Monday, July 25, 2005

~Monday Monday~


Goodness, I've been a naughty girl haven't I??  Not updating my Journal and what not!!

But hey, I've got some pretty good excuses on why I haven't....

See, I was sick right?  Well early Saturday morning, I woke up around 1230am to my throat just killing me.  I could hardly swallow and there was no way I sounded normal when I talked.  So, after taking a really strong IB Pro, I was able to get back to sleep... When I finally did get up on Saturday morning, I called my doctors office and was able to get in at 1020 that morning!!  Woo Hoo!  Well, when I got there, I was barely able to talk.  The doctor took one look at my throat and said, "Oh My, your throat looks Horrible!!" and she proceeded to tell me that she'd give me a shot of antibiotic and a shot of a steroid (to help the swelling go down) because I was so bad off!

Well... I got the shots... One on each side of my arse!!  Holy cow, I've never experienced a shot in the ass before!  Can you say "Ouch".  But oh my, was I feeling better later that day!  I swear, I got the shot around 11am and I was feeling 100% better -not fully recovered, but better- by 7pm!  She did also put me on the Z-pack antibiotic too... So, I'm guessing what ever I had had its butt kicked, because I can't even tell that I've been sick!

Now, if I get that sick again, you know I'll be asking for the shots in the arse again!!!


Sunday was a big day for us also!  Derek and I went and purchased a new car!  Thank gosh too, because our little PT Cruiser wasn't kicking it as a family car anymore :)

We had been talking about getting a Chevy Tahoe for a while now, and because GMC is having that Employee Discount right now, we thought it would be a good time to look into them!  Well, we did... And we purchased a 2005 Silver Chevy Tahoe!!  It is fully loaded... With a DVD player in the back for the kids and the third row optional seating in the back!  It has so many bells and whistles that I don't even know what half of them do :)  Shoot, I couldn't even figure out how to turn the a/c off in the back... It has separate controls for the second row.  So, today, after I get home from work, I'll be loading the kiddos car seats in there and figuring out some of the controls...

I'm extremely happy about it though.  We got a deal on it and we ended up trading in our old truck on top of our down payment... Goodness, if anyone is thinking about a GMC truck/car, go look into it now, because the offer ends on August 1st!

And you know, because I'm such a dodo-head, I totally forgot to get some pictures of it this morning to show you all :)  So, I will have to take some this afternoon and make sure I bring the card with me to load the pics tomorrow morning!

Oh and I'll have to show you the pictures of the cutie-patootie puppy we babysat this weekend.  No, we aren't keeping her... The vet has found a home for her... But goodness, was she a sweetheart.  Three feet and all :)  Only one BIG oopsie in the house... But other than that, she was a good girl.  Poor Miss Rowan has fallen in love with her, so I'm hoping Derek will get her out of the house quietly, so Rowan doesn't have too big of a break down :(

Well, I hate to run, because I know I probably have more to ramble on about... but I've got a stack of work built up from the days that I was home sick!!  Hope you all have a wonderful Monday...



Anonymous said...

Glad u are feelin better....can't wait to see pics of ur new SUV...i bet u are so excited...those are really nice. Have a great week...

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! I love those, can't wait to see the pics.
Glad she gave you the shots, drs here will not give shots anymore for some reason but when I was a kid they did and they do work fast.
take care~

Anonymous said...

Wow, the shots worked that quick?  Man I knew I should have married a doctor...

Chevy Tahoe, that's been my next choice in vehicles for a year now.  My Malibu isn't big enough anymore.

Now you got lots of room to be considered a party wagon!

I'll bring the boys, you bring the booze.

Anonymous said...

Will the Tahoe be yours? Did u get rid of your pt crusier?

Anonymous said...

ah! I love tahoes! good choice!
Hope you're all better soon
being sick is terrible
and so are shots inthe but, oh god!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you are feeling so much better.  Great news about the new vehicle!!  Linda

Anonymous said...

OOH, new wheels!! I am so happy for you. My mom has a Yukon (sister to the Tahoe) and it is awesome. I know you will love it.

Sorry to hear that you were sick. The shots in the ass do always hurt but at least they help!!


P.s Can't wait to see those pics!!

Anonymous said...

Now the whole family can go out for "Tacos" in style *wink*
(it's an inside joke people, hehe)

Have fun in San Fran, LOL (somebody stop me!)

Glad you're feeling better Babe. Sorry about the arse though; the things we'll do, huh?

Sending mucho taco w/ dvd love,

Barbarosa' weeee......

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better, and congratulations on the new Tahoe!  Sounds simply divine!  What color?!

Anonymous said...

dang gurl!!!!
Hope you feel better asap!
k' I'm jealoiyus that you got a new car. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I wish all doctors would give people who are sick a shot in the ass of that antibiotic so you didn't have to suffer for a few days until it kicked in!!!  I am so happy you are feeling better!  And, WOO-HOO on the new vehicle!!!!!!!!!!  You have the truck I have been dreaming of buying actually.  But, I don't ever, ever, ever want another car payment thank you very much.  I am done with them forever.  We can barely make the mortgage, nevermind pay a car payment on top of that.  Eventually I know I will have to have one again, but right now, nope, so I will keep dreaming.  Can't wait to see pics of your new "baby"!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

<--- will remember to ask for the arse shots next time shes sick!! WOO HOO Im SO glad your sicky-poo went away that fast...You're too busy to be that darn sick!! YAY!! And Im also glad to hear that you are loving the new Tahoe! Thats what hubby and I want (one knows WHEN..HA)...The third seat AND the sporiness of a SUV..LOL..(((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

You babysat a 3 legged dog???  I'm confused!

Anonymous said...

Owie on the shots!!
That sounds so painful...I remember having Demerol shots in my patootie when I was in the hospital and they weren't any fun!
I am glad that the doggie has a good home to go to and that Rowan isn't too upset.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure you are better by now!  I hope so anyway, and it's summer, too busy to write all the least I am!  Hope all is well!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS about the Tahoe!!  Sounds like you got a great deal and I am so glad you are feeling better!!  Those shots on the booty gotta hurt!  I had one there a long time ago but it musta hurt because I never forgot it.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to feeling better after the shots!  Those things can be wonderful.  

CONGRATS on the new vehicle!  Chevy Tahoe's are VERY nice!!
