Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Oh Wonderful Wednesday....

Today is Wednesday and I couldn't be happier.  Wednesday means that I have only one day of work left before my weekend is here... But this Wednesday also brings with it the smell of vacation.  Thats right... I'm going to be on vacation from Oct 18th-24th!  Woo Hoo.

I figured since I needed to take my week vacation and that my friends wedding is coming up, why not take the week of the wedding off to help with anything... If need be.  So, after Thursday, I will have 10 glorious days off to spend with my Missy Rowan and the hubby (when he isn't working... very few days, I might add).  I want to take Rowan to the movies and maybe to the mall and do some shopping.  Just do some girl things... You can never start to early with the girl things ;)

Oh yes, if I offended anyone by mentioning the whole belly thing yesterday, I'm sorry.  I was just in a cranky mood... And having someone I don't know (I really don't mind family and friends) just reach out and touch my belly, it kinda irked me.  I had that happen so many times while I was pregnant with Rowan working at the grocery store, that it kinda has become a thing with me.  Too many strangers touching my belly kinda got on my last nerve.  Thank goodness that I don't work in a busy people place like that this time around.  Anywho... I didn't mean to make anyone upset :)

Okay dokie.  Enough belly talk...

Tonight I'm going to satisfy another craving of mine... Hehe.  This dinner has been on my mind for the last week and I just went to the grocery store last night... So, tonight I will be having macaroni and cheese with hotdogs.  Yes, all of it will be in the same yummy bowl (hotdogs are cut up and mixed with the mac & cheese). Muahhahaha... So good... Even my Missy Rowan likes it!  Hehe.  What have I done to my child?  LOL

Only 5 more days until we go for our Ultra Sound.  The hubby and I are getting very excited.  I just hope that the baby decides to show us what 'it' is... I'm feeling the baby so much more now too.  The movements are getting stronger and stronger... And my belly is getting bigger and bigger... haha.  Miss Rowan likes to put her head on my belly and 'feel and hear' the baby.  I'm not sure if she can feel it (I can feel it with my hand)... But she sure tries to act like she does.  It is too cute!  I can't wait!

Today I go and get fitted for my tent-of-a-dress!  I'm seriously thinking of throwing an emotional fit and making them know I don't want to pay for the alterations... I already have paid close to $200 for the dress and now I have to shell out $90 for shoes (YES! I said SHOES!!) and ontop of that, I'll have to pay for the dress to be made to fit me.  UGH.  I'm honored to be in the wedding and all... But its hard to shell out money... Especially if you have a hard time finding it (Has anyone found a money tree yet?).  Oh well...

Well, I'm going to go now.  I'm leaving work early today so I can go get my blood test done... Which means I should try to get some work done!  Have a great "HUMP DAY" all...  TTFN




Anonymous said...

I make that, too or add tuna to it instead of hot dogs (when you're not pregnant, mercury and all). I even add peas.  Hope you have a great rest of the week... lol. And just remember the blood test is more for your baby, that helped me get through those tests.  Take care.


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to my vacation so I know how you feel! I have never had mac and cheese w/ hot dogs like that !?!?!   Ohhhh!!! I hope baby decides to come out of hiding too!!!


Anonymous said...

Love it!  A vacation right in the middle of October!  That is so neat!  All the stress of getting ready for this wedding and it isn't even yours!!!  Lordy!  And, don't worry, you didn't offend with the "belly talk", I just wanted to let you know where I stood!  LOL!
Hgus and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Vacations ROCK!!  

Oh, and on the belly thing, I like my personal space and don't like that either.  I think Slo's idea is a great

Well, just worked the night shift and about to pass out, I'm hungry but nothing good to eat.  That mac n cheese with hotdogs sounds pretty good right about now....  : )

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to hear what the sex of your baby is! My doc told me that right before I come in for the ultrasound to eat some protein and have some sugar (like a soda) That way, the baby will be wiggling around! And yes, hotdogs and mac & cheese sound soo good. We must have similar taste buds! Take care...Brit

Anonymous said...

OOh a vacation. That sounds nice!!

That's a shame you have to pay for alterations. That just doesn't seem fair. For $200 and that you are pregnant, that should be included. Don't even get me started on $90 for shoes...I probably haven't spent that much on ALL the shoes that I own. Shoes, I might add, I can wear everyday....


Have a good one!
