Friday, October 29, 2004

I'm Back... Kinda

Hey All.  I'm back... Okay, well, kinda. 

I'm pretty much back... how about that?  I've made my way through all the journals and pretty much caught up.  I still feel pretty darn icky... But now, it seems, is time for me to catch up my journal.

So... To catch you all up... I've been sick... LOL.

I was basically sick from Tuesday until today... And still feeling like ca-ca.

Anyway... off the sick subject.

I did go on Tuesday for my doctors appt.  It seems that I have gained back 5 of the 12 lbs that I originally lost.  Not too bad.  Not bad at all for being 5 1/2 months preggo.  By this time with Rowan, I had already gained 20lbs!!  LOL.

He said that everything on my Ultra Sound looked good.  They did notice that the baby's kidney was a little dialated... about 3-5mm.  He said its nothing to worry about, unless it hits 10mm.  And then he said, there is nothing we can do now, but tell the pedictrician after the baby is born.  But he is going to schedule me for another U/S in 10 weeks... about the time I'm 30 weeks along just to check on it.  But like he said, its nothing to really worry about... We can only do something after the baby is born.  And truthfully, I don't know what the negative effects of the baby's kidney being dialated... Guess I'll just have to go and look that one up.  But if the doctor says not to worry, then I'll pretty much trust him.

There isn't much news besides that.  Both Baby and Mommy are doing okay at this point... And the belly is getting bigger and bigger every day.

Yesterday was Halloween at Rowan's gym class.  All the little kiddies looked too cute in their costumes.  I'll have to upload those pictures when I do the other Halloween pictures... See, I was a good mom this time and remembered to take the camera to class (thanks to my mom reminding me... lol).

Tonight is just a relaxing night.  Daddy is at work and Miss Rowan is complaining that her neck is bothering her... Weird.  I think she might have moved too quickly and pinched a nerve.  I can't see anything on the outside that looks like it is hurt... But I'll watch her and see what happens.  If she is still complaining later on, we'll see about a trip to the doctors.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to a Bridal Shower (I've had too many wedding things in the last few weeks!!!) with the girls from my office.  Its pretty early too... 1130am.  Which means, I have to meet them at 10am... Which means, I don't get to sleep in... Bummer.  Then tomorrow evening we are going to celebrate my nieces 12th birthday with pizza and presents.  FUN FUN.

Well, I'm going to go check on Miss Rowan and sit with her on the couch and watch Mickey Mouse for the Millionth time!!  LOL

Have a great Friday evening... HUGS TO ALL...




Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are feeling better, I was sick today and still feel strange....oh well.  Yes, you have been involved in alot of wedding activities lately!


Anonymous said...

You get absolutely no rest woman!!!!  You know as a Mom already that now is the time you should be resting, because you won't be getting sleep for the next 2 years!  Busy, busy, busy!  I love how you used the word "ca-ca" by the way because that's what I would always say to the kids when they were little and pick something up off the floor or something "No, that's ca-ca, yuck!" and one lady actually said to me "Oh, are you Polish?".  I was like "Ummm,  hello, look at me, of course I am." and she smiled and said "ca-ca" is a Polish word her grandmother used.  Still don't know if that's true or not.  Personally I think it's a universal word for something gross.  LOL!  I am sure that everything will be fine with the baby.  They just talk out loud at this point and really don't have any solid evidence of a problem.  You just keep gaining that weight and everything will be peachy keen (Grease reference.  Get it?).  Hope Rowan feels better and you too!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

YOu sound so very busy! I hope you get some rest in between all that you and Rowan do!  Good thing that you gained some weight back.  Hope all is well with you and baby to be!
