Monday, October 4, 2004

A Halloween Quiz

Halloween is right around the corner, ya'll.  I saw that Sammie of Movin' On had taken this quiz, "What Halloween Figure Are You?", so, I thought I'd try it out.  Now it is  your turn...  Let me know!



Hello, my happy friend. You have high spirits and know how to have a good time. When your friends go out, most likely they invite you almost all the time. You most likely will enjoy your Halloween. Good for you. Keep up the experiment. You probably light people's dark days with your smiles and laughter. Although you're good, doesn't mean you're an angel. You can tend to have a scary and/or other type of side to you. As long as you have fun, do your scares this Halloween. Have a safe and happy one, Joyous Pumpkin.


Anonymous said...


I tried the quiz ... but my server at work is really slow, so it's not coming up :-( Thanks for dropping by my journal!! I will add yours to my favorites!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am supposedly a "Ghost":'re an interesting character. You're one of those types who can really 'be seen through.' People will automatically know what you're trying to say and/or what you're feeling. The funny thing about you is that you like to scare others sometimes. You may tend to surprise them with an act or phrase. You could be considered weird, yet fun. You are also clever and perceptive =) Happy Halloween, See-Through One.  

Not so sure about this one, but hey, maybe it was one of my answers to those very odd questions!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I was the witch!