Thursday, October 6, 2005

~Please Kill Me Now~

Last night was horrible.

Horrible I say.

If it hadn't been for my wonderful father, I probably would have gone insane!

Let me just say, I can't wait for my poor little Zachary to get off those damned antibiotics!

Not only did Zach have a horrible poopy night but our electricity went out!

At 320 in the morning!!!

Yeah.  I woke up right when it went off too.  Don't know how I did.  But I did.  Do you realize how hard it is to walk around your house when it is pitch black inside AND out?

So, not only did we have to deal with it being dark... But we had to find some way to make sure we were up when we needed to be.  I tried to find the alarm setting on my Nextel (if it has one) but was unable to.  Luckily, Derek remembered he had a battery opperated alarm clock and he set that.

With us all over the place last night, the kids both woke up.  And you know what happened?  We all piled into our bed.  Derek, Rowan, Zach and I.  It was nice and cozy, let me tell you :)  But we all were able to crash out again really easily.

And not 30 minutes later, the electricity came back on... And woke me back up :)

So my night was pretty busy huh?

Let me tell you.  I am looking forward for tomorrow and the possibility of a nap with the kiddies :)  How funny am I?

Anyways, enough of me bitching about how I am so tired all the time!!!

This afternoon Zachary has his 6 month check up appointment.  Yeah, his 6 month one and he is going on 8 months :)  Oh well.  We are going to be a little behind from now on, but at least he is getting in there.  I am going to talk to his doctor about his loosie goosies and what not.  Plus about the fact that he is such a cranky monster.  I know there is probably nothing we can do about that, but at least I can ask!!  I am just dreading him getting his shots.  I hate to see him in such pain... lol.

Anyways, I am going to run.  My mind is foggy and I have tons of things to do before I leave today.  I need to get them done because I have to leave early...

Have a great Thursday!



Anonymous said...

Whew...hurry up Friday! Pickle-Jenn needs a BREAK!

Weird how the complete silence that follows a power outage can wake us from sounds sleeps, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Awww... I'm sorry to hear that your night was so hetic! It's okay to be complaining about being tired all the time, you have 2 kids, and one is sick right now!

I hope tonight is better for you!


Anonymous said...

I remember feeling just like you will not last forever..he will be sleeping all nite before long and you can too. Train him to sleep late if you can on weekends.
It is so nice to sleep in on your days off.
My daughter never slept all nite until she was two! She was so spoiled to her bottle.

Anonymous said...

when i read your journal i got to thinking shot your son have any shots when he is sick??? with my kids the docs didnt want to do that if they had kind of cold or anything. gosh maybe things have changed. haha. my daughters are 28 years old and the other one will be 20 years old next month. maybe you should ask about that. sure hope your kids get to feeling better. sure remember those days also. debbie

Anonymous said...

i'm up with you a newborns schedule of every three hours is killiing me i'm soooo tired!!!  It's hard to sit there and watch her cry when you have done absolutely everything and she is still not happy...(right now she is laying on my arm) haha...I think shes tired from last night still too!
well hope things get better....for both of us, lmao!
ttyl hun
<3, em

Anonymous said...

Our power went out three times in the past two weeks...actually half the town did, and we don't know why...the slightest bit of rain seems to be doing it..I fear for us this winter!

Ya know...I think Julie is behind in shots, I'll have to check on that!

Hope you get that nap in!  I'll be napping today too!

Anonymous said...

I always wake up when the electricity goes out, I think it's because of the utter silence in the house.  What a terrible night you all had!  God, I don't miss those days of worrying about getting enough sleep so I could be bright and alert for work the next day.  I hope you all get some rest tonight!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I sleep with a fan running, winter and summer both!
When the power goes off, I wake up immediately!
I hate that!
I hope Zach's appointment with the doctor isn't too
Love ya Pickle Woman!

Anonymous said...

I always know exactly when the power goes off too, I don't know what it is unless its the TV going off.
I hope that you get some rest this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I hate when power goes off here in Florida... it's so hot... and we have too many clocks to reset.  So glad it came back on for you guys... hope you get some rest and just think, tomorrow is Friday!  YAY!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

AAWW... Hope the baby's poo clears up. I always felt so bad when my boys had that. You know it has to feel so baaaadd on them. I will cross my fingers that the shots go well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had such a terrible night.  Hopefully you will get some good sleep tonight.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

I always hated when Casey had to have her shots.  I wanted to cry when they poked her :(  I hope Zach does well and that it's not too bad for him.


Anonymous said...

Poor little guy.  He must be miserable...and if he's miserable, so is mommy.  <grin>  

I hope things are a little better for you tonight.


Anonymous said...

You poor thing!  It seems like you are never gonna get a full night sleep in again, doesn't it?  :(
I always feel sorry for the little ones when they have an upset tummy--aww, poor little man.  
Take two naps, and call me in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh Heavens Baby, Sorry to hear, arrrugg! If it ain't one thing it's another, sheez!!

Let me know as soon as you're back from the docs.

Kiss kiss and huge ginormous (((((HUGS)))))

Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

Yikes! But whyd the power go out?