Monday, August 23, 2004

What a Weekend!

Well, this weekend came and went in a flash!  It was definetly a great weekend... Not complaining at all.  I just wish that it had lasted a little bit longer!

The hubby came home on Friday evening around 630pm.  The Princess was so happy to see him!  She ran around the house all smiles and gave big hugs!  Not having seen him in 6 days, you can imagine how excited she was to see him... It was just too cute!

So, that evening we enjoyed a very yummy dinner and just some well deserved time together.  Oh, and of course he had to play with the new toy that he got delivered.  The mystery delivery was a T-Mobile Sidekick!  Um, okay... Yeah, I don't really know why he got one... Something to do with being able to get on the internet and checking his Fantasy Football Scores and talking to me via AIM while he is in school. Boys :)

Saturday was a very busy day.  The hubby got up early and went and got donuts for him and Rowan and breakfast sandwiches for me from McDonalds (bad girl, bad).  The our nieces were dropped off around 915am so that their mom and dad (dad is my hubby's bro) could go to a Giants game with their Nana and Papa (my in-laws).

So, we watched the girls all day.  We went to lunch at a place called The Fruit Yard and had some yummy grub.  The hubby wanted Mexican, but he always wants Mexican, so I convinced him to take us to The Fruit Yard.  I had a yummy salad from their salad bar (one of the best around) and a Club sandwich.  Of course my nieces ate GREAT!  They might be picky... But when they get something they want and like, they eat it right up!  And of course Rowan didn't want to eat at all... She picked at the olives on our salads and then had some crackers.  But when it came time to eat her Grilled Cheese sandwich and fries... All she wanted was the fries and dippy-dip (ketchup)!  She is too funny!

Saturday was pretty much occupied watching the girls.  They swam and played with the Princess.  We also had dinner and then later in the evening the Hubby played Monopoly with the girls and I read "The Da Vinci Code"... Um yeah, I started the book this weekend and finished it this weekend too!  It was soooo good.  I couldn't put it down!!  Anywho... The girls finally left at 1015pm!  Boy, was I tired!

Sunday was such a lazy day... I slept in until 9am and then when I woke up, the hubby went back to bed!  Lol.  See, it was a lazy day!  I spent most of the day doing laundry for the hubby and reading... and reading... and reading....

The honey left again last night... Hmm, bummer... He was out of the house by 415pm and was settled into his hotel room by 615!  He hates to be away, but he likes the living in the hotel thing.  Especially when you can have dinner delivered from Chevy's!  Lol.  He'll be home again Friday evening.  I'm thinking about taking the Princess up there Wednesday evening and hanging out in the hotel room!  I don't know though... We would be on our own on Thursday while the hubby would be at school.  Hmm, decisions, decisions.

Anywho... Enough of my rambling.  I suppose I should actually get to work.  I have plenty to do... Payroll and invoices to enter... Definetly will keep my fingers busy today!  Hope all have a great week!



Anonymous said...

I too love hotels!  If I could just stay in a hotel once a month I would be happy!  The room darkening curtains, the air conditioning blasting, laying in bed watching t.v., ahhhh, that is the life!  I always said that camping to me is staying in a motel not a hotel and it's the truth!  Champagne wishes and a beer budget, yep, that's me!  I am glad Rowan was a happy little bugger when Daddy came home!  I am sure Momma was just as happy to have him home.  I say head up there on Wednesday and stay over until Thursday.  Make it an adventure and just have some Mommy/Daughter time on Thursday.  Sounds like fun to me!
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S.:  You didn't make me hungry with this entry, so that is good.  Salad bar?!  Heck, that's rabbit food!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a good and lazy weekend! Those sometimes are the best!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sounds like an eventful weekend :-D  Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes relaxing do-nothing weekends are the best....  "dippy dip" lol....My 3 yr old calls baby carrots *dippers* because she dips them in salad dressing.  I watched a segment about hotel rooms on 20/20 and well, I don't enjoy hotel rooms anymore, lol.  I vote for going up on Weds. to see the honey....  You'd be on your own Thurs anyways, even if ya stayed home... : )  ~~Have fun!