Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I thought this was a Pickle Factory... Not a Funny Farm!

Okay, Okay... Last time I checked, I worked at a Pickle Factory, right?  Well, today I feel like I work at a looney farm... Full of crazy people!

We have an important person coming from McDonald's today... And everyone is running around like chicken with their head cut off!  We've been getting ready for this 'inspection' (see, its not a real inspection, we are hoping to get business out of this meeting) for about 2 weeks now.  We've seriously had 2 shifts running Monday-Sunday for the last 2 weeks now... Can you imagine the OT that we have in the payroll... OMG!  I swear, some people are walking away with around 24hrs of OT for one week!  This isn't a police department or something... Its a pickle factory!  Where do you find things to have 24 hours of OT??

So, yes, I'm trying to keep sane today.  For right now, I'm the only one in the office... Please don't ask me why.  Our office hours are from 8am-4pm and it is now 830am and I'm still all alone! Hmm.... Where is everyone else??  Oh well, it isn't the first time that I'm by myself and surley won't be the last!

Oh, update! Someone finally did come in!  Woo Hoo...

Anywho... Off this pickle factory crap! Lol...

Last night, I made such a yummy dinner.  I truly got the idea for the dinner from my preggo friend in Washington.  She had been complaining that she was hungry, but nothing sounded good to her.  Then she mentioned that she had been on a Stuffing Fix and when she said that, I just about started drewling from the mouth!  So, can you guess what the Missy Rowan and I had for dinner?  We had a baked chicken, stuffing and zucinni!  Triple Yum's!  We even took Daddy some dinner for him at work!  He definetly appreciated that... I think he gets tired of the icky fast food sometimes!

Princess Rowan wasn't such a Princess last night!  She was throwing the biggest fits and being the biggest brat... I guess she is coming into the "Terrible Two's"... Oh well, I suppose all parents go through it right?  Even with her Auntie Amy there, Rowan was very hard to handle... She is usually so preoccupied with Amy that she doesn't care about anything else... Well, last night was different.  We had to beg her to eat her dinner and then beg her not to run down the street when someone came to the door to invite me to Bunco!  Oh... By 930pm I was whoopped!

Well, I have to go and finish payroll and make sure no one else is having a big-fat-cow this morning... Then it is off to enter a huge stack of invoices... Woopie for me!

Hope all have a great day... TTFN


Anonymous said...

The Terrible Twos are wonderful! I use to teach day care....I had 10 2 year olds in my care!!! How  better can that get?


Anonymous said...

thanx for visiting my journal! yours is great i love all the pictures of you little princess and congratulations on your upcoming litle one!

Anonymous said...

Everytime you mention you work at a pickle factory I have to giggle!  I am sorry, but it makes me laugh!  :)  And who would think a pickle factory could have THAT much overtime!  Hee-hee!  Now I am a pickle lover and my fav pickles are the ones Subway uses -- YUMMY!  Your dinner sounded delicious by the way.  We have chicken, potatoes and a veggie at least 3 times a week.  My favorite meal actually!  And, let me tell you, the terrible two's are nothing compared to the turbulent three's!!  Fun fun!
Hugs and love, Lisa