Monday, August 9, 2004

What Is In A Name....

I've had a few comments about Rowan's name lately... So, I thought I'd share how I came up with it!

When I was a junior in high school my mom read a book by Anne Rice, "The Witching Hour" and then passed it on to me!  The main character of the book is named Rowan (who just happens to be a witch).  I found her to be very strong willed and indepenedent, plus, I just loved the name.

I eventually found out that Rowan is an Irish name meaning "red haired" or a "red bush, rowan tree, rowanberry".  Even though Rowan is considered to be more of a masculine than feminine name, I fell in love with it!

So, I decided way back when, before my daughter was even a glimmer in my eye, that if I ever did have a daughter, I would surely name her Rowan.

Low and behold, only about 3 years down the road, I became pregnant and found out later in the pregnancy that I was going to have a daughter... I basically told my hubby that he didn't have a say in the name (which now I regret because he is dead set on naming this next baby)...

And in January of 2002, I gave birth to Rowan Catherine Lynn.  Could the name sound anymore Irish to anyone else?  Plus, it sounds so regal... I think that is why we call her "Princess" most of the time! Lol.

Catherine is after my great-grandmother Catherine and my hubby's mom... Who is named Cathy.  Lynn is both my mom's middle name and my middle name... So Rowan would definetly have to have that name too!

She has definetly come into the independent and strong willed name that I chose for her too... I couldn't ask for more!

Well, I have plenty to do this morning.  Got payroll and checks to send out to our vendors... Woo Hoo. Get to spend money that isn't mine!

TTFN and I hope all have a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

From what you just said about your daughter, she is fitting the "Rowan" name proudly!  As I said before, I wish I didn't listen to my hubby either, or Emma would have been a Rowan.  I wanted a witchy name for her since that is my religion, but he nixed everything I said.  Oh well, Emma is at least still a beautiful old name, it's actually Emma Margaret.  How much of an older name could you get right?  She is named after Margaret my grandmother.  The other name that is very common in my family is Winifred!  Can you imagine me naming my daughter that?!?!  Well, I couldn't either thank you very much!!  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa