Thursday, August 5, 2004

Weekend Assignment #18

Weekend Assignment #18: You have to get a tattoo. Explain what image you would choose and why -- and where you would put it.

Alternate Assignment: If you already have a tattoo, tell us what it is and why you got it.

Extra Credit: Show us a representation of your would-be tattoo (any picture will do, not necessarily of a tattoo) or a picture of the tattoo you already have. Please note: If you've got a tat in a particularly sensitive area (hint, hint), you are excused from the extra credit. I don't want y'all to get in trouble with AOL's Terms of Service on account of little ol' me.

Okay, since I already have 2 tattoo's... I'll share how I got them and why...

On my Hawaii grad-trip in the summer of 2000... Ok, I just aged myself... I'm 22 ya'll... I decided that I was going to get a tattoo because, 1) I'd been wanting one and 2) I needed a permanent reminder of Hawaii... Um, maybe that isn't a real reason, but we'll just go with it okay?

So, on the last day in Hawaii a 'friend' (if you call it that) decide to head down to the local tattoo parlor and look around.  I'd been looking at tat's all week and been wanting to get one... But no one would come with me... So, off we were.  Then, as we got there, this 'friend' picks the one they want and I decide I want something Hawaii-ish... So... I choose a Sun... now where to put it???? Somewhere I can kinda hide it if I need to and somewhere I can show it off... So, it went on my ankle. Here it is:

My other tattoo is an Irish tattoo.  I wanted to get something to represent my heritage (I claim to be Irish more than anything)...  So I decided on something like this:

scan.jpg  Its a Claddagh ring... A Irish wedding band or promise ring of types... I would have posted my actual tattoo... But I can't take a picture of my lower back ;)

So, those are my tattoos... Anyone else share their story for John yet?



Anonymous said...

Very nice!
What happend to the 'friend'?

Anonymous said...

Someday, you and I should go and get one together, or at least you could go with and get mine. I know, I know, I have been saying I am getting one for years now and still haven't. Yellow feathers on my lower back do tend to get in the way at times but, someday...
Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Yep, I shared my tats with the world in my journal (I have 4 of them).  Had Bethany take a pic of the one on my lower back because God knows you can't exactly do that yourself!!!  
Hugs and love, Lisa