness...<yawn>

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
This sounds like one of my sleepless restless nights only without the baby!  We always run the dishwasher at night though just before bed so the pool wouldn't bother me but the fan does sometimes get cold in our room.  And lately if it isn't Aaron trying to invade our bed it's Courtney.  Or they end up on the floor- immediately next to my side of the bed where my feet are supposed to land if I have to go potty in middle of night- which I do every night because of having three children and now a weakened bladder I think.  

I did a cartwheel for my cheerleaders to see if I could still do one, and sure enough, it's been a few years but I did one.  Only thing is I better lose 20 lbs before I do another one.  I didn't think I was going to make it- Lol!  And if anyone tried to help me I'd be nervous and mess up and land on my but.  

Sorry to hear Zach has been sick and hope he feels better soon.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...


My poor baby has hot kakas. bad bad anitbiotic man!

Ewwww.... Public restroom? say it ain't so, Pickle. I sooooo skerd of them -even worse than piders! ewwwww.......

Okay, enough of the baby talk.

Ima loving you Pickle Poo! *wink*

Sleep Sweet,

Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol ~I really did say aww before i read the insert part, lol!

Anonymous said...

oh I know what you mean about the antibiotics....BOY I can go through some desitin!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

I thought our sleeping problems would be solved by buying a King size bed...NOPE.  I stopped hanging off the side, but was getting kicked in the back...lol  So glad those days are over!

Poor Zach.  Antibiotics wreak havoc.  I had to keep Casey home today because she's got the "loosie goosies" ::giggle::  Good thing I did too because it wasn't a pretty sight earlier...uck!

I bet Rowan is too cute in dance!  Did you take pics yet??


Anonymous said...

Im behind as usual!
Thats great that Derek went to see Rowan do her gymnastics!
I sleep on the couch most of the time because thats where I fall asleep watching TV.