Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Rainy Day Tuesday...

It is really raining today.  The first storm of the season came in late last night.  There are even storm warnings for the Sierra's.  How crazy is that.  Its only mid/late October and the Sierra's are being hit hard.  I guess it is only a hint of what is to come.  But we sure do need it.  The weather forcast is for another rainy day tomorrow, cloudy for Thursday, Friday and Saturday (wedding!!!) and then raining again for Sunday.  Woo Hoo.  At least there won't be any rain for Saturday... That would put a damper on the day for sure.

So, yesterday we were able to go to and have an Ultra Sound to check on our new little one.  We were very pleased to find out that we will be having a little boy in a few months.  It sure rounds things off nicely.  Don't get me wrong, another little girl would have been wonderful too... But I've always dreamnt about having a little boy and now we're going to have one.  So, there will be 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson for my husbands side of the family!!  My hubby's mom and dad were very suprised to hear that they'd finally be having a little boy in the family. 

Unfortunetly, I have yet to speak to my mom and dad.  They are in Mexico on vacation.  ::sigh::  I did email them, but I have yet to hear anything from them, and it doesn't look like they've even checked their email.  I guess they are having such a blast in Mexico that they haven't been able to make it to an internet cafe.  Bummer.  I sure miss them and I wish I could have told them like we told everyone else, but what is a girl to do when her Mom and Dad aren't in the same country as she is??  LOL.

Miss Rowan and I have no plans today.  We have already been to my parents home to check on it and their dog.  He is so lonely with out them.  LOL.  Plus, with the rain, it really makes you not want to do anything but sit at home by a fire.  Ya know?

Well, I just wanted to do a quick update.  I know its not much, but it will have to do for now.  Oh yes, Kesy (the dog the hubby brought home) has seemed to become very happy here.  She is getting along with both dogs fine now, but doesn't seem to like to be ignored... Hmm... I guess the idea of keeping her is still up in the air... But it would sure be nice!

I hope all have a wonderful day... Hugs to all...


Anonymous said...

How I love California, and they say it never rains, HA!!  I was in Victorville in December 02 just before Sam was conceived, VERY weird to hear christmas songs and be driving in the desert to Las Vegas.....  but SO nice, days are longer there and it was sixty five instead of five degrees.  *sigh, wish I was you!  CONGRATS on the baby boy, you will love it!  HUGS

Anonymous said...

It's cloudy and yucky here too! I have a feeling we're in for a really bad winter! Hope all is sunny and bright for the wedding saturday. I bet you parents are going to be thrilled about baby boy! HAve you thought about any names yet? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I still can't get over the fact that you are having a little pickle!!!  Hee-hee, I LOVE it!!!!  Having a boy is so special and you think you will never love like you do a daughter, but let me tell you something, there is this special thing that a mother and son have and it's hard to explain.  You will find out soon enough though.  :)  It's raining here too, has been for 2 days!  A cold rain, so that's no fun at all.  I hope to be like your parents one day, out enjoying Mexico while my children are back here wondering why we haven't written back yet!  Oh, I WISH!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

A boy!  How exciting!  Thanks for sharing the news with us!
We are having some nasty weather here! I went out and photographed it, my Little One almost did a  Mary Poppins with her umbrella, it was so windy!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that everything is going your way!


Anonymous said...

I've always heard that rain on your wedding day was good luck... : )

A BIG Congrats on having a baby boy....  
                                                .........How wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Its real rainy here too, def fall weather!!!!
Congrats on the baby!!  what are you naming him?
