Saturday, October 16, 2004

A New Addition!

The other day, my Hubby told me that he had a suprise for me.  I begged and pleaded for a hint or clue... And with nothing, I was told to wait until Friday afternoon and then I would find out.

So, being the "Great" housewife that I am, I cleaned house all day yesterday (if you all recall, I hate it!)... Patiently waiting for my special suprise.

Well, on his way home from SWAT Training, the hubby told me to come outside when he pulled in the driveway.  Okay, so now he has me... What is this crazy man bringing home??

I stationed Miss Rowan by the front window to let me know when Daddy gets home while I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner... Alas, my great 'alarm' (otherwise known as Rowan) tells me that Daddy is home.

So, we go out the garage and meet him.  Mind you, he is in his patrol car, that is ment to have a dog in the back, and I see this movement.  He has brought a doggie home with him!!  Can ya believe it???

Please meet Kesy:


She is just too adorable.  This picture isn't all that great... So, let me tell you about her.  She is about 1 1/2 years old and straight from Germany!  She is almost completely black and very tiny... Kesy almost has a wolf like apperance.  She was being trained as a dope dog, but it seems that she doesn't have the hunt drive that they need and is being 'washed' from the program.

So, the hubby decided that he would bring her home, give her a 2-3 week chance here, to see if she could become a Pet.  In this 2-3 week time period, we have to make sure that she gets along with our other dogs.  Right now, she seems to have a problem with our Rottie, Lola.  Not too sure why, but we think it has to do with the fact that Lola is very rough and likes to play hard (something she does with Tango, the hubby's work dog)... And Kesy isn't used to it.

Over the next few weeks, we will have a lot of work ahead of us.  I've decided that tomorrow, the hubby and I (of course with Rowan) will take both dogs (Lola and Kesy) out for a walk, together.  Let them learn to be around each other and learn that they must get along.  In the end, if we can make this dog our 'pet', we'll purchase her... But until then, it is only a trial period... Which is hard, because I can get attached by just petting the dog... And she is so sweet and gentle... :)

Well, I have nothing more to update about now.  I just wanted to share this new addition with you all... I'll definetly keep you updated!  And wish us luck...

Hugs to all...




Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

She is cute! I hope the dogs can learn to get along.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your new addition to the family!  I hope she ends up getting along with your other dog!  She is a cutie!!!
Hugs and love, Lisa
P.S.:  What a wonderful surprise from hubby!!!!!  :)

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwww, How wonderful!  How cute!  Let us know how it goes, and post more photos, must have more photos!  LOL  too cute!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new addition! What a cutie! Here's hoping she'll get along with Lola and Tango;-)!!  