Thursday, October 14, 2004


So, yesterday, I went to the dress shop to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress... Just let me tell you, it was a horrible experience!  Horrible!!  The way the dress is cut in the back, it comes really low to the side.  So, there is no possible way to wear a regular bra or even a strapless one.  I have to go to Macy's or Victoria's Secret to find one of those special bras that come down to your lower back. That will be a fun adventure.  Then, there is a train on the dress... But its not in the middle of the back like you would think... Its on the side that is cut lower... So it makes me look HUGE when I'm not!!!  Ugh... Luckily I will only be wearing the dress for a little while that night and never again!!  Its a really beautiful color and a beautiful dress... But it doesn't look beautiful on me.  Its a bummer deal.

Countdown to wedding: 9 days!

I'll stop complaining about the dress, because I'm truly honored to be in her wedding....

I also went yesterday to do my Triple Screen test.  I was really suprised that they only took one vile of blood... Thank Gosh.  Because when they do more, I usually start to feel light headed.  The guy was really nice though and talked to me about other stuff while he took the blood.  That kept my mind off that stupid needle :)

I'm so excited.  This morning was the last morning for a few days that I don't have to get up at 550am!  I'll be able to sleep in, even if it is only to 830 or 9am!  Woo Hoo.  I'm so excited, I can't hide it... I know, I'm a dork!  LOL.

My journal colors are getting on my nerves... I can't seem to get into the purple, even though I like the purple.  I think I'm going to take away the background and just leave it white... Because I like to use different colored font besides black.  Oh, I'm so undecided!  Haha.

Well... I can't think of anything much else... I don't won't to bore anyone, so, I'm going to go and actually do some work today.  LOL.  Have a great Thursday all!







Anonymous said...

dont you just love horrible bridesmaid dresses?
i have trouble getting into the purple in my journal too, there just isnt a good selection of choices of shades, like there are purple. I changed my back ground back last night too.


Anonymous said...

Hey there chic ;) First off you are NOT A dork! Getting up at 9am instead of 5 am is a true blessing! lol.

Aren't those bridemaid dresses truely unbearable! I hope all works out for the wedding! Nine days and you won't ever have to worry about that dress again,lol. I wish the newlyweds many blessings!!

U have a great thursday too! (and weekend)

Anonymous said...

I can never decide on the colors in my journal either, when I try to change it, I usually end up going back to the color I had to start with!  And, you aren't a dork happy to be getting up at 8:30 instead of 5:30!  That is just bliss!!!!  Uggghh on the gown!  I remember when my bestfriend got married one month AFTER the birth of my son!  That wasn't a pretty sight that's for sure!!
Hugs and love, Lisa