Thursday, July 7, 2005

~I Love Swimming and a Funny Story~

     *A Swimmer does the Crawl by Dugald Bremner/National Geographic*

Well, I went swimming again yesterday afternoon.  Actually, my friend Amy, Rowan and I went swimming.  Of course, Miss Rowan didn't do the laps that we did, but we all did swim together.  I did 80 laps last night.  I would have tried to hit my 100 mark goal, but my shoulder- that I jacked in High School- started to hurt, so I stopped.  Miss Rowan also was BEGGING to swim with out her water wings, so, that gave me a good reason to stop too :)

I don't know what was up with her yesterday afternoon though.  She didn't seem to want to swim the way that she was the day before.  I think it was because her Auntie was there and she was being "shy".  She did swim enough to knock her out last night... Haha.

Speaking of last night, I have a really funny story to share with you all.  Actually, its pretty funny and a tiny bit sad- for Rowan, that is.  Last night, my mom, Amy and I were watching "Underworld" in the frontroom while Rowan was in my bed, watching TV getting ready to sleep.  She called out what I thought was, "I have to go Pee-Pee", so I told her to go.  Well, about 30 mins later, as I was pulling Zach's meds and after we were done watching the movie, after Amy had left (it was a long time from the time she told me she had to 'pee'), I hear her crying... Hysterically!!  I make my way down the hall pretty quickly to my room, thinking she is crying in bed.  Well, when I find that she isn't in my bedroom, rather in the the BATHROOM, crying on the toilet.  What I thought was her saying she had to go pee, was actually her saying that she had to go "Stinkies"!!  My poor little girl had been waiting on the toilet, in a semi-lighted bathroom, for me to come in there!!  She was crying and saying she was scared!!  She told me, "I scared myself Mama, I scared"... I felt sooo bad for her.  I guess we didn't hear her over movie, calling for me to come wipe... lol.

I'm such a bad Mommy... She even told me that too!!  Haha... It took me a good 10 mins to calm her down.  And because I felt so bad because it all of it, that I just let her sleep in bed with me.  Poor thing, guess she'll start wiping herself (which she can!!) from now on...

Ah, I'm so happy that today is Thursday.  I am so just wanting to go home and go to sleep.  I know that isn't going to be possible, with having to take care of my children, but a Mama can always dream!  Its a good thing that Derek is off tonight too though.  That way I don't have to do everything on my own...

Tomorrow I am going to be oh-so-busy running around doing things.  Rowan has school, so I'll be having to take her there.  Then Zach-man and I will be heading off to Target (it is SOO nice going there that early!!!) to pick up some much needed items (baby food/formula, etc.) and some birthday presents.  My niece is turning 2 years old on the 14th and her birthday party is this Saturday, so I need to find something for her.  But what do you get a child that has everything?!?!  I also am picking up a present for my friend's son who is turning 4 on the 14th.  I gotta get that to the mail as soon as possible, because they live in Washington. 

Sometime on Friday I also have to try to make it to the mall!!  My mom, Amy and I are going to a wedding of a guy we went to High School with and I need to either get some shoes for a dress that I already have or purchase a whole new outfit.  I'm really thinking about the new outfit, because the dress I have is a tid-bit on the formal side, and I am not exactly sure what the "dress-code" of the wedding is going to be.  See, it is a Catholic wedding (I'm sure it will be a full blown ceremony too!!) at 2pm, with about 450 people in attendance.  So, I'm curious if a black dress with some beading (not a lot) would be too formal or not.  You guys got any thoughts on this???

See, I do have a busy weekend ahead of me!  I don't even know if I'll be able to relax at all.  After last weekened, I'm really wanting to just plant my booty on the couch this weekend, but I am so thinking that isn't going to happen.  Oh well, the more I move, the more weight I might loose, right!?!

I've been such a slacker on my reading you guys.  I was reading so much and just wanting to do it all the time that now I'm bummed with myself that I'm not reading as I should.  I haven't even hit page 50 in my new book by Jennifer Wiener, "In Her Shoes".  I should be like half way through it by now... But I'm not.  Hmm, maybe that is what I'll try to do this weekend, catch up with my reading!!

Good idea Jennifer, Good Idea!

Well, there is plenty to do today, so I guess I should be going.  I also don't have much else to really say.  I guess I'm being "Boring" as the AOL Journal Editor would say... lmao.  I hope I didn't bore you to sleep or to tears :o)

Have a good Thursday all.  I know I'm going to try to!!



Anonymous said...

Funny waiting for you to wipe her...My kids do stuff like that to me all the time..not the wiping stuff anymore but other stuff.
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

I wanted to thank you for kind of suggesting the book about Jenna Jameson. I bought it on Sunday and have not put it down yet. It is a good book.  

Good for Ro on her swimming!

Have a good day.


Anonymous said...

That was funny, even though Rowan wouldn't agree right now. It'll be fun to tease her a little when she's older though. And just think, Mommy is needed! That's never really a bad thing.

OK, you have enough on your menu for 5 people, I just hope you have some energy left for the wedding. (shhh: I personally like the black beaded look, so you have my vote)

Yours is one of the Best of the Boring (that guy is so sorry he said that, huh?) so feel free to bore use anytime.


Anonymous said...

Poor Rowan...bad, jk ;
That story reminded me of when my grandma use to babysit at out house, one little girl went to use the little potty. My grandma got to wondering why she hadn't come out like 10 minutes later. When she went in the bathroom, the lil girl had fell asleep on the potty...too cute.
I hope that you are able to get done all that you need to do tomorrow. I am going Target shopping too, with Josh's discount! Whooty Hooty!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm being "Boring" as the AOL Journal Editor would say... lmao.  I hope I didn't bore you to sleep or to tears :o)

He didnt tell this to you personally, did he?..Ill have to knock him out!! HAHA..LIFE IS BORING>.and thats what journals know?..SPicing it up and all that jazz is just hiding the truth to

LOL about Ro on the potty...poor thing! LOL

Have a great full weekend!!


Anonymous said...

LOL!! -But! I've got that story beat by a long shot, or should I say my mom did; eek! yuck! OMG! (Big hugs to Miss Rowan for being so brave)

My little sister, Anastasia (The sissy in London), was something like 5 before she caved in and started "wiping" herself. This particular day she was about 3yrs old. We were all at a friends house picking them up to go to the beach (pismo) Stasia had to go potty, so off she went. My mom and her Friend had 7 kids under 6 to gather up and get in the car. One guess what happened? About half way there Shell and I told my mom that Stasia wasn't in the car -we used to play that "game" a lot with my mom back then because my baby brother -1yr at the time- would always take off and hid from us. My Mom pulled over cuz she couldn't see through all the kids. Sure enough, no Stasia. Without panicking she drove like a bat-out-of-hell back to the house -it took at least 25mins. And there she was, still on the pot, twiddling her thumbs, waiting to be wiped. She didn't even know we had gone, LOL, dodotedo....

Shell and I never played the "where is so-and-so" game again; it scared us shiteless!!

GET THE NEW OUTFIT!!!  You deserve it for the 80 laps, weeeee......

Enjoy your weekend and DO only what YOU want; everything will be waiting for you so you might as well put it off, know what I mean?



J/k *wink*

Barbie @>-------

Anonymous said...

Hey Pickles Nae Nae is home!!!

I'll catch up with you soon!


Sand in my shorts Nae

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great weekend and a good time at the wedding.  Linda

Anonymous said...

ui'm here I'm here....if there's any typos it's bcause I'm on my 5th shot of black Haus, vacation ends tomorrow so I'm celrbrating one more time and a little tipsy right now!  Ill cTCH up with you soon...Ogm I'm so ripped right now I can't ztop[ laughing at my typos...hope no reads this!

~Drunk Nae

Anonymous said...

LMAO....poor Rowan.  I have done that before though.  You don't hear them yell and so they sit..hahah  

Geez, I hope you found some time to sit, relax, and read this weekend.  
