Sunday, July 17, 2005


It is totally hot here today.  I can't believe I was freaking complaining about summer not being here only a few weeks ago, because now I'm wishing it would hurry up and leave.

It is about 102 right now, and it is supposed to hit 107 before today (this evening) is over.  Can you believe that?  I don't remember it being this hot last summer, but hey, I guess its a good thing because I might have decided to uproot and move to a much cooler place...

Like Washington, right Jolene?

I've got a sick heady for the 4th day in a row.  I'm in a Bummer Mood and just really wanting to sit on the couch and read my new book...

But Zachary is cranky.  Not sure why, but he has been for a few days now.  He is not running a fever and his heart is beating just fine... So, I'm not sure what it could be.  The doctor the other day told me that there was no such thing as "teething", so I'm not going to say he is.

I think he might have a Sour Belly though.  He has spit up more than once today and it just reeks!!  I'd have to say, baby spit up is so not my choice of perfume :ox

Rowan is getting stir crazy.  Its too hot for her to go outside and play until like 815pm.  But geeze, who wants to play then?  And it is so hard to enjoy the pool when its just me at home... And when the pool is freaking 86 degrees :)  lol.  Zach hasn't really taken to being in the pool... Yet.  But I'm hoping he'll start to like it because I'm so needing to be in there!!  Shoot, I'm getting stir crazy.

Derek is working again tonight.  Mom and Dad headed off to San Fran yesterday morning and they aren't expected home until this evening... So, its just me and the kiddos tonight.

I am thinking I really need a nap.  That or a tall glass of cold milk and some cookies.  Hmmm, Yes, I be thinking that is what I need.  And I'm thinking I'll try to do both.  Both kids are napping, so I am going to endugle in my sweet tooth and then possibly take a little-nappy-nap.

Sorry to bitch and complain ya'll... But it is so gosh darned HOT and it really can make you 'short' :o)



Anonymous said...

Let's see...Zach is probably hating the heat just as much as you! And the upset stomach isn't helping...probably has a little "indigestion" added to the mix. My youngest used to have to take ZANTAC!

I'll send over a truckload of ice cubes for the pool, ok? That should bring it down a notch. Have a good snooze, and we'll see ya in the winter!  :-D


Anonymous said...

There is noone out in this heat today.  It is 89 here and the humidity is unbearable.
Enjoy that nap.  I am heading to read my new book and just stay in where it is cool.....
I bet that baby is teething~

Anonymous said...

wow I'm so jealous of you! I live in southern california, but its right on the beach so our highs are around 65 degrees.  Doesn't even feel like summer! Want to trade? =)

Anonymous said...

Daniel has been barfy too the last couple of days. I really think the heat is taking its toll on our sweet little men. Hope you get in the pool soon......I can still secretly despise you only 'cause I'm jealous because we don't have a pool.....just a teeny, tiny bit!
Until then, kepp cool girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE to ask you this . . . DO YOU HAVE YOUR AIR CONDITIONER ON WOMAN?!!!!!!!!!!  If not, that could be why poor Wacky Zacky doesn't feel well.  Babies get overheated very quickly.  I remember that smell of a sour stomach all too well.  YECH!  I remember also going out to our pool growing up and having it like bathwater.  Not that refreshing at all, except at night.  Pools are always more fun at night when you are floating on your back and you can look at the stars and the moon.  That's our fav thing to do when we are on vacation (like 2 years ago when we actually WENT on vacation!).  Hope it cools off for you soon sweety!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I hope that it starts cooling off for you soon.
The Dr. said that there wasn't anything such as teething? Whatever, lol.
Hope that Mr. Man gets to feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

102?  107?  Yeesh!  I would turn on the air and
never leave the house!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No such thing as teething??! Exsqueeze me?! That one made me double take. LOL Where did he go to medical school? Guatemala? ;-) Kidding! But seriously, he must not have any kids. Teething is real. No doubt about it.