Tuesday, July 19, 2005

~Quick Drop In and Uh Oh~

Just wanted to drop in and say Hello!  I'm so super busy today at work... Something not that new, but somehow, its overwhelming today.  I think it might have to do with me not feeling all that well. 

Uh Oh.  I think I'm getting sick.  I'm trying to fight it, but its tough.  Tough because I'm so tired and I'm trying not to burn the candle from both ends!

Its so hard not too either.  I swear, last night, I was asleep at 9pm.  I did have to wake up at 10pm (thank you alarm clock) to give Zachary his meds, but I was fast to sleep again in minutes and then up again at 3am when Derek came home.

And of course, because Derek doesn't know how to be Quiet, he woke Zach up and then I had to get up to feed him.  That boy won't quit!  I swear, he downed 6oz in a matter of minutes.  Weird thing though, is that lately, it is taking me a good few minutes to get him to burp!  Don't know why, but it is.  So, after his burp, he went back into the bassinet and squaked away until I shoved that Ruff (pacifier) back into his mouth and turned the light off all the way!

Finally, around 345am, after we (yes, the three of us- me, Ro and Derek) all got situated in bed, I was asleep... That is, until 540 when my damned alarm clock when off again!! 

lol... My poor alarm clock.  First I thank it at the beginning of this entry and then I'm hating it now...

So, I'm thinking I need some sleep!!  I only wish I could go home and climb into bed and read Harry Potter for a while.  I'm still slacking on it.  I'm only like 220pages (if that) into it.  See, I knew I should have read on Saturday night instead of watching "The Outsider" on the Hallmark Channel.  Yes, it was good... But I should have read!!  Because I'm now itching to get back to the house to read!!

Okay, I need to get back to work now.  I've got a huge stack of payables to enter!!  Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...

Ahh, I can't wait for Thursday ;)



Anonymous said...

You need to take a day off just for you.
No kids just you and your bed and book!
I feel for you, I have been in your shoes and it is so hard.
My daughter did not sleep all night long til she was 2 yrs old!
I almost wrecked one morning driving to work.  Listen to your body, you sound like you are just worn out..working full time and 2 little ones is no easy feat. try to get some rest, make hubby get up one night so you can have a break..i
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Ah babe...I hope you aren't getting sick.
That would be awful, especially with a
teeny tiny one in the house.  
Get some rest when you can!

Anonymous said...

My sleep is always interrupted so that no matter how many hours I actually sleep I still feel exhausted all day long...~hugs, Christie

Anonymous said...

Memories, memories, man you bring them back of the sleepless nights and having to work full time.  I sure don't miss it!!!  AAAAGGHHHH!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I hate when silly things like "employment" get in the way of good journaling.

I'm emailing you a couple of ounces of prevention! Feel better! Don't get sick!


Anonymous said...


Mama Lion "Knows" you're home today reading, Right?

Better Be!!! Roarrrrrr.......


I love you Kiddo! (I'm another who can never resist The Outsiders, hehe)

Barbie @>------

Anonymous said...

I hope that you were able to read some today!
And, that you aren't sick!

Anonymous said...

FIGHT IT FIGHT IT FIGHT IT...then...DENY IT DENY IT DENY IT!  I hate being sick, cuz the show must go on regardless!

Man, I miss being a kid, when you could get sick and stay in bed all day eating toast and drinking apple juice with crushed ice!


Anonymous said...

I hope you never got sick!!  I've had it for 6 freakin days now and it SUCKS!  

Zachary taking longer to burp is probably just him getting older and not needing to be burped as much.
