Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Are Doritos a good breakfast??

So what.  This morning I had a mini-snack-size bag of Doritos for breakfast.  Ya Ya Ya.  Probably not the breakfast of champions... But hey, what are you going to do when a craving for nothing but chips kicks in at, oh, 830am?  You are going to have that bag of Doritos, that is what you are going to do! ;)

So I did...

But I'll be making it up at lunch with a salad from Jack n the Crack.  Oops.  I mean, Box.  He he.  I am silly today :)  Their salads are okay.  I'd rather be having one from The Fruit Yard... They have the best selections at their salad bar!!  Yum Yum.  But I guess I'll just have to live with the Southwestren Chicken one from JNB.

Today has been a better day than yesterday so far.  I did spend some time with my head in the toilet this morning... But hey, at least there wasn't any traffic on the way in to work.  Plus, I slept sooo well last night!  I don't even think I moved a muscle (well, you know what I mean).

Its another work out day today.  ::woo hoo::  Gotta keep on working on not putting on the pounds... But with Doritos for breakfast, I think I'm burning the idea at both ends... LOL.  But hey, at least I'm putting a foot foward and trying :)

I don't think I'll be going to visit the hubby this evening.  Rowan misses him so much, but it just doesn't seem worth the time.  Sounds bad... But its an hour and a half there... in traffic (ugh)... just to have dinner and then go to bed.  Yes, it would be very nice to see the hubby... But hey, I'll be seeing him Friday afternoon.  So, ugh, who knows.  Maybe I'll change my mind... You never know.

Well, I've rambled enough about nothing.  Gotta go and match some checks up to some invoices.  Hope all have a great day.  TTFN


Anonymous said...

Oh Its ok that you had Doritos...I won't tell!!!


Anonymous said...

Doritos? What food group do they fall under? Well, at least you are going to the gym today. Doritos, huh...

Anonymous said...

Would you like a pepsi to go with those dorittos, lol. That was my breakfast :(  :::shame on me:::


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about the doritos, I just finished eating four pickles! I have been craving those and salad too. Thanks for checking out my journal, I've read yours a few times also. I'll definitely be back soon! Take Care...Brit =)

Anonymous said...

Now that you told me the time it would take to get there, you are right, it's not worth the drive when hubby is coming home anyway on Friday.  Rowan will be fine waiting it out another day and a half.  Doritos for breakfast?  That isn't so bad!  At least it wasn't M&M's at 2:00 a.m. like I a do every night while I am reading!!!  See, you could always be worse off then you think!
Hugs and love, Lisa