Thursday, August 19, 2004

When Kitties Attack!!!

Good day, all.  I hope you all are having a wonderful day and week.  Today is my last day at work... Time to head into the weekend!  ::woo hoo::  The hubby comes home tomorrow evening and he requested a yummy-ful dinner.  I was thinking he'd pull steaks and lobster out of the air... But he wants Pork Chops in the Mushroom Gravy sauce with rice and bread.  Good ol boy... Loves them carbs... But who can blame him??  So, I guess I'll be heading to the grocery store tomorrow afternoon to get the goodies!  Maybe I'll even make a dessert... Chocolate Strawberries like Lisa made sounds yummy!

Yesterday, my friend Nicole and I decided to skip excersising and go shopping for some stuff for her Bridal Shower that I'm throwing next month.  We were thinking about hitting up a party store called Grand Events... But I decided on my way to her house that going all the way back uptown and deal with the freeway traffic would be crazy!  So, we hit the local Hell-Mart... excuse me, Walmart.  (Walmarts here aren't the same as they are everywhere else... Ours is extrememly gross and filled with icky people!!)

So, at Walmart, we grabbed up some vases and ribbon and tule.  I got plenty of stuff for $16.  I'd have to say that Walmart that has some okay stuff for pretty cheap, but I wish they'd clean up the place.  Oh well.

Did you guys know that when kitties get scared, they attack??  Well, they do!  And last night, I experienced it!  Let me tell you.

I went to the back door last night to check on the dogs.  Since the hubby is gone, I am the one to care for his doggie.  Well, I had Tango (the hubby's dog) and Lola out in the back yard playing together.  Well, if Tango falls in the pool, he freaks and basically will drown... He can swim, but usually in circles.  So anyways, I went to the back door and opened it to check on the dogs.  Well, when I opened the door, Tango ran into the house... Something he isn't supposed to do!!!  Well, Tango doesn't get along with cats well and he spotted our kitty Badge!  So, he runs over there and starts to try to 'eat' Badge!!!!  Well, as I'm getting in the middle of them, trying to pull Tango away, Badge (who is fighting off Tango, with claws) decides to 'climb' up my leg!!! (Badge escapes unharmed)


I finally get Tango outside and as I'm closing the door, I look at my leg and I have two big cuts on them... No, not scratches, cuts.  Being the emotional  reck that I have been lately, I burst into tears, go into the kitchen, grab some paper towels and sit on the floor, crying, hysterically!  Mind you, Rowan has been watching this the whole time and when I burst into hysterical crying, she gets scared and starts crying.

Still in hysterics, I call my mom, who on the other end of the phone doesn't understand what was going on... I manage to blubber it out and I catch that she is coming over.  Rowan ends up talking to her YaYa and tries desparetly, in her 2 year old vocabulary, to retell the story to her.  It was too cute. 

So, okay.  To make an already long story a little bit shorter, my mom comes over ::Thank You Mommy:: and takes care of my leg.  Cleans me up and heads on her way.  Such a wonderful lady she is... Takes care of me, even when I don't live at home anymore!  Lol.

Anywho... I'm fine.  I got some cuts/scratches what ever you want to call them.  I still like the cat and the dog, just gotta make sure they are never together again ;)

I've gotta get working and post some deposits and enter some invoices... woo hoo for me.  I hope today is a better day for me... and for you all... TTFN

P.S. I will be 12 weeks along tomorrow... Woo Hoo... Finally hitting the 3 month mark... Only 27 more weeks!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I'm a cat person too! Love em! So i know all too well what that's like, ouch! Your mommy sounds wonderful ;) i'm jealous.
Have a great time time with your hubby too;)  and most walmarts (in ohio) are also dirty and gross! Like the old kmart stores.... over crowded and rude people! yuck! But i have found one or two in a nearby county that are pretty decent, lol.
(((Good baby vibes to you)))

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I hope my children will still call me when they are older and living on their own to come and fix their boo-boos!  I will even kiss it and make it better since that seems to work for some mysterious reason!  My dogs try to eat our newest kitten too for some reason.  They take their HUGE paws and pin her to the ground and try to bite her head off.  It's terrible to see actually!  I end up yelling at them, but they are just doing what comes naturally for them, so I shouldn't blame them right?  And kitty scratches hurt like hell, I know the feeling!!!  Hope you are doing better today!
Hugs and love, Lisa