Sunday, August 8, 2004

The Perfect California Girl!

And here ya go folks... The perfect California Girl catching some rays...


Rowan and her daddy went swimming today... Actually, Rowan, her Daddy and both doggies went swimming!  Yes, can you imagine that... Sometimes I think the pool was built more for my husband to play with the dogs in! Lol.  Oh well... here is Tango.  He was sure whopped after playing, so he decided to take a rest!


Can anyone say, "What a smart dog?"... Lol.  What a sweet heart though!!


Here are some more of Miss Rowan... She sure likes to have her picture taken!  Even says, "Cheese" right at the right time!  Her glasses are a tid-bit too big for her.  They are actually Daddy's... But she had to have something to keep the sun out??

Other than swimming, we haven't done much today!  We did go out to breakfast as I was hoping to!  Hmm, it was yummy.  It had been a while since I had a good breakfast... you know, the scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and bacon... Ohohoh.  Yummy! 

After our breakfast was swimming time.  Then after that was nap time... So, I've basically been the worst wife/mother possible today and haven't accomplished anything ;) Hmm, oh well... There is always tomorrow!

Well, I'm going to go finish watching "Hocus Pocus" with Rowan.  She has never seen it before... mind you, it is one of my absolute favs!  I'll leave you with this picture of Rowan... Her uncle Boo taught her this... Hope all had a wonderful weekend and go on to have a great week!... TTFN



Anonymous said...

Your little girl is so sweet. I just love her name!

Anonymous said...

WAAAHHH!  I can't see the pictures, I only see red "x"'s!  It might just be AOL, so don't panic, it sometimes does this.  I will check back again in a bit and maybe they will be up so I can see!  And, by the way, I never said this, but I absolutely LOVE your daughter's name!  I read historical romances and there are a lot of Rowan's in my novels and they are always women that want to be independant in a "man's world".  I wanted to name Emma Rowan or Michaela but hubby nixed both names.  Wish I stuck to my guns on the Rowan name though,  it's beautiful!  And, thanks for making me hungry!  Going out to breakfast is my FAVORITE thing in the world to do!!!  Cracker Barrell anyone??!  YUMMY!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey I can see the pics today!!!  Your daughter is adorable!  And, it's nice to know that it's not only my daughter making the silly faces for the camera!  Pretty cool pool you have too!
Hugs and love, Lisa