Thursday, October 21, 2004

What A Day... What A Day!

::Quick Side Note::  I mentioned in my previous entry about me looking/feeling fat!  I know... I know... Everyone is telling me that I'm not, and that I'm pregnant... And believe me, I do know!  It was just something that I was feeling at that moment.  So thank you all for all your wonderful comments!  I know there is a baby in there... So, again, thank you!!

So today was a very busy day... I swear, I wasn't even this tired when I was planning MY OWN wedding!  LOL.  I was literally out of my house this morning at 1015am, came home at 115pm, and then left again at 330pm and didn't get home until about 10 mins ago (8pm!!)... Whew, am I tired!

My head hurts... My back hurts... And now my stomach hurts (damn Mexican food)... Blah blah blah.  Thats how I feel.

Tomorrow I am meeting my sister-in-law at the mall to do some shopping.  Woo Hoo.  Nothing for me though.  I have to get a wedding present and then look at some other stuff... Baby boy stuff... hehe.  Then I have to get my shoes from the bridal place, because they weren't done today when I went to pick them up!  And after all that jazz, I'm going to come home and rest.  Or at least try to!  LOL.

Oh yes.  I went and got my eyebrows waxed today.  I likey!  And suprisingly it didn't hurt all that bad.  I think I'm going to have to go more often and have that done!  I can keep them maintained with the tweezers pretty well, but to keep them shaped... I think I'll have to go back.  It was only $10 to have it done... So, I be thinking I'll have it done again.

Well, because I'm so tired... My brain isn't working all that great... So, this entry is going to be short.  I hope all had a great day/evening and what not.  HUGS TO ALL...




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love getting my eyebrows waxed!  And, after you have them waxed for awhile, the eyebrows will never grow back in like they used to and just require you to do a little maintenance here and there.  You are one busy chick and I hope you do get some rest before the wedding!  I expect to see pictures after all this preparation woman, so be prepared to get lots of them, including some of you!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa