Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Chilly Willy!

Fall is here ladies and gentlemen... I believe it is here to stay too!  WOO HOO.  The last few mornings, when I'm heading to work, it is around 50 degrees and there is actually frost on some cars and even some fog in the fields!  How exciting.  I can't wait for Winter to actually get here... We need the rain and I love it too (driving in it sucks, but oh well).  Only a few more weeks and then it will really be Fall.

Countdown to Halloween: 19 days... I can't wait to see Miss Rowan dressed up as JoJo (from the Disney Channels JoJo's Circus).  This Halloween is going to be great because she understands the whole knocking on the door, saying Trick-or-Treat, getting candy deal.  It is too cute!  I just wish Halloween wasn't on a Sunday... But at least it is getting darker earlier now.  That way we don't have to go out as late.

Did anyone watch Oprah yesterday??  Oh my goodness.  It was seriously one of the best ones she has done lately.  She went to Fort Campbell, KY (home to the 101st Airborne) and threw a baby shower for the 640 (yes, that is 640!!) pregnant women there!! These women are either in the military themselves (or had been) or their husbands are in now.  Most of them are very pregnant and one lady actually gave birth while Oprah was there taping.  It was such a great show and they gave away such great gifts (hint, go check them out!!).  It was very touching too...  Cindy Crawford was there... Kenney Chesney sang "There Goes My Life" (I LOVE that song) and Martina McBride sang her new song, I can't remember what it is called, but it has to do with having a daughter... It is very lovely.  All the women in the audience were balling ;)  But I'm sure I would have been too if I was experiencing all they were at that moment.  Great job Oprah!!

I'm supposed to go and do a blood test this week... It is the Triple Screen test and you are supposed have it done by your 20th week... Well, that is next week sometime.  I really don't want to go and have blood taken, but I guess it is something I should do.  The test tells your chances of having a child with Downs and other defects.  They told me it was my choice, since I had one done with Rowan, but I figure I should get it done, just in case to prepare us, if something could be wrong (God willing it won't be).  So, that will be either today or tomorrow.... Yippee!

Speaking of tomorrow... I have to go and get fitted for my brides maid dress.  It is HUGE!  I had to pay extra for the size (something I wouldn't have needed in the first place) and now I'm going to have to pay to have it altered!  What crap is that!  I think I'm going to throw a fit and basically tell them you made me order this size, something that doesn't even fit me when I'm almost 5 months preggo, so I'm not going to pay for the alterations.  I swear, that is where they get you... They make you order it big, just so they can charge you to have it taken in... Well, I'm not playing their game ;)  I'll throw a psycho pregnant lady fit... LOL.

Countdown to wedding: 11 days!!  Aaaahhh....

Well, I have to go and spend some company money now!  How exciting... Some of it will actually go to me too... Via Paycheck!  Alright!!!  I hope all have a great Tuesday!  TTFN





Anonymous said...

I wish I could have seen Oprah...that sounds really cool. Ft Campbell is where Jeremie is going to be when I get to see him. That sucks about the dress....ugh...its always something with money huh?


Anonymous said...

I did see some of that Oprah and got to see her go down the walll, that was hysterical!  Better her than me!  I think that Martina song is "Through my Daughter's Eyes" or something like that, it is beautiful though.  Now why didn't Oprah throw me a baby shower??!  No fair, I had 3 children and only 1 shower!  WAAAH!  It was funny to me when you said you couldn't wait until winter because of the rain.  I had to read it twice!  Then I remembered where you lived!  And, that is totally NO FAIR about the bridesmaid dress and them charging you more for a bigger size!  I would make a big stink and throw your hormonal self into a fit and scare the heck out of them!  They may give you a full refund then!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa