Thursday, July 28, 2005


Oh goodness.  I think I've started too many entries off lately with "I'm tired" so I am not going to do it this time. 

I'm going to start off by saying, "Thank Gosh its Thursday" :o)

I need a break.  Don't know why, but I do.  I love my job, who I work for and with, but I am at a time right now that I wish I could just be at home with my babies.

Agh.  Just one of those days I guess.  I'll blame it on PMS... Right Cat?  lol

My poor Little Man didn't have a very good night last night.  He tossed and turned- well, as much as a baby can in a bassinet- pretty much all night long.  He kept pulling his legs up to his chest- a sure sign of a belly ache or gas- even while he was sleeping.  He'd whine and even let out a little cry, then proceed to fanny-burp.  Poor boy.  I was up with him at mid-night and 430am.  Both times he had a bottle and cried when they were empty.  I think he cried because it was more soothing than actually feeding an empty belly. 

I'm guessing he had a tummy ache or gas due to the amount of solid food he had yesterday.  My mom fed him lunch (applesauce and cereal) and then I gave him dinner (sweet peas and sweet potatoes that were in cereal).  I am hoping that it wasn't the sweet potatoes that upset his belly... They were new to him... But rather he had just had too much.

Hopefully he'll have a better day than his night... I don't want him driving his YaYa or his Daddy insane!

Derek is finally off today!  He was supposed to go to Dog Training this morning, but because he didn't get home until 4am, he decided against it.  I guess he held over (he usually gets off at 230am) because of some arson.  A house was hit (set on fire) twice last night!  Crazy fools...

Anywho, because he is off today, I'm going to make him come with me to Target to get some stuff- gotta love Target- and then he'll take us out to dinner!  I really want to go to Applebee's, so hopefully I'll be able to con him into going.  He wants to go somewhere else, but since we'll be in the area already for Target, I'm going to plead for Applebee's :)

I swear, I need to make Derek learn how to enjoy a few of his days off though.  He is really off Thursday-Sunday, but the dodo-head will be working Gangs Friday and Saturday night!  Ugh, guess I'll be home by myself...

Mommy and Daddy are heading out of town... Again!!  They are going to Santa Rosa (or somewhere near there) to pick up some antiques that they purchased last weekend... And Derek is working... I guess I'll have to find a good movie (or two) to watch.  That or read, read and read.

Tomorrow our new car goes into the shop to be detailed.  Thank God too because it is so dirty!!  They didn't detail it on Sunday when we bought it because there was no one there to do it... So, they better be doing a good job or I'll have to give them some lip!!

haha... I'm silly

Last night I was able to talk to my friend Barbie on the phone!  I just get a kick out of talking to her... It is really neat to actually talk to people on the phone that you talk to online.  It is uncanny how they are really like what they seem on the computer... And of course, Missy Moo just had to say Hello too!  She loves talking to Mommy's friends!

Man, I'm such a Space Cadet right now.  I swear, I just zoned off for a good minute!  Dude, why isn't my Venti Carmel Mochiato (sp?) kicking in????

Alright folks... I'm going to get a move on with my day.  I might be back later, depending if I can find anything interesting to say... If not, oooh well!!

I hope you all have a wonderful day, friends...



Anonymous said...

awww baby girl *kiss kiss*

really, its you who brings my common ground back to where it needs to be. you put new meaning to the words Friend and Friendly. Ro is my missy pants angel and i loved that little Zach got his talk on too. poor thing; i guess his taste buds are running interference. "ride a bike. ride a bike" that helps to get the fanny burps out. hehe. first time for that one -too cute!

miss you most. be good. kiss the critters, oxoxox

barbie @>------

Anonymous said...

yeah, I loved that too "fanny burp"...I am going to have my kids saying that instead of the other words they use....maybe it was the peas...or cereal....those things give big people fanny burps too...poor baby...I know he was miserable...don't they have medicine for babies's been 10 years since mine was a baby...but is there not phazyme for babies..I can't remember...oh well..check with your doctor or pharmacist...anyway...I love your journal...and your lil ones are soooo cute..thanks for allowing me to drop by sometimes..~christie

Anonymous said...

aw! I'm trying to get my sleep in now, store it all up.
I hope your son sleeps better tonight!
Your husband def. needs to enjoy his weekends, just hearing about him makes me tired
You kids have fun at Applebees (I have a feeling you'll win)

Anonymous said...

Yep.. its all PMS' fault ;)

Have a good night and hope you get to Applebee's!


Anonymous said...

I hope that you win and get to eat at Applebees!
Poor little man, I hope his tummy is all better today. My weekend starts in the morning...whoo hoo! I am ready!

Anonymous said...

Okay, are you another one of those peeps that don't say FART???  FART FART FART FART...

My in-laws say "shooting bunnies", okay I rather my kid walk around saying fart, than telling people they are shooting bunnies.

We have a 4 month old here at the daycare who not only has gas non-stop, he's a sweat'er.  Probably because he weighs 20lbs...yes 20 freakin pounds!

Hubbys off?  Mine too :)~~~~

Anonymous said...

I remember those days well!  Working full time and having a baby at home up all night.  Gosh, I don't miss them one bit!!  That's how I knew I was done with making babies, I didn't want to go through that ever again.  LOL!  Gas is awful to watch your baby suffer with.  Bethany had is so bad when she was a baby that the doc told us to lay her on her belly on our bed, and to sit on the edge and bounce the bed to help get her gas bubbles out.  It actually worked too!  LOL!  I hope you were able to go to Applebee's!  I haven't been to one in soooo long!!!  I want some too!!!!!  I think that's great that you were also able to talk to a J-land friend on the phone.  Isn't that neat to be able to find out that they are actually REAL people?!?!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hope you got your Applebees!  I love their food.  

Poor Zachary!  I hope he's feeling better by now :)
