Tuesday, July 26, 2005

~Dodo-Head in the House~

Hi.  My Name is Dodo-Head!  I'm a complete blonde... Bottle color or not- and I forget to do things...

Yes people.  I forgot to take pictures of the 'new baby' as Lisa called her!!  And I keep forgetting to take pictures of my purple hair too!!  Yes... It is still in... Yippee!  And I love it.

Man, this morning, I was running wayyyy behind for work.  I was woken up at 430 this morning to Mr. Zachary being a complainer and wanting a bottle.  Actually, I think it was more his wet diaper than anything waking him up.  He can't stand to have a wet diaper... but I didn't hear any complaining out of him when I did give him his bottle though!  I swear, he would have eaten more than his normal 6oz though... He seemed a little ticked when it was gone.  Anywho, because I was up at that early-butt-crack of a time, I'm guessing that when my alarm went off at 540 this morning, I just turned it off.  Eeek.  Because at 6am, when Derek's alarm on his watch went off (god only knows why it is set, but thankfully it was!!) I lurched out of bed and practically ran into the shower!!

I'm usually ready to leave the house at 645 in the morning, but today, I wasn't ready until 7!!  So, needless to say, I wasn't able to snap any pictures or even think about doing it.  And on top of being rushed to get ready... I had to comfort my little Princess this morning.

I don't know what is going on, but she is having some issues lately with me leaving her.  I don't get it... She literally broke down crying this morning when I was trying to get ready for work.  Poor thing... It breaks my heart to leave her, but shoot, I gotta.  She did end up going back to sleep, at least for a little while longer this morning, so thats good.

Oh!  She had a great time at gymnastics last night.  She so needed to go and have some fun... Yes, school is fun to her, but she looks forward to gym.  She also found it very exciting to be able to sit in the back seat of "Mommy's New Car" and watch a movie!

She watched "Finding Nemo" all the way there and all the way back.  She had the headset on and she looked too cute!!  Right as she got out of gym, she tells me, "Hurry momma, I wanna go finish watching Nemo".  How cute is that??

That DVD will definetly be a good thing when we go on long trips... Like when we go to Pismo again in September!!!  Gosh, I can't wait... Only two more months :)

So, what do you guys think about my new "theme" for the journal?  Because it is so damned hot here, I kinda wanted a "cool" theme!  lol.  How about Nae's work though, isn't she great??  I don't know if I could ever be that creative!!  Don't forget to check out all her stuff at ::Made by Nae::  she'll Tag a lot of things for you too!  If you ask nicely ;o)

This evening the kiddos and I will be going to my friend Amy's house.  She is home alone, because her Parents are gone on vacation... So, I figured because she always comes to my house, that the kids and I will trek out to her house, with dinner, to spend some time with her!  Plus, Rowan just loves going out there to the country (she lives on like 5 or so acres) and seeing all the animals out there.  Right now they've got some calfs and I know Ro would love to try to touch one!  We won't stay late or anything, because Missy Moo (what I've been calling Ro lately- sorry for the confusion) has school tomorrow morning.

But at least it will get us out of the house for a while and let my parents have some "quiet time".

Has anyone finished reading "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" yet?  I'm so close to the end, like on page 480 or something like that.  I swear, I was dreaming about Magic and stuff related to the book last night.  How funny is that??

Well my friends, I'm in a total blonde-loopy mood and can't seem to concentrate on too many things at once, so I best get going.  Gotta do some work and what not.  I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!



Anonymous said...

I'm with Lisa...show us some pictures!

Hey, you'd be cranky too, if you were sitting in your poo. (or pee)  Hey that rhymed!

One of my customers threatens her daughter when she's bad, she tells her, "You won't go to Vernae's house if you keep being bad!"  The kid actually gets upset, I'm like whatever kiddo, I get upset knowing I have to be here, and you like coming here?  I guess that's a good thing, but the kid could just be down right mental...which is what I'm guessing.

No Harry Potter for me.  Maybe when he grows up a little I'll take more interest ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll forgive you for not taking pics of your new "baby" since you were running late!  LOL!  Isn't that the worst feeling in the world?!  I hate when I fall back to sleep and wake up with a start like that.  Rowan is just now realizing that she has to go to school and that she can play on your emotions by crying and carrying on about not going.  She's testing the waters so to say.  She enjoys herself once she is there, and that's the important thing.  If she were miserable all day there, then that would indicate a problem, but since she's not, just stick to your guns and keep her going to school, she will be fine eventually.  I love the look of your journal by the way!  HOORAY for NAE!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S.:  Must be so much fun to be a blonde and able to add all those pretty colors to your hair!

Anonymous said...

I love your tags and the new look of the journal..
you have such cute kids..it is fun watching them grow.
Take it easy it takes a while to get over being sick..
you try and get some rest..

Anonymous said...

Robyn<~~~~ guilty of not reading any of the harry potter books...I'll get on it right away...could use some more summer reading material, and why not see what all the hub bub is about??

Anonymous said...

I finished on Sunday!!!!!!!  I have to ask if you noticed this lil mistake that I spotted...........Actually right around where you are reading now, Slughorn is talking to Harry about something and says something about Ron, but instead of saying Ron, the book says Rupert (which is the actor's name who plays Ron in the movies)???  At first I thought it was part of the book and how Slughorn keeps getting Ron's name mixed up, but when there was no correction from Harry, I'm assuming it was a mix up on Rowling's part.  Just wondering if I was the only one to notice this.  Keeping going though, it is a very interesting ending.

Audrey :)

Anonymous said...

oh!! I want that book soo bad!
Don't tell us anything!
I want it all to be a suprise!
and don't worry
I forgot to wash the shampoo out of my hair in the shower this morning...see, it could always be worse

Anonymous said...

(((((HUGS))))) Miss Dodo Delight *wink*

I love love the lounging legs marker. -Nea, you're amazing!- add some neon pick toenail polish to those feet and that's me in about 10mins! grrrr... dang time of the crunch headaches. <cramping like  a mother over here, eegad!>

(((((HUGS))))) Miss Mo, it's going to be alright Sweet thing, Aunt Barbie Loves and loves!

Have fun tonight Jenn, Love you Girlfriend!

Barbie @>------

Anonymous said...

I hate when mornings start out like that...just makes things feel weird the whole day. I can't wait to see your purple hair!!

Anonymous said...

YIKES!  Glad Derek's watch alarm went off when it did.  I hate it when I'm rushed to get ready.  

Rowan is just probably going through a little seperation anxiety.  She'll be okay.  It does break your heart though when they make you feel like you're abandoning them.  

I love the new journal look.  You're right, Nae is AWESOME!!!
