Tuesday, July 12, 2005

~AH, Tuesday~

                           *Field of Dreams from AllPosters.com*

Gosh, I wish it was Thursday already.  I really enjoyed the short week that I had last week... I only worked 3 days and will be paid for 4- thanks to the Holiday!!  My mind is just not wanting to wrap itself around the idea of working today.  I'm so tired today.  Zach decided he would get up at 515 this morning and I couldn't get him back to sleep.  So, at 530 I rolled out of bed and got a bottle for him and that was the end of my sleeping.  I wish I could just be back home, in bed with the kiddo (Ro) and Derek (Zach doesn't like sleeping in bed for some reason). 

But alas, I can't go home.  I have too much to do here at work!!  I didn't get much done yesterday, don't know why, but I didn't.  So, I guess I'll be playing "Catch-Up" with work today.

Okay guys, I know some of you were asking to see pics from the wedding this weekend, but don't think I'm a tard or anything, because I didn't take any!!  I was so flustered and nervous - long story- about going to the wedding, that I totally forgot to take before pics and bring my camera!!  So Sorry Charlie's.

I wish I did have pictures though, because seeing "Pie-Eyed" (thank you Lisa) pics are crack-ups and I had such a good time...

I am feeling better today though.  I still have a tid-bit of a headache, but truly, I think that is from not drinking any (none-zip-zippo) water yesterday.  So, hopefully after I down a few bottles of water, I'll start to feel better...

Yesterday I had to go to the Doctors... Fun Stuff that is, I'm sure all you women can relate.  Anyways, I was happy and disappointed all at the same time when I got on the scale.  I was happy that I hadn't gained any weight, but disappointed when I saw that I haven't lost any.  Goodness, I really need to do something about it... I'm having a hard time sticking to any diet and making myself work out.  Its too damn hot to go walking and by the time I get home, I'm too tired to do anything!!

I guess I just have to slap myself around and make myself do it... Cause truthfully, I'm not happy were I am.  I want to be back to wear I was BEFORE I had Rowan... Thats a long ways away, but I'm sure if I actually stuck to what I need to do, I could eventually get there.

Anyways, enough about me and my bitching...

Miss Rowan had gymnastics last night.  It was good for her to get back into it... They didn't have it last week, because of the Holiday... She so needed to have fun with other kids- like she doesn't get enough of that at PreSchool!  She did pretty well at the class though.  She seemed a little tired and wasn't listening all that well, to me that is... But she had a good time.

After Ro's gym class, I went to my friend's house that just had a baby last Wednesday.  Well, her baby is in the NICU over at a hospital in Modesto.  He was born with the condition that every organ in his body is opposite of where it is supposed to be.  Well, because he has that condition, his Cillia (the hairs in his lungs) aren't working correctly and he has fluid built up in his lungs.  So, they are home with out him and she has been pumping.  Well, I told her not to buy a pump, because the good ones are expensive, that she can just go ahead and borrow mine.  So, I took that, a pack of diapers too small for my Chunko and an outfit (brand new and too small for Z) over to her.  I did get to see pictures of him, he is adorable. But seeing them brought so many memories back from Zach in the hospital.  I am going to try to go to the hospital today to see him... Hopefully he'll come home by next week sometime!

Okay guys... I've lolly-gaged enough and really need to get my butt into gear.  SO, I must go now...

Have a fabo Tuesday my Friends.



Anonymous said...

Awww that poor lil baby. Hope he gets better real soon. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh Honey,

God Bless. You're such a great friend. Feel better kk?

Don't work too hard. Love you,

Barbie @>-----

Anonymous said...

I just have to laugh when you say, bitching, like that was REALLy bitching...too funny.

Love your body!

Anonymous said...

You have such a great way with words. I just like getting a look at this journal as often as possible. "bitching", lol. I'll take your brand of that anytime!

Keeping fingers crossed for the new baby. Seems like only a short while ago, your "Chunko" was in a bind, and look how nicely that's changed.

One complaint...I thought today was WEDNESDAY!  Let's look into that "short week" and see what we can do!


Anonymous said...

U Hang in there that baby will be sleeping all night before long.
I know how hard it is with a little one.  Now you can't get mine out of bed in the mornings for school.  But when he was little he was bright eyed at 6 am everyday.
I know Rowan will be good at gym she looks like a little star!

Anonymous said...

Babe, your beautiful just like you are!  Don't beat yourself up about the weight thing!  It will come off in due time!   You have a lot on your plate right now with the little ones!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Don't stress about loosing weight...you will start loosing when you stop worrying so much about it!
I hope that you get to go see the new baby, I will say a special prayer for him.

Anonymous said...

Awww, no pie-eyed pics???  Darnit!!!!!!  Those are the ones that people always look like themselves, crazy and happy!  LOL!  About losing the weight, you know what I have said to you a million times before, so I won't say it again and bore you.  ;)  I remember those days of sitting at work thinking of nothing other than getting back home and crawling into bed with my little one!  I don't miss that at all.  Hang in there!  Hope you drank enough water and are feeling better.
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I didn't wanna work today either...whaaaaa....why do they make us do such things....haha  Ur friends baby will be in my prayers...hope he comes home soon...and gets well soon....poor thang =(   Ahhhh i so wanted to see the pie-eyed pics....lol...but even if i had some of myself like that i wouldn't wanna show them either...hahaha.... hope the rest of the week flies by....

Anonymous said...

I'll add that little one to my prayers. I need to lose the weight I gained with my last baby---at 44 it is not coming off the way it did when I was younger!


Anonymous said...

Awwwww I will keep your friends little guy in my prayers.  Poor little thing.  
