Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Oh Man...

So, I'm trying something new in my journal.  I thought I'd do a little sprucing up and add some color to my journal.  I hope it is easy to read and what not... Let me know what you all think...

I'm so frustrated this morning.  My friends mom (of the one getting married on Oct 23rd) told me today that she is now having to pay for the rehearsal dinner, instead of my friends fiance's mother.  I guess this lady can't handle her money and now is having to back out of another thing for her son's wedding.  And now, my poor friend and her mom are having to pay for another thing... And the rehearsal dinner is kinda expensive.  Mind you, this lady is one of the lady's that was rude to me at the Bridal Shower that I threw.  Ugh, very frustrating.

I wish there was something I could do.  I'm thinking I might help pay for the dinner and just do that as their wedding gift.  It sounds kinda cheesy, but at least there will be a little pressure taken off my friend and her mom.  I've gotta look into and see if they will be willing to let me, but it is something that I want to do.

Anywho.  Enough wedding drama.

We had a quiet night last night.  The hubby was working and all I did was fold laundry and do loads of laundry.  Miss Rowan was in a very good mood yesterday, just because she had a three hour nap in the afternoon!!!  We enjoyed a very simple dinner... Clam Chowder soup with crackers and then had some yummy ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery.  Oh so good... Coffee ice cream with peanut butter cups... Woo Hoo.  So Yummy!  And watched my shows on The WB.  See, I'm so boring!

Tonight my friend Amy is supposed to come over and watch "Gilmore Girls" and "One Tree Hill" with us... Yes, more WB shows!  But hey, it is a good excuse to get together and have some girl time.  I don't know what we'll be having for dinner... I'm craving something, but can't put my finger on it.  I guess I'll have to go to the grocery store and look around.  Hmm... Any suggestions?

Oh, did I mention that this weekend is going to be the bachelorette party??  Oh yeah... Stripper and all!!  Its going to be pizza and maragritas (none for me, thanks) and a stripper... Sounds like a pretty good evening huh?  Yeah, it does to me too!  I guess I'm going to have to go some party store and get some crazy gag gift... Don't know what yet, but it has got to be funny!

Well, I think I've done enough gibber-gabbing for now.  I do have some work to do and what not... Let me know what you think about the changes and colors okay?  TTFN




Anonymous said...

I like the colors!

The wedding drama is so sad. The finace's mother sounds like something.


Anonymous said...

Love the colors!!!  That bachelorette party sounds FUN!!  I went to see male strippers once and that was enough for me!  After getting pulled out onto the dancefloor and having the male stripper dance just for me, that was enough, never again thank you very much!  I mean, sure, they are gorgeous to look at, but no touchy please!  Hee-hee!  I don't think your idea of paying for the rehearsal dinner as their wedding gift is a bad idea at all by the way.  I think it's very thoughtful.
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I love the new look! A STRIPPER!?!?!  sounds like good times to me!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the new look, yes, and very easy on the eyes too.  Good color choices you made.  Stripper and margarhitas?! Oh yes! wish i was there!  You'll have to let us know how it was okay?!