Monday, October 25, 2004


  I just love this picture of Rowan... it fits her personality oh too well.  I thought I'd just share it with you for a laugh!!

I'm back at work this morning... Woo Hoo.  I'm truly happy about it too.  And thankfully, I don't have too much to catch up on and I don't have a messy desk!  I hate coming back to work and not being able to find my desk.  That just sucks!

I do have to work on payroll this morning... Which is going to be hard.  I guess the plant had a power outtage last Tuesday, which means that the Time Clock wasn't working, and the system we use runs on electricity!  So, basically, the clock shows that very few people were working on Tuesday, when in fact, most of the plant was here for the whole shift.  Woo Hoo.  This is going to be fun!!  Now I have to have a chat with the production manager (who isn't making his way down to my office to see me!!) and see what the correct times were for about 20-25 employees!!  Oh Mondays....

I'm extremely tired this morning too.  And my coffee stop at Starbucks for my very expensive coffee didn't help either...

Last night was a rough night at our house.  We are attempting to get Rowan to sleep in her big girl room... No more sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed.  It is a sad, sad thing; because I love sleeping with her.  I just can't imagine having her sleep in our bed with the Little Man comes and her being disturbed.  Plus, Daddy always gets the runt-end of the co-sleeping... Kicks in the back, hands in the face, ya know? 

So yesterday, I cleaned Missy Rowan's room... Spick and Span.  She even took a nap in her "Big Girl Bed".  I praised her so much when she did too... She seemed very happy about sleeping in there and even said she would be sleeping in her bed when asked where she'd be sleeping that night!  But when it came to sleeping in her bed last night... It was a whole different story.

Rowan went to her room to watch "Wizard of Oz" just fine... half way through the movie, she decides she isn't happy and wants to come to our room.  She literally turns the TV off and comes in and tries to lay down with us.  Daddy tells her no... He takes her back to her bed room and turns her movie back on... And ladies and gentlemen... Let the CRYING BEGIN!!!

Rowan literally cried/whined for the next hour and a half.  She did that so much, when the Daddy went in to check on her and lay down with her (to calm her), that she was horse!!  It was too sad.

Well, Daddy and Rowan both fell asleep in her bed.  I woke up at 1145pm to Daddy standing over me, asking why Rowan was in bed with me!!  I didn't even know she came to bed... LOL.  So, he took her back to bed... She cried some more... And eventually feel asleep... on her own.  Unfortunetly, she was awake again at 2am.  After crying for 10 mins, I went and got her.  She continued to cry in our bed for about another 5 mins before she fell asleep.

But our night didn't end there... Poor Rowan had cried so much, and being out in bad weather made her very stuffy and have a runny nose and cough!!  So now the poor girl is coming down with a cold.  And she tossed and turned sooo much last night, that I slept like doogy-doo.  Plus, with my back and hips hurting so much, I woke up feeling like a 70 year old woman!!

I will definetly be talking to my doctor about that tomorrow at our appt.  I'm tired of hurting... But I know there probably isn't much I can do.

Well, I've been complaining enough now.  I have to go work on Payroll... I've finally got my answers from the Production Manager!  LOL.  I hope all have a great Monday... HUGS TO ALL...



Anonymous said...

It will get better with the sleeping thing. I am sorry that your hips and legs are hurting so much.


Anonymous said...

awww, hope the sleeping situation gets better soon! That's an adorable photo of Rowan! too cute!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of going to a chiropractor?  Just wondering because I had pain in my back when I was pregnant with Matthew and someone suggested it.  I went thinking that they could do nothing for a pregnant woman, but I was wrong!!  I only went 3 times and I was absolutely FINE after those three adjustments and have never needed to go back since.  Just a thought to help with your hips and back.  About the sleeping thing, I wouldn't know how hard it is, because I never put them in their own bed until they were ready.  But, I do understand what you are thinking with the new baby coming and all.  Just keep up with it, and hopefully it will get better soon, but then again, I have no clue if it will!  Sorry, can't be much help!
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S. LOVE the pic of Miss Rowan!!!