Sunday, August 1, 2004

A Trip to Te-Te's and A Lazy Sunday

First of all... Thanks SloMo for trying to give me some advice about the whole picture thing... I guess I just haven't comprehended it all though... The whole FTP thing seems easy enough, but when I go to upload it to Hometown, I think I'm doing it, but when I look for the picture, it isn't there... UGH.  I guess I'll have to do some more research... Or take SloMo up on her offer to help me???

::sigh:: ::I'm soooo blonde::

Anywho... Yesterday my parents, Rowan and I went to see my grandparents.  It was a nice trip.  Would have been a better trip if I hadn't been feeling sooo gross.  I can't wait for the morning sickness to pass...::YUCKY::

Rowan definetly enjoyed her visit with her great-grandparents.  She played with Te-Te's electrical chair (it moves up and forward or down) for a while and seemed to enjoy making something do what she wanted.  Grandma Te-Te also gave Rowan some 'meena' or 'Money' to people who don't speak Rowanese ;)  Rowan was very excited about that.  She came right home and put the $20 in her piggy bank too!

We had a nice lunch with the Gparents and then were off.  Its about an hour and a half trip one way so we don't stay too long.  Then when we got to my parents we hung out there and had some dinner... Yummy Yummy... Mama's cooking... Baked Chicken, potatoes and veggies... Yummy Yummy again ;)

But for today... We have done absolutely nothing today... Okay, I lied.  Rowan and I did get up this morning and make breakfast.  Pancakes, eggs and bacon.  Then it was time for a nap... lol... and then after the nap we did some cleaning.

Keeping these floors clean isn't that difficult... You gotta sweep and do a mop and all... But you notice all the stuff you wouldn't have noticed in the carpet a whole lot sooner!!  It is almost gross... I guess we'll be sweeping about every other day to keep the dust and the dog hair under control.

Well, I suppose I should go finish what I've already started... I've got some spot cleaning to do and then more laundry... ::does it ever end??::

TTFN all...

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