Thursday, October 28, 2004

I'm Still Alive....

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and kicking!!

My whole family has seemed to catch the cold that is going around... And I seem to have the worst of it (besides my Mom who just got it)...

I'm sorry I haven't been to too many journals... I'll make my rounds when I'm feeling better...



Anonymous said...

hope u feel better soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh my... I hope you feel better, honey!  AND SOON!

Want me to come over and kick the person's butt who got you sick?  ;o)

Sorry I haven't been around too much lately!  Just think... I'm working on YOUR ORDER!!!  :o)

We'll catch up soon, I'm sure...

GET WELL....... NOW!!!  :o)

Anonymous said...

Pregnant AND Sick!  Uggghh, not a good combination!  Sending healing energy your entire families way to feel better SOON!!!!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

okay babe, i'm sorry you got bit by the bug and if anyone needed my bestest remedy it's you. why, you ask?.....because i don't believe in meds!! so, here you go it's the best and all of you can do it. it works in 3 days tops:

1)1/2 gal. of OJ a day (i know it sounds like a lot but when you are sick it's better than water. kids, do as much as they can handle)

2)spicy chicken soup 3x daily (i use tapatio but tabasco will do the job)

3)hot lemonade (for adults add a little vodka *wink*)

4)rootbeer/gingerale sooths the tummy

last but not least, green/mint tea.

((((Get Well Soon)))) much love, barbie~