Monday, August 16, 2004

"Just another Manic Monday"...

Like the title of my entry today?  I heard that song on the way home from work and I thought it would be a perfect title for an entry.  Believe me, my day hasn't been bad, but since I haven't gotten the song out of my head... I thought I'd use it.

Rowan and I were a little late about getting out of bed this morning.  I'm usually up around 545am... But today, I slept in until 610am.  ::woo hoo::  But you know, those extra 20 minutes or so a day sure seem to help.  Good thing was that I wasn't late in dropping Rowan off or late to work... Hmm, could I pull off getting up later everyday??  Nah, only the days when I don't do my hair I guess.  Oh well.  It will be back to 545 tomorrow morning.  ::blah::

The Princess and I just finished an early dinner.  I only ate once today so by the time I was done working out and picking her up, I was starving.  We had a very classy meal this evening... Very oakie if you ask me.  Macaroni and cheese with hot dogs.  No, the mac & cheese wasn't on the side... We mix them all together!  Yum Yum.  There is just something about that meal that brings me back to my childhood.  Ah, the memories! Lol.

Tonight is definetly a bath night.  My back is killing me.  It almost always does after I go work out.  I don't understand though.  I don't do any real back work outs or really stress it (that I know of)... I guess I'll just have to pay attention more.  Don't want to go and hurt myself or the baby...

I'm in my 11th week now.  ::woo hoo::  I've almost hit the 3 month mark!  It seems like just yesterday we were looking at the preg test... Counting the pink lines :)  But I'm at the point where someone could look at me and say, "Is she fat or could she be pregnant?"  How nice is that?  I can't fit into too many of my normal sized clothes (thank goodness I didn't throw away my 'fat' jeans) and most maternity stuff is a little too big.  Ugh.  I'm definetly at the weird stage.  Oh well though... It is really all for a good cause!  Now, only 28 more weeks... LOL.

I talked to the hubby today.  Seems like he enjoyed the first day of his school.  Thats good I suppose.  Better than him being bored out of his mind.  When I talked to him, he was off to the bar to meet some guys for Happy Hour.  How nice is that??  He is off having fun, while his pregnant wife is at home taking care of his daughter and house ... Lol.  I don't care.  He deserves all the fun he can get... As long as he is coming home to me... :)

Anywho.  Better go check on the munskin.  She is asking for the new Wiggles movie that I got her the other day at Target.  She just loves them!  Hope all have a great evening... TTFN


Anonymous said...

I always thought the early part of pregnancy was hard. Esp when it came to fitting into my clothes.

Have a good day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

11 weeks! wow! I rememeber those days well! This is the time when we start get anxious about the sex! (if you want to know that is) hang in there chic! Sending ((good baby vibes))your way!

Anonymous said...

Boy, hubby is living the good life and you are sitting there eating mac & cheese with hot dogs?!?!  Actually, I would rather be sitting with you both eating that!  I haven't had that meal in YEARS!  My kids don't eat hotdogs, I made them so afraid of them they most likely will never eat one in their lives!  I, of course, having grown up in the 70's love them.  Hope tomorrow goes well for you!  And, take it easy with the exercising woman!  No need to hurt yourself or the baby!  Hope you got that bath!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I think it's funny when you get to a point in your marriage when you almost wish they "would" go out.  LOL  It gives you some time to play on the computer - or, at least it does for me. LOL

Congrats on hitting the 11th week mark!  So many pregnancies in AOL-J!!  :D