Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Its Only Tuesday You Say?

So its only Tuesday huh?  Well, I guess I could be a little bit more out of the loop then.

This morning started off pretty crappy too.  Maybe that is why I was hoping that it was a little later in the week than Tuesday!  So, I woke up this morning and pretty much spent the next ten minutes with my head in the toliet!  Yeah, um, so when is this morning sickness stuff going to be over???  I know... I know... Only a few more weeks and then it should be over.  ::sigh::

Then, after we (Robo and I) got cleaned up this morning, I found her lying in my bed, nakie.  She hadn't put on her undies or clothes that I put out for her.  When I asked her why she wasn't dressed, she promptly told me she was sick.  "Belly Hurt Mama"... "Headache"... "Me no YaYa's"... She didn't want to get dressed because she didn't want to leave and go to her YaYa's.  She has been telling me that she doesn't want me to go to work lately too...

I think because her daddy is gone... She doesn't want me to leave her either.  It is sad... But once she is at her YaYa's, she is fine.  And yes, we did make it to her YaYa's... And she was dressed.  But tell me, how come a 2 1/2 year old knows the "sick/doesn't go anywhere" trick already???

Then the commute this morning really blew.  It usually takes me 45 minutes to get to work.  I leave my mom's house around 710am and then get to work by 755am if not a few minutes sooner.  But today, I did leave my mom's a little late (720am) and got to work at 835am!  The traffic was horrible.  Supposedly there was an accident... But we never did see one... Weird how that is.

Well, now that I have vented, I am going to go finish payroll and get my 'daily chores' done.  TTFN all.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope your week gets better. Poor Princess, I bet she does miss her daddy. Kids are so smart these days, and she proved right there on your bed that she is brilliant! To be 2 and a half, and no the sick trick, oh my goodness!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww, poor Rowan!!  Kids learn very early on how to control their environment and it seems that she has too!!  That must have been heartbreaking though to have to make that decision to get her dressed at drop her off at "YaYa's" house.  And, traffic, UGGGHHH!  I am so happy I don't have a commute anymore!  Too many hours of my life were sitting in traffic to work and coming home in it!  Now, I get ticked if there is a tractor in front of me and it takes that extra 2 minutes so it takes 7 minutes instead of 5 to get to work!  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa