Happy Halloween All!!!
I promise many a pictures of Miss Rowan from this evening!!! She seems very excited to go door to door (in our neighborhood) to say "Trick Or Treat"!!
I hope everyone had a safe and sane evening!
Happy Halloween All!!!
I promise many a pictures of Miss Rowan from this evening!!! She seems very excited to go door to door (in our neighborhood) to say "Trick Or Treat"!!
I hope everyone had a safe and sane evening!
Hey All. I'm back... Okay, well, kinda.
I'm pretty much back... how about that? I've made my way through all the journals and pretty much caught up. I still feel pretty darn icky... But now, it seems, is time for me to catch up my journal.
So... To catch you all up... I've been sick... LOL.
I was basically sick from Tuesday until today... And still feeling like ca-ca.
Anyway... off the sick subject.
I did go on Tuesday for my doctors appt. It seems that I have gained back 5 of the 12 lbs that I originally lost. Not too bad. Not bad at all for being 5 1/2 months preggo. By this time with Rowan, I had already gained 20lbs!! LOL.
He said that everything on my Ultra Sound looked good. They did notice that the baby's kidney was a little dialated... about 3-5mm. He said its nothing to worry about, unless it hits 10mm. And then he said, there is nothing we can do now, but tell the pedictrician after the baby is born. But he is going to schedule me for another U/S in 10 weeks... about the time I'm 30 weeks along just to check on it. But like he said, its nothing to really worry about... We can only do something after the baby is born. And truthfully, I don't know what the negative effects of the baby's kidney being dialated... Guess I'll just have to go and look that one up. But if the doctor says not to worry, then I'll pretty much trust him.
There isn't much news besides that. Both Baby and Mommy are doing okay at this point... And the belly is getting bigger and bigger every day.
Yesterday was Halloween at Rowan's gym class. All the little kiddies looked too cute in their costumes. I'll have to upload those pictures when I do the other Halloween pictures... See, I was a good mom this time and remembered to take the camera to class (thanks to my mom reminding me... lol).
Tonight is just a relaxing night. Daddy is at work and Miss Rowan is complaining that her neck is bothering her... Weird. I think she might have moved too quickly and pinched a nerve. I can't see anything on the outside that looks like it is hurt... But I'll watch her and see what happens. If she is still complaining later on, we'll see about a trip to the doctors.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to a Bridal Shower (I've had too many wedding things in the last few weeks!!!) with the girls from my office. Its pretty early too... 1130am. Which means, I have to meet them at 10am... Which means, I don't get to sleep in... Bummer. Then tomorrow evening we are going to celebrate my nieces 12th birthday with pizza and presents. FUN FUN.
Well, I'm going to go check on Miss Rowan and sit with her on the couch and watch Mickey Mouse for the Millionth time!! LOL
Have a great Friday evening... HUGS TO ALL...
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and kicking!!
My whole family has seemed to catch the cold that is going around... And I seem to have the worst of it (besides my Mom who just got it)...
I'm sorry I haven't been to too many journals... I'll make my rounds when I'm feeling better...
Brrr... Its mighty chilly outside this morning. I would say its a whole 50degrees!! Hey, thats pretty cold here in the Central Valley (CA) for October. Plus, it is raining cats and dogs outside... I would prefer it "Raining Men"... But its all about the kitties and the puppies today :)
I left a little early this morning so I didn't have to worry about the traffic. Good thing I did, because I was able to stop and get breakfast (Yippee For McDonalds!!) and was able to avoid some accidents. Plus, there is sooo much water on the road, giving myself some time was a good idea. I don't think I went any faster than 65mph while driving into work!! Thats something new with me... LOL. I did get to work a little early... 15 mins in fact... But hey, its okay, I gotta leave early too...
I do believe I will be attending my Doctors Appt by myself today though. Poor Miss Rowan is sicky... Darn Colds... So, I told the hubby to not worry about bundling her up and bringing her out. I'm a big girl... I can go to a doctors appt alone :) I just like having him there. Its a comfort thing I believe.
Speaking of colds.
I do believe my dear daughter has given hers to me. Or we caught it at the same time... And mine is just now kicking in. The sucky thing is, is that I can't really take any stinking medicine. There are a few things I could take, but most Mom's and Mom-to-Be's know that they aren't as good as the stuff we really want to be taking!!! I guess there are some things we just have to sacrafice for our children.
Like Sleep.
Our trying to get Miss Rowan into her own bed got haulted yesterday because of her being sick. There was no way that she was going to be sleeping in her bed last night. Plus, when she is sick, I rather her be close to me... Even if it means that she tosses and turns and I loose sleep. I also didn't want her getting sooo worked up that she would make her stuffy nose and what not worse... No, didn't want a child that couldn't breath on my hands. I had enough of that for the week when she had Croupe (sp?). Yucky stuff!
I thought I'd try something new today... I was over at Heather's Journal and I thought I'd jump onto the band wagon and try my hand at 20 Questions:
1. What is your favorite sports team? I would have to say, that I will be a 49ers fan until the day I die... even if they suck as bad as they do :)
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have a younger brother who attends UC Davis
3. Superman or Batman? Um, Batman... Val Kilmer and George Clooney look good in those Bat Suits... LOL
4. What is the nicest gift you've ever recieved? Oh, this is hard. I'd definetly say having children is a great gift... But if it has to be something else, I would say the bracelet that my grandfather gave me that has his Air Force Wings on it. It is a duplicate to the one he wears...
5. Brownies or Cookies? Brownies... Definetly Brownies...
6. What is your favorite old sitcom? Haha... Golden Girls... Definetly!!
7. Are there people in J-Land that you'd like to meet face to face? But of Course!
8. Have you ever been on a blind date? NO
9. Pack Rat or Neat Freak? I'm a rat... For sure...
10. Soap Operas or Talk Shows? Both...
11. How did you meet your significant other? His job or in high school.... LONG STORY!!
12. Chicken Noodle or Vegetable Soup? Chicken Noodle
13. Beach or Pool? Pool... You don't get sand in your bathing suit!
14. When someone recommends a food or beauty treatment, do you run out and try it? Food maybe... Beauty, no
15. Have you dyed your hair an unusal color? If becoming a brunette is unsual for a blonde, then yes... otherwise, no
16. What are you having or had for breakfast today? McDonalds breakfast- Sausage Biscuit, hashbrown and Large Diet Coke... bad Jennifer, bad...
17. What is the worst pick up line you have used or heard? Don't know about this one...
18. Orange or Apple Juice? Orange please...
19. Swifter or Dry Mop? Um, neither... Both leave streaks on our floors...
20. Felix or Oscar? WHO??
HUGS TO ALL... Have a great day!!
I've come across a few journals of late that are posting this site:
If you are a dog lover... Or just an animal person, this is something that will definetly touch your heart. Basically, it is about how Pit Bulls have a bad reputation... But dogs (any breed) are not born bad... They are born innocent... Their owners are the ones to make them the way they are.
Most of you know that we own 3 large breed dogs... 2 German Shepards (one of which is a Police K-9) and a Rottie. I truly trust each of these dogs with my daughter... So, Please, go check out this site... Its not for the faint of heart... If you are anything like me... It will actually make you sad, hopeful, maybe even tear up. Thanks...
I decided to put the pictures through AOL Pictures because there are so many. Thanks to my Mom for sharing some of hers... I still have a few of mine to add when I get home!! I'll be sharing those later...
I just love this picture of Rowan... it fits her personality oh too well. I thought I'd just share it with you for a laugh!!
I'm back at work this morning... Woo Hoo. I'm truly happy about it too. And thankfully, I don't have too much to catch up on and I don't have a messy desk! I hate coming back to work and not being able to find my desk. That just sucks!
I do have to work on payroll this morning... Which is going to be hard. I guess the plant had a power outtage last Tuesday, which means that the Time Clock wasn't working, and the system we use runs on electricity! So, basically, the clock shows that very few people were working on Tuesday, when in fact, most of the plant was here for the whole shift. Woo Hoo. This is going to be fun!! Now I have to have a chat with the production manager (who isn't making his way down to my office to see me!!) and see what the correct times were for about 20-25 employees!! Oh Mondays....
I'm extremely tired this morning too. And my coffee stop at Starbucks for my very expensive coffee didn't help either...
Last night was a rough night at our house. We are attempting to get Rowan to sleep in her big girl room... No more sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed. It is a sad, sad thing; because I love sleeping with her. I just can't imagine having her sleep in our bed with the Little Man comes and her being disturbed. Plus, Daddy always gets the runt-end of the co-sleeping... Kicks in the back, hands in the face, ya know?
So yesterday, I cleaned Missy Rowan's room... Spick and Span. She even took a nap in her "Big Girl Bed". I praised her so much when she did too... She seemed very happy about sleeping in there and even said she would be sleeping in her bed when asked where she'd be sleeping that night! But when it came to sleeping in her bed last night... It was a whole different story.
Rowan went to her room to watch "Wizard of Oz" just fine... half way through the movie, she decides she isn't happy and wants to come to our room. She literally turns the TV off and comes in and tries to lay down with us. Daddy tells her no... He takes her back to her bed room and turns her movie back on... And ladies and gentlemen... Let the CRYING BEGIN!!!
Rowan literally cried/whined for the next hour and a half. She did that so much, when the Daddy went in to check on her and lay down with her (to calm her), that she was horse!! It was too sad.
Well, Daddy and Rowan both fell asleep in her bed. I woke up at 1145pm to Daddy standing over me, asking why Rowan was in bed with me!! I didn't even know she came to bed... LOL. So, he took her back to bed... She cried some more... And eventually feel asleep... on her own. Unfortunetly, she was awake again at 2am. After crying for 10 mins, I went and got her. She continued to cry in our bed for about another 5 mins before she fell asleep.
But our night didn't end there... Poor Rowan had cried so much, and being out in bad weather made her very stuffy and have a runny nose and cough!! So now the poor girl is coming down with a cold. And she tossed and turned sooo much last night, that I slept like doogy-doo. Plus, with my back and hips hurting so much, I woke up feeling like a 70 year old woman!!
I will definetly be talking to my doctor about that tomorrow at our appt. I'm tired of hurting... But I know there probably isn't much I can do.
Well, I've been complaining enough now. I have to go work on Payroll... I've finally got my answers from the Production Manager! LOL. I hope all have a great Monday... HUGS TO ALL...
I seriously must have been extremely tired... Same with Missy Rowan too. We didn't roll out of bed until 10:15 this morning! Can you believe it? I guess the long day yesterday just completely wore us out!
The wedding was beautiful... Except the rain. Even if it ment good luck for the bride and groom, it did put a little bit of a damper on the day. The photographer took so long taking pictures, we didn't get to the head table until 7:30pm... The wedding started at 6pm!
After standing so long... my poor little ankles weren't little anymore!! LOL. The pleasures of being almost 5 1/2 months pregnant and standing in heels! Hehe.
The bride was beautiful... The flower girls were adorable (my daughter in particular!!)... The groom and his attendents looked dashing...
And you all are going to kick my butt because I only got a few pictures... And they were just of Miss Rowan! LOL.
See, we had to put all of our stuff back into the cars (couldn't leave it in the dressing room) and my camera was one of the things that went into the trunk! So, all I got were pics of Rowan in her dress... Oops! I know my mom and my friend did get some pictures of the ceremony... So, I'll have to bum those off of them to put up here... So, when I get those, I'll do the ones of Rowan too!
The food was great... The company was fun... We left about 930pm because Miss Thing and the hubby (who had to be up at 6am for work) were tired (oh, oh, and don't forget me!!)... I'm sure the party lasted way into the night...
But for now... I have to go clean house and make me some food! Hope all have a great rest of the weekend! HUGS TO ALL....
Hi Ho.. Hi Ho... Off to a wedding I go...
Wish Us Luck that it doesn't Pour... Hi Ho... Hi Ho Hi Ho... Hi Ho...
I'll Update tomorrow...
Have a great Saturday... Hi Ho... Hi Ho...
I'm glad that today is Friday... For many reasons...
One of them, you might think I'm crazy about... But I'm glad it is Friday because that means I'm going back to work on Monday. Hey, you can only have so much of being at home... If you aren't used to it... And I'm not. I personally like my little time away everyday.
Another reason why I'm happy is that tomorrow is my friends wedding... And after tomorrow, all the wedding brewhaha will be over with. I'm very honored to be in my friends wedding... But like I mentioned before, I wasn't even this stressed about my own! LOL. I'm also hoping Miss Rowan will do her part and take a good afternoon nap and walk down the aisle with no problems. I'm sure she will... She's done it before. She actually walked down the aisle for our wedding (yes, we married after she was born) when she was just 16 months old. It was too cute then... And I'm thinking it will be too cute tomorrow too.
Today has been a simi-quiet day. I met my sister-in-law at the mall to do a little shopping. I had promised Miss Rowan a new pair of shoes, so we went to Striderite. I ended up buying her two pairs, and I don't mind the money I spent on shoes made so well. My child has a rather large foot too... one pair of her shoes was a 9W and the other was a 91/2W. Goodness. If she is anything like me, she'll be wearing a size 10 by her Freshman year in high school! LOL.
I also picked up my friends wedding present. Haha. Always waiting until the last minute. And get this! I totally forgot a card too! Geeze... So I guess I'll be running out later today or tomorrow and picking one up! I'm such a dork!
My parents are due home from Mexico this evening. I'm hoping they get home at a decent time because Miss Rowan is missing her YaYa and Grandpa... She'd like to go see them! I know they had a blast... But I'm sure they'd like to see the Ultra Sound pics of their new Grandson too! I don't know if all that could wait until tomorrow. Haha.
I still have to go pick up my shoes. I don't have to drive all the way to the bridal shop though... Thank Goodness. I had my friend's mom pick them up while she was there! Lucky me! Miss Rowan is was and is tired... So, she is needing a nap... I didn't want to drag her all the way there too!
Well, speaking of a tired girl... Missy Thing needs a nap very badly. Plus, laying down on the couch doesn't sound too bad to this tired Mama. I promise I'll take plenty of pictures tomorrow so I can share them with you all! Until then, I hope everyone has a great weekend. HUGS TO ALL....
::Quick Side Note:: I mentioned in my previous entry about me looking/feeling fat! I know... I know... Everyone is telling me that I'm not, and that I'm pregnant... And believe me, I do know! It was just something that I was feeling at that moment. So thank you all for all your wonderful comments! I know there is a baby in there... So, again, thank you!!
So today was a very busy day... I swear, I wasn't even this tired when I was planning MY OWN wedding! LOL. I was literally out of my house this morning at 1015am, came home at 115pm, and then left again at 330pm and didn't get home until about 10 mins ago (8pm!!)... Whew, am I tired!
My head hurts... My back hurts... And now my stomach hurts (damn Mexican food)... Blah blah blah. Thats how I feel.
Tomorrow I am meeting my sister-in-law at the mall to do some shopping. Woo Hoo. Nothing for me though. I have to get a wedding present and then look at some other stuff... Baby boy stuff... hehe. Then I have to get my shoes from the bridal place, because they weren't done today when I went to pick them up! And after all that jazz, I'm going to come home and rest. Or at least try to! LOL.
Oh yes. I went and got my eyebrows waxed today. I likey! And suprisingly it didn't hurt all that bad. I think I'm going to have to go more often and have that done! I can keep them maintained with the tweezers pretty well, but to keep them shaped... I think I'll have to go back. It was only $10 to have it done... So, I be thinking I'll have it done again.
Well, because I'm so tired... My brain isn't working all that great... So, this entry is going to be short. I hope all had a great day/evening and what not. HUGS TO ALL...
My Friend who lives in Washington sent me some pictures of her preggo belly today... She is due exactly 3 days before I am. Its weird how two different woman can look so different. Mind you, she is about 6 inches shorter than me and probably weighs a whole 50 lbs lighter too! LOL. But for now, I thought I'd share a picture or two of my ever growing belly...
I think I look fat... But others say I'm pregnant... Hmm?
I took these myself in front of the mirror (sorry about the flash)... Hubby was working tonight... Enjoy! HUGS TO ALL....
Okay, so I'm almost 21 weeks along... I'm not fat right???? LOL These pictures don't do me justice! :)
In honor of my friends wedding, this entry will be done in Burgandy/Berry... What ever you wish to call it!
So, this is my second go at writing this entry today. If I can't succeed this time, I'm just going to give up!
Okay, so the wedding is in 3 days... 2 if you don't count the day of the wedding itself. It seems like the closer we get to the wedding, the more crazy it gets and the more hurdles that need to be jumped. Like my friends Cousin, who lives in Reno, and is now stuck up there because "the roads are closed"... Sucka-ah. And tomorrow is the wedding rehearsal and dinner... Grrreat.
Today I had my final dress fitting. I didn't even try the dress on at the bridal shop. I didn't have the bra's that I had ordered from Victoria's Secret... So, I just picked up the dresses (mine and Ro's) and headed home. Can you imagine that my bra's (yes, I ordered two different kinds just in case) were here on my door step when I got home? Go figure. So, I opened up the package and tried on the bra that I thought would go the best... And guess what? I did!! Woo Hoo. Now I don't have to take the dress back and have anything else changed.
But I do have to go back tomorrow and pick my shoes up... Bummer...
Speaking of tomorrow, it will be a Crazy day! I have to pick up my shoes, go buy the Princess some tights (white for tomorrow night, black for Saturday), go get my eyebrows waxed (ouchie! first time!!), and then be at the wedding place by 4pm for rehearsal. Whew. I hope I can get it all done...
Oh yeah. I still haven't picked up a wedding present yet. How horrible am I? I'm planning on doing that Friday though. Hopefully I won't be too busy! Hmm...
On to another subject...
I've been getting some comments about what we are planning on naming our Little Man. Right now, I really don't know. We are leaning towards naming him after my Hubby... But it is still up in the air. Wow, as I wrote that out, I realized that I haven't ever mentioned what my Hubby's name is in my journal. How bizarre. Okay, so there is a first for everything. If we do decided to name him after my Hubby, our Little Man's name will be Derek Matthew. I really love the name and it just feels right thinking about calling our son that too. I'm sure my Hubby would love to have his son named after him... But like I said, it is still up in the air... We still have about 17 weeks left!!
Hmm, its weird. I think the Little Man can sense when I'm talking or thinking about him. He always gives me little kicks or taps when I am... So interesting.
Well, I know its a short entry, but I don't want to loose it again... Plus, I have laundry to do (we all know how much I love to do that) and I have to clean up the kitchen because we made a big ol lunch... Yummy Tacos!
I hope all have a great evening... HUGS TO ALL....
It is really raining today. The first storm of the season came in late last night. There are even storm warnings for the Sierra's. How crazy is that. Its only mid/late October and the Sierra's are being hit hard. I guess it is only a hint of what is to come. But we sure do need it. The weather forcast is for another rainy day tomorrow, cloudy for Thursday, Friday and Saturday (wedding!!!) and then raining again for Sunday. Woo Hoo. At least there won't be any rain for Saturday... That would put a damper on the day for sure.
So, yesterday we were able to go to and have an Ultra Sound to check on our new little one. We were very pleased to find out that we will be having a little boy in a few months. It sure rounds things off nicely. Don't get me wrong, another little girl would have been wonderful too... But I've always dreamnt about having a little boy and now we're going to have one. So, there will be 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson for my husbands side of the family!! My hubby's mom and dad were very suprised to hear that they'd finally be having a little boy in the family.
Unfortunetly, I have yet to speak to my mom and dad. They are in Mexico on vacation. ::sigh:: I did email them, but I have yet to hear anything from them, and it doesn't look like they've even checked their email. I guess they are having such a blast in Mexico that they haven't been able to make it to an internet cafe. Bummer. I sure miss them and I wish I could have told them like we told everyone else, but what is a girl to do when her Mom and Dad aren't in the same country as she is?? LOL.
Miss Rowan and I have no plans today. We have already been to my parents home to check on it and their dog. He is so lonely with out them. LOL. Plus, with the rain, it really makes you not want to do anything but sit at home by a fire. Ya know?
Well, I just wanted to do a quick update. I know its not much, but it will have to do for now. Oh yes, Kesy (the dog the hubby brought home) has seemed to become very happy here. She is getting along with both dogs fine now, but doesn't seem to like to be ignored... Hmm... I guess the idea of keeping her is still up in the air... But it would sure be nice!
I hope all have a wonderful day... Hugs to all...
Ladies and Gentlemen... Today we found out the sex of our baby!
And its a......
Woo Hoo. I just wanted to let you all know. Everything is looking really great too! I know the picture isn't all that great... But if you look carefully... There are some arrows pointing to his 'man hood'... LOL.
Gotta run now though... Take Care... HUGS TO ALL....
Thanks to everyone who played "Get the Picture"... I know it is a little early, but I'm going to post who won this round....
And the winner is.... LISA from Lisa's Mommy Journal....
"Hee-hee, you think you are having pork chops tonight do ya'? Well, you see, me and the boys, we have plans!"
Thanks everyone... I sure enjoyed it... Can't wait to see what Lisa comes up with! Head on over to her journal in the next day or two to see what she comes up with!!
The other day, my Hubby told me that he had a suprise for me. I begged and pleaded for a hint or clue... And with nothing, I was told to wait until Friday afternoon and then I would find out.
So, being the "Great" housewife that I am, I cleaned house all day yesterday (if you all recall, I hate it!)... Patiently waiting for my special suprise.
Well, on his way home from SWAT Training, the hubby told me to come outside when he pulled in the driveway. Okay, so now he has me... What is this crazy man bringing home??
I stationed Miss Rowan by the front window to let me know when Daddy gets home while I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner... Alas, my great 'alarm' (otherwise known as Rowan) tells me that Daddy is home.
So, we go out the garage and meet him. Mind you, he is in his patrol car, that is ment to have a dog in the back, and I see this movement. He has brought a doggie home with him!! Can ya believe it???
Please meet Kesy:
She is just too adorable. This picture isn't all that great... So, let me tell you about her. She is about 1 1/2 years old and straight from Germany! She is almost completely black and very tiny... Kesy almost has a wolf like apperance. She was being trained as a dope dog, but it seems that she doesn't have the hunt drive that they need and is being 'washed' from the program.
So, the hubby decided that he would bring her home, give her a 2-3 week chance here, to see if she could become a Pet. In this 2-3 week time period, we have to make sure that she gets along with our other dogs. Right now, she seems to have a problem with our Rottie, Lola. Not too sure why, but we think it has to do with the fact that Lola is very rough and likes to play hard (something she does with Tango, the hubby's work dog)... And Kesy isn't used to it.
Over the next few weeks, we will have a lot of work ahead of us. I've decided that tomorrow, the hubby and I (of course with Rowan) will take both dogs (Lola and Kesy) out for a walk, together. Let them learn to be around each other and learn that they must get along. In the end, if we can make this dog our 'pet', we'll purchase her... But until then, it is only a trial period... Which is hard, because I can get attached by just petting the dog... And she is so sweet and gentle... :)
Well, I have nothing more to update about now. I just wanted to share this new addition with you all... I'll definetly keep you updated! And wish us luck...
Hugs to all...
Thankfully, I'm not a Stay At Home Mother... I'd make a rather horrible housewife/SAHM. Really, I would.
I hate laundry. Its not the whole putting the clothes in the washer and dryer stuff that I hate; I hate, I hate, I hate folding and hanging up the laundry. I swear, I rather clean toliets and tubs than fold laundry. In fact, when the hubby and I have whole house cleaning days, you can find me cleaning the toliets, sinks and tubs and find him with all the laundry.
Not only do I hate to fold it, I hate to put it away... Man, am I awful or what? I swear, one of these days, I'm going to go into all of our dresser drawers and take everything we never wear anymore (I had T-Shirts from Highschool still that I don't wear, him too) and throw it all away to make putting the laundry away easier!
So, can anyone guess what I've been doing on my first day of vacation?? ::ding ding ding:: If you have answered Laundry, you win the prize... (Now get over here and help me)... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I've been doing loads of laundry since 830am until now... I can't believe that 3 people make so much laundry appear. It is kinda weird. And its not like I put it off until the end of the week to do it... I do about 3-5 loads a week... And then on Friday and my weekends I do about another 10!!! What the heeze?
So my day today has been about doing the loads and actually folding them... Yes, thats right, I'm folding the laundry. Muahhahaha. But get this, the only laundry that I'm willing to put away is the towels. I'm waiting for Hubby to get home from SWAT training to help me do the rest... Muahhahaha. Am I a horrible wife or what??? Hehee.
Okay, so not only can I not do laundry, I can't seem to get the Princess (not sure if this is the right word to describe her today) to take her nap! We have been up since 730 this morning (yeah, no sleeping in...waaa) and she has yet to have a nap at 250pm!! I know she is tired, because she is acting like a brat. It isn't like I haven't tried to put her down either... I've even sat with her to try to get her to go down. I've played movies, put her in her bed (something she hates!), sat with her on the couch, gave her a bath, fed her, gave her milk, and still no nap. I'm almost ready to say screw it because if it gets any later, she'll sleep right through dinner and won't go to sleep tonight. Augh. One more thing to put on the "Mommy Can't Do List"... ::sigh::
Man, am I complaining today or what?? Geeze. Not what I'm wanting to do. I just wanna lay on the couch and eat Sour Cream and Cheddar Chips dipped in Sour Cream... (doesn't that sound healthy??) But the house work will not get done if I do that... And I'm sure I'll be gaining weight in no time with that too! Haha.
I know what I am going to do tomorrow though. I'm going to take me a little trip to the mall, by myself (thanks to the hubby being home)... I'm going to buy me some new maternity jeans and a special bra from Victoria's Secret (if I can find it) and enjoy some alone time... Then I'm going to go home and hang out with my family until it is time for the hubby to go do his Special Gang Detail garbage... Blah! So much for having a night at home together...
Not complaining here though... His check this week was VERY nice... lol
Oh yes, I know I've mentioned that we go on Monday for our Ultra Sound. We are supposed to find out what it is... But the hubby has this plan that he wants to keep the sex of the baby a secret from our Family until Thanksgiving. So, if we do find out what it is on Monday, I'm not going to be able to post it, because I have family and friends who read my blog. So, if anyone is interested, just email me and I'll let you know, because I know there is no way it will get back to my family like that ;)
Oh and another reminder... Don't forget to play "Get the Picture". I'm already getting some really funny captions for the pic and I'm going to pick Sunday... So, you still have some play time left.
Alright. I've gotta go start another load of wonderful laundry. I do hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Hugs to All. TTFN
So, I've won Get the Picture over at Heather's journal, This~n~That... So, now it is my turn....
In honor of my favorite animal... Something that I've personally raised before... I submit this picture for Get The Picture...
You all know how to play... I'll pick the winner Sunday afternoon!!! Good Luck
I can't wait to see what you all say about this one... LOL
So, yesterday, I went to the dress shop to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress... Just let me tell you, it was a horrible experience! Horrible!! The way the dress is cut in the back, it comes really low to the side. So, there is no possible way to wear a regular bra or even a strapless one. I have to go to Macy's or Victoria's Secret to find one of those special bras that come down to your lower back. That will be a fun adventure. Then, there is a train on the dress... But its not in the middle of the back like you would think... Its on the side that is cut lower... So it makes me look HUGE when I'm not!!! Ugh... Luckily I will only be wearing the dress for a little while that night and never again!! Its a really beautiful color and a beautiful dress... But it doesn't look beautiful on me. Its a bummer deal.
Countdown to wedding: 9 days!
I'll stop complaining about the dress, because I'm truly honored to be in her wedding....
I also went yesterday to do my Triple Screen test. I was really suprised that they only took one vile of blood... Thank Gosh. Because when they do more, I usually start to feel light headed. The guy was really nice though and talked to me about other stuff while he took the blood. That kept my mind off that stupid needle :)
I'm so excited. This morning was the last morning for a few days that I don't have to get up at 550am! I'll be able to sleep in, even if it is only to 830 or 9am! Woo Hoo. I'm so excited, I can't hide it... I know, I'm a dork! LOL.
My journal colors are getting on my nerves... I can't seem to get into the purple, even though I like the purple. I think I'm going to take away the background and just leave it white... Because I like to use different colored font besides black. Oh, I'm so undecided! Haha.
Well... I can't think of anything much else... I don't won't to bore anyone, so, I'm going to go and actually do some work today. LOL. Have a great Thursday all!
Today is Wednesday and I couldn't be happier. Wednesday means that I have only one day of work left before my weekend is here... But this Wednesday also brings with it the smell of vacation. Thats right... I'm going to be on vacation from Oct 18th-24th! Woo Hoo.
I figured since I needed to take my week vacation and that my friends wedding is coming up, why not take the week of the wedding off to help with anything... If need be. So, after Thursday, I will have 10 glorious days off to spend with my Missy Rowan and the hubby (when he isn't working... very few days, I might add). I want to take Rowan to the movies and maybe to the mall and do some shopping. Just do some girl things... You can never start to early with the girl things ;)
Oh yes, if I offended anyone by mentioning the whole belly thing yesterday, I'm sorry. I was just in a cranky mood... And having someone I don't know (I really don't mind family and friends) just reach out and touch my belly, it kinda irked me. I had that happen so many times while I was pregnant with Rowan working at the grocery store, that it kinda has become a thing with me. Too many strangers touching my belly kinda got on my last nerve. Thank goodness that I don't work in a busy people place like that this time around. Anywho... I didn't mean to make anyone upset :)
Okay dokie. Enough belly talk...
Tonight I'm going to satisfy another craving of mine... Hehe. This dinner has been on my mind for the last week and I just went to the grocery store last night... So, tonight I will be having macaroni and cheese with hotdogs. Yes, all of it will be in the same yummy bowl (hotdogs are cut up and mixed with the mac & cheese). Muahhahaha... So good... Even my Missy Rowan likes it! Hehe. What have I done to my child? LOL
Only 5 more days until we go for our Ultra Sound. The hubby and I are getting very excited. I just hope that the baby decides to show us what 'it' is... I'm feeling the baby so much more now too. The movements are getting stronger and stronger... And my belly is getting bigger and bigger... haha. Miss Rowan likes to put her head on my belly and 'feel and hear' the baby. I'm not sure if she can feel it (I can feel it with my hand)... But she sure tries to act like she does. It is too cute! I can't wait!
Today I go and get fitted for my tent-of-a-dress! I'm seriously thinking of throwing an emotional fit and making them know I don't want to pay for the alterations... I already have paid close to $200 for the dress and now I have to shell out $90 for shoes (YES! I said SHOES!!) and ontop of that, I'll have to pay for the dress to be made to fit me. UGH. I'm honored to be in the wedding and all... But its hard to shell out money... Especially if you have a hard time finding it (Has anyone found a money tree yet?). Oh well...
Well, I'm going to go now. I'm leaving work early today so I can go get my blood test done... Which means I should try to get some work done! Have a great "HUMP DAY" all... TTFN
Okay All. I was just placing my Christmas order with Nadine and her Company N2Glass and I just wanted to let you all know that her DEADLINE to order anything you'd possibly want (be them mirrors or votives) for Christmas Gifts must be done by NOVEMBER 1st!!
So, get over to Nadine's little spot and order yourself some beautiful, beautiful things for your friends and family for Christmas!
I'd tell you what I ordered, but it could definetly ruin the suprise for some of my friends... But I can tell you this... I can't wait to see it! The next order that I place with her is definetly going to be for myself!
Now... RUN! Don't Walk! Over to Nadine's and see what she can offer you!
::Stepping Onto Soap Box::
I'm really suprised that people still come up to pregnant woman and actually reach out and touch their belly's with out asking...
Really people... If you want to touch it... Just ask. Don't reach out and touch. That isn't your stomach. It is someone elses.
I know some women don't have a problem with it... But I do. And I've already had too many people (besides family and friends, whom I don't mind touching) reach out and touch my ever-growing belly. Ugh.
Okay, I'm doing ranting and raving.... If I've offended anyone, sorry.
::Stepping Off the Soap Box::
Hope all have a great day!
Fall is here ladies and gentlemen... I believe it is here to stay too! WOO HOO. The last few mornings, when I'm heading to work, it is around 50 degrees and there is actually frost on some cars and even some fog in the fields! How exciting. I can't wait for Winter to actually get here... We need the rain and I love it too (driving in it sucks, but oh well). Only a few more weeks and then it will really be Fall.
Countdown to Halloween: 19 days... I can't wait to see Miss Rowan dressed up as JoJo (from the Disney Channels JoJo's Circus). This Halloween is going to be great because she understands the whole knocking on the door, saying Trick-or-Treat, getting candy deal. It is too cute! I just wish Halloween wasn't on a Sunday... But at least it is getting darker earlier now. That way we don't have to go out as late.
Did anyone watch Oprah yesterday?? Oh my goodness. It was seriously one of the best ones she has done lately. She went to Fort Campbell, KY (home to the 101st Airborne) and threw a baby shower for the 640 (yes, that is 640!!) pregnant women there!! These women are either in the military themselves (or had been) or their husbands are in now. Most of them are very pregnant and one lady actually gave birth while Oprah was there taping. It was such a great show and they gave away such great gifts (hint, go check them out!!). It was very touching too... Cindy Crawford was there... Kenney Chesney sang "There Goes My Life" (I LOVE that song) and Martina McBride sang her new song, I can't remember what it is called, but it has to do with having a daughter... It is very lovely. All the women in the audience were balling ;) But I'm sure I would have been too if I was experiencing all they were at that moment. Great job Oprah!!
I'm supposed to go and do a blood test this week... It is the Triple Screen test and you are supposed have it done by your 20th week... Well, that is next week sometime. I really don't want to go and have blood taken, but I guess it is something I should do. The test tells your chances of having a child with Downs and other defects. They told me it was my choice, since I had one done with Rowan, but I figure I should get it done, just in case to prepare us, if something could be wrong (God willing it won't be). So, that will be either today or tomorrow.... Yippee!
Speaking of tomorrow... I have to go and get fitted for my brides maid dress. It is HUGE! I had to pay extra for the size (something I wouldn't have needed in the first place) and now I'm going to have to pay to have it altered! What crap is that! I think I'm going to throw a fit and basically tell them you made me order this size, something that doesn't even fit me when I'm almost 5 months preggo, so I'm not going to pay for the alterations. I swear, that is where they get you... They make you order it big, just so they can charge you to have it taken in... Well, I'm not playing their game ;) I'll throw a psycho pregnant lady fit... LOL.
Countdown to wedding: 11 days!! Aaaahhh....
Well, I have to go and spend some company money now! How exciting... Some of it will actually go to me too... Via Paycheck! Alright!!! I hope all have a great Tuesday! TTFN
The weekend is finally over... Thank Goodness.
So let me update you on the weekend. Lets begin with Saturday, shall we?
Saturday was the bachelorette party... A very uneventful one, at that. We were supposed to have a stripper, right? Well, that didn't happen. The stripper was supposed to be at my house at 7pm. So, 710 rolled around, 730, then 745 and then finally 810 came and we decided to call the 'company' that was supposed to provide the stripper. Yeah, well, basically, the girl on the phone was a totally "witch" (please replace the W with a B and that will make more sense). Great customer service huh? So, in the end, we had no stripper... But all was good because it saved me $100 and just allowed us to have some girl time. Which can be as good as anything.
Speaking of Customer Service... I stopped by Starbucks on Saturday, because I was suffering from a terribly bad caffine headache... Well, do you remember when I said their prices were going up? Well, they did. What I wanted was $3.30 according to the sign. But when I got up to the window, the girl requested $3.45. I told her, that the sign said only $3.30 and she responds with, "Well, mine says $3.45... That will be $3.45 thank you." OMG!! Mind you, I worked in retail at a grocery store... If we had something priced wrong or an add that said it was a certain price, we HAD to give it to the customer for that price!!! I was totally floored when the girl expected me to pay my $3.45. In the end, I did pay it... But I made sure that the girl knew she was completely rude and that I didn't appreciate her customer service... Ugh.
(BTW... Gas Prices are up again... Anywhere from $2.19-$2.31!!!)
Sunday was a really nice day. The weather was great and we spent the day as a family. The hubby, Rowan, my mom, dad and I all went up to Davis to visit my brother and his girlfriend to watch the 49ers play. It was nice to do something different and actually go there instead of my brother always having to drive down here to us. Oh yes, BTW, the 49ers won in overtime... WOO HOO. I'll be a 49er fan until the day I die... No matter how much they stink ;)
We had some really great yummys... My hubby, the great chef, made his famous Fried Rice (which includes linguica, bacon, ham, eggs and shrimp) and an artichoke dip. My mom and brother BBQ'd hamburgers and my mom made homemade Potato Salad. Unfortunetly, I was unable to eat the hamburger... Just something about it was making me sick... I guess it is one of those food adversions that people talk about. Bummer.
Oh. I gave in, ya'll. I finally sent my hubby on a "Craving Run"... Because I hadn't eaten much during the day, I was straving when 730pm rolled around. I desparetly wanted Jack in the Box tacos too... So, I broke down and asked the hubby to run and get me some... What a great hubby his is too! Thanks Babe!!
Well, I suppose I've rambled enough now. And because it is Monday, I have plenty to do... I hope all had a great weekend! TTFN
First of all. Anyone want to tell me why you have to be so darn emotional when you are expecting? It isn't fun at all...
Anywho. Tonight is the bachelorette party. Woo Hoo. I'm throwing another stinking party. Haha. Nah, it will turn out okay this time. All I really have to worry about is if the stripper shows up and if the margaritas have enough tequilla in them... Lol. I don't have to worry about the weather (which by the way is low 70's with a nice brisk breeze) and I don't have to worry about any shallow women making any nasty comments about me...
Those nasty comments will more than likely come on the night of the rehearsal or the wedding itself.
Anyways. Yesterday was a very nice day. My mom, Rowan and I went shopping at the mall and then it was off to get our hair done. I picked up a cute new outfit courtesy Motherhood, made a stop at Victoria's Secret and Spencers. If you don't know what Spencers is, it is a novelty shop... Can you guess why I was there?? Yes, that is right class... Jennifer had to pick up some naughty gifts for the bride-to-be. Nothing too bad though folks... Gotta keep it rated NC-17. LOL.
Then it was off to the hair dressers... Rowan needed her hair cut badly before the wedding. Unfortunetly, I think her bangs are a little uneven... She moved a little bit too much. Now, I'm going to have to try my hand at trimming them up. That will be scary. I'll have to see what other people say, maybe because I'm "mom" they look a little off... Just wish me luck if I do have to trim them.
I got my hair fixed. Thank gosh. Its now a nice rich brown with some gold flexs in it... No red... Now chance of any purple showing up. Woo Hoo. I told her I'd be calling her if anything weird popped out of my head... Color wise. I don't want to look crazy for my friends wedding :) Countdown to wedding: 14 days!!!
Well, I've gotta try to get the kiddo down for a nap. Don't want her to be too CRAZY for her grandpa when he is watching her this evening (hubby is working). Then I'll be heading off to the grocery store and getting my fixings for this evening. I hope all have a great weekend. I'll update you on how the party went tomorrow or Monday. TTFN
Woo Hoo. It is my Friday... And believe me, I'm so glad. I've been so tired this week, all I want to do is go to bed and stay there.
Of course I can't... But a pregnant woman can always dream, right? I swear, last night when I got home from work, I changed my clothes and crashed right on the couch. I couldn't move... My hip has been killing me... And it felt so nice to just lay there on the couch ;) I watched "Nip/Tuck" that I had DVR'd on Tuesday night and just relaxed.
Miss Rowan and I had yummy spagehtti with meat sauce last night and were in bed (watching TV) at 745pm. I swear, I turned my TV off at 9pm and we were out around 930pm. Wow. I guess I needed some sleep.
I hope my energy level is better today. The Princess has gymnastics this evening. I hope I can keep up... I think I might be getting sick too... Yucky! But I can't be getting sick. I have a two year old to take care of and a party to throw this Saturday!
Can anyone tell me how money dissappears so quickly? Really... I'd like to know. Ugh... I can't wait for Tuesday and Friday of next week (mine and hubbys paydays)... I'm too young for the stress that money brings on you. Down with bills! And down with the stupid gas prices!!! I filled up this morning, got 11 gallons for $25... Geeze louise!
Oh, today is going to be another grumbly day, I can just see it now. Watch out world... Jennifer is in a bad mood... It can't be good! I swear, if I could, I'd pack up my stuff and head home, climb in bed, and not come out until next month.... But then where would that leave me?
So, I know it isn't that long of an entry... But if I keep going, I'll have no more readers in the end... I'll bore you all to death with my grumpiness! :) Hope all have a fabulous Thursday. HUGS...
So, can anyone tell me what is going on with the prices of EVERYTHING going up lately?? What is going on here?
First, gas prices have gone up... AGAIN. I swear, yesterday morning, I drove by AM/PM and the unleaded was $2.10... This morning it was $2.15!! What the heezy? Every morning, while I drive to work I listen to this talk radio show and the lead lady said something that made me really think, she was being funny, but I swear, it could happen. Her comment had been something to the fact that the gas prices had gone up since the storms in Florida... And that she thinks that there is a room somewhere filled with men who think of any reason to raise the prices of gas! I was laughing so hard when I heard this, but hey, it could happen...
Then yesterday, as I was getting my Starbucks coffee, I found out that their prices are raising $.10 today. What the heck? I'm not a big regular coffee drinker, but I like the cheesy, foo-foo type... Like the Carmel Mochiato's (sp?)... So now, instead of paying $3.20 for a Grande, we'll be paying $3.30 or something like that! Goodness... I don't know if I'm going to be able to have my 'coffee'... Too expensive! Haha.
Anyway, I'm going to stop complaining now...
Yesterday, I was having a problem deciding what I was going to make for dinner... Well, I finally figured it out. I decided to make encilladas. So, I made Chicken ones with flour tortillas and green sauce and then cheese ones with corn tortillas and red sauce. Unfortunetly, my stupid corn tortillas decided that each and everyone of them were going to rip... And I don't like frying them before... So, instead of rolled up encilladas, I made an encillada pie. Haha. It was a layer of tortillas, then cheese, then tortillas and so on. It turned out very good too. Wasn't very pretty, but it was good. I also made beans (from the can...lol) with cheese and then had tomatos and sour cream for the sides... Yummy, I can't wait for lunch!
Did anyone watch "One Tree Hill" last night? Whew. My friend and I were on the edge of our seats, waiting to find out who was in the bedroom when Nathan went in there! Geeze, it was a good episode... Lol. I'm socheesy :)
Oh, it is getting chilly here! Yippee. I can't wait for winter to come. Poor Miss Rowan doesn't have any clothes from last winter that fit her... She grew so much in height that all of her old pants are too short! I swear, they are high-waters on her. So, she is making it by right now in the chilly mornings with PJ pants, 2 pairs of sweats, 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of overalls. I figured she needed more, so yesterday I headed over to OldNavy.com and got her some more clothes... They have the cutest stuff! In a few days she'll have 2 new pairs of jeans, a new pair of overalls and 2 pairs of cute sweat outfits. Ah, she'll look too cute! I also bought some shirts for the hubby and some shirts for me! I won't buy anymore of their maternity pants, they fit funny... So it was just shirts.
My mom and I are going to go to Motherhood on Friday before our hair appt and look for some jeans and maybe a dress (for the rehearsal dinner)... I need some clothes... My belly is getting big and wearing regular jeans isn't working.
Oh, my friends mom won't allow to help pay for the rehearsal dinner... Oh well, I tried. I guess I'm going to have to get a great wedding present now instead :) Countdown to wedding... 17 days...
Speaking of countdowns... only 80 days until Christmas!!! Woo Hoo.
Well, I gotta go now... Hope all have a nice "Hump Day" as Lisa would say... TTFN
So, I'm trying something new in my journal. I thought I'd do a little sprucing up and add some color to my journal. I hope it is easy to read and what not... Let me know what you all think...
I'm so frustrated this morning. My friends mom (of the one getting married on Oct 23rd) told me today that she is now having to pay for the rehearsal dinner, instead of my friends fiance's mother. I guess this lady can't handle her money and now is having to back out of another thing for her son's wedding. And now, my poor friend and her mom are having to pay for another thing... And the rehearsal dinner is kinda expensive. Mind you, this lady is one of the lady's that was rude to me at the Bridal Shower that I threw. Ugh, very frustrating.
I wish there was something I could do. I'm thinking I might help pay for the dinner and just do that as their wedding gift. It sounds kinda cheesy, but at least there will be a little pressure taken off my friend and her mom. I've gotta look into and see if they will be willing to let me, but it is something that I want to do.
Anywho. Enough wedding drama.
We had a quiet night last night. The hubby was working and all I did was fold laundry and do loads of laundry. Miss Rowan was in a very good mood yesterday, just because she had a three hour nap in the afternoon!!! We enjoyed a very simple dinner... Clam Chowder soup with crackers and then had some yummy ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery. Oh so good... Coffee ice cream with peanut butter cups... Woo Hoo. So Yummy! And watched my shows on The WB. See, I'm so boring!
Tonight my friend Amy is supposed to come over and watch "Gilmore Girls" and "One Tree Hill" with us... Yes, more WB shows! But hey, it is a good excuse to get together and have some girl time. I don't know what we'll be having for dinner... I'm craving something, but can't put my finger on it. I guess I'll have to go to the grocery store and look around. Hmm... Any suggestions?
Oh, did I mention that this weekend is going to be the bachelorette party?? Oh yeah... Stripper and all!! Its going to be pizza and maragritas (none for me, thanks) and a stripper... Sounds like a pretty good evening huh? Yeah, it does to me too! I guess I'm going to have to go some party store and get some crazy gag gift... Don't know what yet, but it has got to be funny!
Well, I think I've done enough gibber-gabbing for now. I do have some work to do and what not... Let me know what you think about the changes and colors okay? TTFN
Halloween is right around the corner, ya'll. I saw that Sammie of Movin' On had taken this quiz, "What Halloween Figure Are You?", so, I thought I'd try it out. Now it is your turn... Let me know!
Wow. This weekend was great. It went by quickly, but it sure was a good time.
Saturday we went to the A's vs Angels game in Oakland. We were originally going to take BART (kinda like a train) from Dublin to Oakland... But because I was such an airhead when we dropped Rowan off at her Aunt's house, I forgot to leave the carseat!... So, we had to drive all the way from my parents house back to her house, about a 10 minute drive, then head on our way to Oakland! Luckily, that little detour didn't do much damage. We got to the game 25 minutes before it started and got to our seats in time for the first pitch.
It was kinda a bummer deal though... They lost by 1 run in the 9th inning. It was a lot of fun though. I haven't been to a game since the late 80's early 90's!! It is definetly something that we will have to do again!
Miss Rowan had a great time at her Aunt's/Cousin's. They even took her to see the new movie "Shark Tales"... But she feel asleep right in the begining and slept all the way through the movie! Poor Baby. I guess she was expecting "Spiderman" and was dissapointed! At least they didn't have to pay for her to get in!
Sunday we celebrated my Hubby's 24th birthday! I had been so busy that I didn't get to purchase him his presents until yesterday! LOL. I went to a new store, Beverages and More, and purchased him some new beer glasses (pilsners). I got him 6 total... 2 Guiness, 2 Tecate, and 2 Dos XX's, and a 6 pack of Guiness beer. Then I went to Target and got him a Gift Card, enough for him to get another video game that he wants. Such a boy. He seemed to enjoy his day. And he had a cute cute cake! I was originally going to get him a football shaped cake (because that was the theme), but I ended up getting a cake with a football set, including a football field and mini-players! I'll have to post a picture when my home computer is up and running!
We had sooo much food though. We had hot wings, spinach dip, articoke dip on french bread, a HUGE bean dip, meatballs, stuffed shells and two large pizzas. Yeah, we had too much food. Can you guess what I'll be having for lunch today??? Haha.
What a weekend... whew. Happy Birthday Honey!
Well, since it is Monday, I suppose I should start payroll and get the rest of my work done. I hope all had a great weekend and it passes over into your week! TTFN
I'm just checking in. Our computer at home has been having problems with AOL so, I'm having to go through AOL.com to read all my mail and I guess, as of now, completing a journal entry.
Today has been a great day. I didn't get to sleep in as I usually like to do on my Friday mornings, but all is good, because I did get an afternoon nap with Rowan...awww...
The hubby had a dog demo this morning at a local school, so he was up early and out of the house by 745am. Miss Rowan decided to get up at 830am. We watched her shows (Disney Channel stuff) and then got ready to go to an early lunch with the hubby/daddy.
Before our lunch, we decided to go to Costco and get The Princess her bike (Christmas gift). Luckily we did go today. There was only one pallet of bikes left (a whole 10-15 of them) and none of them were put together. That was okay though, she didn't really notice what we put in the cart, because she didn't catch the side of the box with the bike on it. We just told her the box was for her cousin and she totally ignored it. Haha. We then grabbed her a Disney Princess helmet and knee/elbow pads and bike bell. Again, this was for her 'cousin'. She did walk away from Costco with something she could actually play with. A large plush 'Spidyman'... Too cute.
We actually made it out of Costco under $200!! WOO HOO. And with 3 Christmas gifts (2 for Ro, 1 for my niece) and some groceries. Good deal if you ask me.
Then it was off to lunch. We went to the local Mexican resturant that the hubby adores. Of course Miss Rowan didn't want to eat her lunch, but she did want to eat all of the chips and my lunch instead. Oh well. I guess when she wants to eat, she'll tell someone.
When we got home, it was time for a nap... Woo Hoo. I just gotta get a nap in when I can. I'm so worn out lately... I can't seem to catch up on my sleep. I've been having a lot of pain in my hips and lower back lately (according to my doctor, I might have a pinched nerve) and sleeping is something that is being effected by it. I toss and turn and can't stay on one side for very long. Bummer deal.
Well, we just got home from dinner... We went to the local pizza joint with a friend and her fiance. I just had salad, and again, Rowan didn't want to eat. I'm waiting for her to ask for a PB&J sandwich. It will happen in about 20 minutes I'm guessing.
We are off to an Oakland A's game tomorrow. My mom and dad are treating the hubby and me to a game. Rowan will be at her Aunties with her cousins. Luckily, the game is at 1pm instead of the original 615pm that it had been scheduled at. She'll still be there for most of the day (1030am-7pm)... I just hope it turns out okay in the end. You never know with a an almost 3 year old. I guess they are going to see that new movie "Shark Tales". She'll enjoy that.
Okay, I'm off to do laundry. Gotta make sure the hubby and I have clothes for tomorrow. It is supposed to be about 70 degrees with the Bay Area cloud cover... Nice...
TTFN and hope all have a great weekend!